Why you should upgrade your shop front signs before summer arrives

We may only just have got Easter out the way, but the pleasant spring weather has probably made many people turn their thoughts towards summer. Long, lazy evenings with a cold glass of wine, barbecuing and dining al fresco, picnics in the park, days hot enough for ice cream at the seaside – not things the Great British summer treats us to every year, but who doesn’t live in hope? It’s also an important time of year for businesses up and down the country, and getting prepared for the summer rush should begin with upgrading the external signage on your premises.

Summer is the busiest time of year in all sorts of industries. People who have been putting off that loft conversion are frantically searching for a builder, and those with broken guttering might finally hire a handyman. Those looking to tone up ahead of a holiday might be in search of a gym or personal trainer, and those holidaying in the UK will be keeping an eye out for good places to eat out or enjoy a spot of retail therapy. Summer really is the time of year when people begin to stir and start to get things done after the lethargy of winter.

If you own or manage a company, making sure you’re the one to attract those suddenly busy people is crucial. One of the most effective, fail-safe ways of doing that is through upgrading your signage and making it more eye-catching and appealing, ensuring you stand out from the competition when those potential customers start to get round to their to-do lists and good intentions. There’s no point leaving it until the summer is underway, though, because by then it may well be too late. The perfect time to upgrade your shop signs and vehicle liveries is now.

Capturing the summer rush

Summer inevitably brings more people outdoors to enjoy the better weather, drawing them onto the High Street and into town and city centers. With more people out and about, there are more sets of eyes on your shop or restaurant front, more sets of eyes on your branded vehicles and more people taking an interest in the products you sell or the services you provide.

Signage is usually the first thing people notice about a shop or other business premises, so if your shop signs aren’t looking their best, you risk losing potential new customers. If you’re lucky enough to live by the coast or in a scenic city, town or village, summer tourist numbers may be boosting footfall in the area, introducing a whole new market that you have a chance to capture. Missing out because your signage is not bold enough to grab their attention would be a costly mistake, so having new shop signs in place ahead of the rush suddenly takes on a new importance.

It’s also worth remembering that investing in vehicle wraps or van signwriting ahead of the summer months could also help you market your business to potential customers. Research has shown that vehicles decked out with custom car wraps or unique vehicle vinyl are seen by between 2,000 and 9,000 people an hour on average. With more people out and about, you’re looking at numbers towards the higher end of that spectrum, and that’s not an opportunity you want to miss!

Why signage matters when summer arrives

Signage matters all year round, of course, but it’s over the summer months when it becomes really key to marketing your brand. With more people keen to hit the shops, dine out or go for a leisurely drink after work, you may find competition between shops, restaurants and bars really hots up along with the weather. Ensuring you stay one step ahead of the competition isn’t down to luck, but to investment, to make sure you look that bit more attractive, distinctive and original. By choosing to install new, bespoke signage which really announces your presence to the world, you stand a better chance of stealing those customers from your High Street rivals.

It’s been a tough couple of years for businesses, with the economy still only slowly picking up after the financial crash. Let’s face it, the last few summers have been pretty terrible too, in many ways, with none of the heatwaves, hosepipe bans and barbecues of previous years. However dire things might seem, it’s still no excuse not to approach this summer feeling positive and full of good intentions. While new, high-quality signage might seem like an expense you could do without in straitened times, it is, nevertheless, a vital investment which will more than pay for itself.

Your signage is your calling card to the world, and acts as round-the-clock advertising for your business, whatever sector you’re in. Professional sign companies begin to see trade pick up around this time of year, so if you’re looking to invest in new signage in order to attract the summer crowds, don’t leave it until the last minute. Get in ahead of the rush and upgrade your shop signs before summer arrives, or you may be too late.

Sunny days ahead

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’re already working hard to get businesses across London and the South-East prepared for the sizzling summer we’re all hoping for. Of course, we can still fit in your signage project before the glorious weather arrives!

Even if the weather does disappoint, there will be sunnier days ahead business-wise, when you outshine the competition. So if you’re looking to upgrade with new, top-quality bespoke shop signs, simply get in touch with The Sussex Sign Company’s team of professional designers today.