What makes a great sign?

Signage is one thing no business can afford to get wrong. Because the signs on the front of your premises are always visible and always advertising you to the world, ensuring they stand out, look attractive and are memorable to potential customers is absolutely vital when it comes to winning that much-needed footfall on the High Street.

Poorly designed and badly installed signs not only make your business look like an eyesore in the local area, they may very well put customers off altogether. When the front of your premises look unappealing and unloved, it suggests that everything else you have to offer will also be disappointing to customers. That means that keeping the façade of your establishment in top condition is key. So what makes a great sign, and how can you ensure your signs are working hard for you?

Bold design

When it comes to sign design, there’s no point in doing things by halves. Employing a professional sign designer with the relevant experience and knowledge can make all the difference if you want to get the best signs for your business. While it might seem like an expense you could do without, professional design teams are highly skilled and know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Even if you can clearly picture what you want in your mind’s eye, a professional designer might just come up with some creative alternatives or valuable additions which you perhaps hadn’t thought of.

A bold sign is one which makes the best use of colour, imagery and font. Too bland in its colour scheme and your signs are easily overlooked, too loud and you run the risk of them perhaps seeming garish and tacky. The colours you and your designer choose will probably tie in with the branding your business already uses, so if you have a particular colour scheme you use elsewhere, then incorporating this is a good way of promoting your brand identity more forcefully.

The same goes for imagery, and working your logo into pride of place in your sign is key. You may also have a specific font which is associated with your company’s brand image, which needs to form part of a bold signage solution. A good designer will know how to strike a balance with all these elements, creating a sign design which is striking, clean, legible and uncluttered.

A branding opportunity

You should treat the installation of new signs as a way to build your brand identity. Whether you own or manage a shop, restaurant, café, bar, gym or any other establishment, you’ll have worked hard to shape an image which reflects what you do and the pride you take in doing it. If you’re installing new signage and feel your old branding is looking a little lacklustre, this can be a great chance to modernise or update your brand identity.

Great signs are able to convey a message and tell a story, about you, your business and your work. We all make instant judgements about what we’re looking at within a fraction of a second, so the amount of time your sign has to make an impact on potential customers is minimal, and you only get one shot at that first impression. What elevates a good sign to a great one is the ability to convey in that split second everything they need to know about you. Well-designed, well-maintained and memorable, a great sign gives them the whole picture in an instant.

Internal signs

It’s not just the outside of your premises which needs great signs, but the inside can benefit too. Wayfinding signs, promotional graphics and other internal signs all need to be designed with the same principles in mind, ensuring they tie in with your branding and are clear and easily understood.

While the external signs might be the stars of the show, those indoors need to work just as hard and be just as striking. Signs which confuse and are unclear could lead to all sorts of problems for clients and customers, causing frustration and putting your business across in a less than favourable light. A good designer will be able to develop a signage solution which works well with the layout of your indoor space and enhances the customer experience while they’re visiting your premises.

Still looking great?

As with anything new and shiny, the novelty of a new sign might well wear off after a while, but it still needs to remain looking great. If you’ve already invested the money in getting a beautiful, bespoke sign for the outside of your premises, then it makes sense to keep it well maintained. The ‘greatness’ will soon rub off your new signs if you don’t keep them in tip-top condition, so considering a long-term maintenance package may well be a sensible option.

Go to the pros

Only by using a professional sign design and installation company can you be sure you’re getting a great signage solution. The Sussex Sign Company has been working in this field for more than two decades, crafting beautiful, bespoke signs for business across the region, and further afield.

Thanks to the talents of our highly skilled design and installation teams, we’re able to offer our clients a service like no other. We offer a tailor-made package which ensures you get exactly what you need from your signs, designing, fitting and maintaining great signs which will help your business stand out. For more information on the services we can provide, simply contact our expert team today, on 01273 424900.