Transport Officials in Seattle Grab Road Users’ Attention

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has claimed success in its efforts to make road users more aware of children returning to school.

Earlier this week, SDOT launched a pilot initiative to remind motorists and cyclists that a new school term had begun. Aiming to reduce the number of accidents and near misses involving children outside schools, transport officials elected to use eye-catching signage to communicate their message to road users.

The new signs are colourful and quirky, featuring memorable phrases, such as “EYES ON THE ROAD” and “20 IS PLENTY”. Installed at ground level, the signs ought to help motorists make the connection between children and road safety.

Brian Dougherty of SDOT, said: “I’ve gotten some feedback from people who noticed the signs, wondered what they were and saw SDOT’s logo on them. So, I think drivers are noticing them. Pedestrians are noticing them. Cyclists too.”

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we applaud officials at SDOT for addressing what is an extremely important issue. Encouraging motorists and cyclists to pay more attention to children can obviously result in improved road safety. The new signs are noticeable and well designed, so we think they stand every chance of making an impact.