Traditional signage undergoing resurgence

As more businesses look to stand out from the crowd and create their own unique identity, there has been an increased demand for signs that have a more traditional look and feel.

One of the growing trends in the signage industry is signs that combine both old and new, such as modern fonts mixed with old fashioned artwork. This enables businesses to do something different from other brands, without taking away the relevance of their offering for the modern consumer. This growth has even eclipsed the recession and the ensuing downturn on Britain’s high streets.

These modern signs with a traditional twist create a feeling of quality, that many brands are crying out for. They may look like their older counterparts, but they come without any of the issues that beset previous models. Today’s signs still use modern production methods and materials, providing a product that’s resistant to both rust and rot. This makes them more durable than traditional materials, such as wood and metal.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company we work closely with all our customers to create signs to their exact specifications. Our highly skilled manufacturers can work with both modern and traditional methods, to create the best solution.

For example, in this photograph we used the traditional skills of hand painting to replicate the look of a traditional pub, whilst using modern lighting for best effect.