Top Tips For Choosing The Best Sign Company In Newhaven

When you’re looking for the best sign company in Newhaven or the wider Sussex area, you’re likely to be making a substantial investment. Whether you want halo illuminated signs to make an impact or a shop front sign that brings in passing trade, you need a Newhaven sign company capable of producing high quality, high impact signs that last for years to come.

What signage do you need?

The type of signage you need will determine the sign company you decide to use. Whether you need car wraps, educational signs, estate agents displays or wayfinder signage, your signage company should be capable of producing exactly the signs you need, in budget and on time. Do you need design services or do you have an in-house designer? What materials can and should be used? How quickly do you need your signs to be available? These are all questions that will influence your decision.

Will this Newhaven sign maker meet my needs?

Once you’ve decided what kinds of signs you’re likely to need, you also need to decide whether you’ll need design and maintenance services. It’s far more cost effective if you find a company that can group all these services together, particularly when they’re backed by the reputation of a well-respected name in the business.

Do they offer integrated services?

Whatever your signage requirements, you need a company that can grow with you if you suddenly require twice as many shop signs or decide to invest in a van body wrap or car signs. A good sign company will offer integrated services that begin with design, before working through conceptualisation to installation and maintenance. The perfect sign company will synergise your company with the perfect signs for the job.

A really good sign company will be proud to offer you the widest range of services available, and will deliver a complete package that is tailor made for your requirements.

How long has your Newhaven sign company been in business?

It’s essential that you know how well established the sign company is and whether they’ll be in existence over the life cycle of your new signage. When your shop front signage is the visual image of your brand, you need to put your trust in a well established company, who’ll still be there if things go wrong.

High quality signs are built to last up to 15 years. You need to know that your sign company will still be capable of supplying new components and parts for your displays through the warranty period and beyond. Years of experience give your sign maker the knowledge to be able to produce exactly what you require.

Get recommendations for a Newhaven sign company

Consider shopping for a signage company, just as you would any other purchase. Do some comparison shopping and ask around your business colleagues to find out which sign maker they recommend.

Any companies that you’re considering should have examples of their work and testimonials from satisfied customers that you’re free to take a look at. If the sign company you’re considering is interested in attracting new customers, they’ll be happy for you to contact satisfied clients.

An expert opinion

If you’ve never purchased signs before, or you are moving into new areas of display, a good sign maker will be able to advise you on the types of signs you need, their positioning and any legal requirements. A good sign making company in Newhaven will be able to advise you every step of the way, whatever the signage you need, in order to maximise the return on your investment.

For example, when first designing your sign, a quality sign company will give you various options and pricings, with expert advice on which represents the best ROI for your business. If a company can’t offer that level of expertise, then stay away.

Is your Newhaven sign company legitimate?

Are they listed in the phone book and do they have a website? Is their website sleek and contemporary, or still stuck in the past? Do they offer insurance should anything go wrong at the installation stage or after?

Establishing the legitimacy of a sign maker that you’re considering doing business with is absolutely vital. Unfortunately, sign making businesses can come and go, leaving your business in limbo. A little research into their background and any professional affiliations will pay off in the long run.

Does you sign company offer the quality you want?

It can be tempting to cut corners when choosing and installing signs – until you realise the critical value of great signage for your business. Try and install the best quality signs you can afford, because they will be more robust and long lasting, and they’ll continue to give the best possible impression of your business for years to come. A shabby and dilapidated sign won’t do your business any favours.

It’s not just the quality of the materials used for your sign that you need to check. Also take time to investigate the kind of fixings that are used in installation. Nobody wants to experience the ignominy of their sign falling off the wall!

At The Sussex Sign Company, we offer fully integrated services from design to maintenance, and we take pride in advising our clients on the most appropriate signage to ensure the best possible return on their investment. Why not contact us today via phone or email?