The Dos And Don’ts Of Creating Great Car Signwriting

Branding your vehicle makes sense. Customers are more likely to use your services if they recognise your brand, because you’ve built trust and brand awareness through a professional marketing campaign. Using car signwriting in the form of a vinyl wrap is not only extremely cost effective, but it increases your brand authority by creating that positive first impression.

However, if you get the design wrong, then you’ve wasted your investment in one of the most powerful forms of marketing around. Here’s how to get it right, and create an eye-catching design that differentiates you from the competition.

Do define your goals

What do you need your wrap to achieve? Do you want customers to pick up the phone or visit your website? Or do you simply want your fleet to look more professional? Highlight your USP and use exclusive information – a website URL, mobile number or free discount that only appears on your car graphics – to measure ROI and drive customer awareness.

Your sign company should have an understanding of your target market and marketing goals in order to help you achieve the best ROI. Your designer will ask you about the kinds of designs you like and may have seen, and will ask for information about any critical colours and branding. They should be happy to discuss their portfolio with you and have some draft ideas for designs that fit your brief. If they don’t, then look for another sign company.

Don’t rely on digital

Your sign company will have a graphic design team that is experienced in designing vehicle wraps that are fully scalable and maximise the impact of every inch of your vehicle. They’ll ask you for full details of each vehicle, and will want to take photos so that they can plan the best wrap for the bodywork. No two vehicles are exactly alike, which is why a good designer will want to get hands on with your vehicles, so that the final effect is as seamless as possible.

A 3D digital template can only convey so much information, so it’s vital that your designer sees the vehicle in real life, so they can take account of any modifications or particular quirks. If your designer prefers to rely on a template, go elsewhere.

Do use colour effectively

There’s a reason why there are so many white vans on the road – they’re the cheapest to produce. But by applying a vehicle wrap, you can completely change the look and feel of a vehicle – if your branding is yellow and green, you can recreate it without an expensive spray job.

Think about the vehicle wraps that really stand out – they’re generally bold and bright with strong graphics. The size of the canvas your designer has to work with should inspire some bold design. However, don’t let the use of colour and graphics overwhelm the message. There’s should be a sense of unity and purpose that makes your design look meaningful and sophisticated, particularly if you intend to replicate it across several vehicles for a consistent look.

Don’t be afraid to tell your designer if you think the composition is cluttered or messy. Simple and obvious designs with clear graphics and bold colour contrasts will always trump those that give you a headache. A good designer will make the changes you request – a great designer will produce a great design from the start. If your designer won’t budge on the details and they don’t work for you, walk away.

Don’t rush into a decision

Your designer will have communicated with you extensively before they start to present a finished design. After all, knowledge is power and it’s the easiest way to create a finished car graphic that meets your brief. If your designer not only meets but exceeds your expectations, then the decision to go ahead to the production stage will be a straightforward one. But don’t be intimidated into making a decision about a design that you don’t feel is right for your business.

Do make it memorable

You have seconds to make an impact with your car signwriting design. One of the benefits of a car wrap is its immediacy, so make sure your design makes your brand and your message really pop, so it’s both memorable and immediately understood.

A good design keeps information to a minimum, highlighting your logo and brand identity, phone number, social media and/or website details and your slogan or USP. It should be expressed in a clear font, preferably san serif, so it’s as accessible as possible to every potential customer.

Don’t close down communication

Your relationship with your designer is a two way street. They’re providing the expertise and knowledge to create a great car wrap design, and you’re looking for the best possible return on your investment. It’s a relationship that functions best when you both communicate openly – if you ask for changes, your designer should be able to respond quickly so you can give rapid approval, making the process a smooth and seamless one.

Use the professionals

At the Sussex Sign Company, we pride ourselves on our experience and professionalism to provide you with great car signwriting in Newhaven and across Sussex. We won’t do anything without your express approval, and will create a car graphic design that maximises your ROI, whilst also meeting your deadlines and staying within budget. For more information, get in touch with us today via phone or email.