Vehicle Signage: Is Wrapping Or Lettering Better For Your Promotional Vehicles?

Vehicle signage has been around for as long as there have been advertising vehicles, right back to the days of the horse and cart when a sign writer would paint on the name and location. It’s a method that has proved incredibly long-lasting: at least until the advent of vinyl.

Now it’s possible to add QR codes, website urls and social media information to basic contact details. You can outfit your fleet in a livery that matches your corporate colours without the need for a respray and can even minimise depreciation by using a protective vinyl car wrap. So, which is a better choice for your vehicles: lettering or a full or partial wrap?

What is vehicle lettering?

There are hundreds of different coloured vinyls, with a range of different finishes, including reflective and metallic, to create eye-catching effects. A good designer will create some fantastic designs using lettering and cut vinyl effects, meaning that they’re a good choice for a temporary marketing campaign, as they’re more affordable than a full or partial vinyl wrap.

What’s a car wrap?

By using large sheets of printed vinyl to wrap a vehicle you can radically alter its appearance. As well as providing contact information, you can create a real brand presence with an innovative design. Wraps can also create consistency across a fleet of vehicles of different shapes and sizes.

Wraps can incorporate graphics, images and much more to create a stunning first impression that makes your vehicles really stand out and that reinforces your brand identity.

Wraps versus lettering

There are benefits to both wrapping and lettering depending on your circumstances and the type of campaign that you want to run. Lettering can be particularly useful if you’re running a one-off campaign or if you wish to add seasonal decals. Lettering is also the more affordable choice, although it is not necessarily more cost effective: if you’re planning on keeping the same look and feel on vehicles across your fleet then wrapping may be the better option.

If you’re an established B2B company that has a pre-existing customer base, then you may only need to invest in lettering to provide a smart corporate appearance to your vehicles. However, because lettering doesn’t have the same level of impact as a full or partial wrap, your message may not appear as professional as that from a vinyl-wrapped fleet.

Although lettering and decals may be the perfect choice if you simply want to add your company name and contact details to the rear of your van, there’s no doubt that a well-wrapped car or van will create 360-degree visual views in a way that lettering alone can’t match. You may find that the impression created by professional graphics and a durable car wrap has the greatest return on your investment per impression of any of your marketing channels.

Another benefit of choosing a full vinyl wrap over a partial wrap or lettering and decals is that the vinyl will help to protect your vehicle, meaning a higher trade-in or resale value when you come to upgrade your fleet.

What information should I include?

Your choice of included information depends on whether you use lettering or wrapping. Vinyl lettering can be an affordable way to include your company name and contact details. However, wrapping gives you the freedom to add QR codes and more information. However, you should be careful not to make the design too cluttered or potentially confusing. Your design should include the most important information in a clear and concise way. Below we list the essential information to include in your design.

Your logo and company name: your brand is your biggest asset and as such should appear consistently across all your marketing materials from letterheads to car wrap. Your logo and company name need to be larger than any other information on your design, to drive brand identification.

Your phone number: if you have an office and a mobile number, list the one that will definitely be answered.

Your website: your url needs to be as memorable as possible to capture attention. Ensure that it is included in your wrap design.

Your services: choose a maximum of three services that your company provides that are the core of your business, and choose simple and effective wording to clearly get the point across.

Ask the professionals

It might seem obvious that a vinyl wrap is the way forward if you really want to harness the power of mobile advertising. That’s why, if you’re looking for vehicle sign writing in Arundel, it’s important that you choose a company that will advise you on the best choice for you and your business: if you’re a man with a van then cut vinyl lettering may be more than adequate to inform potential customers about what you do and to provide your contact information. If you’re a bigger business with more than one vehicle then vinyl wrapping may offer a wider and more flexible branding choice for your fleet.

At the Sussex Sign Company, we offer a fully integrated service that will take your ideas from conception to execution, thanks to one of the best vinyl wrap and lettering installation teams in the country. Whatever your needs in terms of vinyl lettering or wrapping, contact us today via phone or email and we’ll be happy to advise you on the best options for your business.

Creating The Perfect Vehicle Signage For Your Van

If you’re a small business, the chances are that your marketing budget may be equally small. But vehicle signage offers real ‘bang for your buck’ in terms of return on investment and is one of the most effective forms of advertising out there.

However, it’s not always budget that stops small business owners from using vinyl wraps to turn their vehicles into mobile billboards, with 40% of tradespeople preferring to remain anonymous. It’s understandable: advertising your business could make you a target in a big city. But with as many as 3,000 people seeing your van every hour, can you afford to ignore such a powerful way of creating a lasting impression?

The decisions you make will depend entirely on your circumstances, but if you want to make the most of the power of vinyl van wrapping to provide some highly effective and passive advertising, what are your options?

Let’s assume you that don’t have a strong B2B customer base and that you’re a new business looking to promote yourself effectively. There are two great options to consider: vinyl vehicle signage, which is composed of individual letters and logos, or a full or partial vehicle wrap. The advantage of a vehicle wrap is that you can change the colour of your van to match your corporate colours without a costly respray, and the wrap can also protect your vehicle and minimise depreciation.

Create your look

You may choose to keep it simple by using vinyl lettering to outline your business name, logo and contact details. You can create the design fairly easily yourself, although a professional designer will ensure that everything is located on the vehicle in such a way that it’s displayed to best advantage.

A full or partial wrap creates an even more eye-catching effect, incorporating colours and graphics that will help to build and enforce your brand. A full wrap is the most expensive option, but also the most flexible, although a partial wrap can also create a real impact.

A professional designer will model a range of effects for you using the latest technology. As an added bonus, new technology ensures that a damaged wrap can be quickly and easily replicated and the design can be scaled across a range of vehicles for consistent branding.

What and where?

Vehicle signage professionals agree that the best way to create the biggest impact is to keep it simple. Visual clutter can confuse the eye and may mean that your message is lost. Stick with strong colours that complement or contrast, a simple message, and an identifiable logo and name. Your contact details should be kept to a website address and a contact number, and fonts should ideally be san serif to be easy to read.

So where should you put your contact information? Ideally, this should be placed across the back of your van, so potential customers travelling behind have sufficient time to capture the information. You may also wish to specify the area that you’re based or operate in. And don’t forget to make it absolutely clear what your business is, especially if it’s not apparent from the company name alone! You should choose graphics and phrases that give the customer all the information that they need in a clear and concise way.

You get what you pay for

This is definitely the case for vehicle vinyl wrap. Before buying, you should weigh up the pros and cons of cast and calendered vinyl in relation to the type of marketing impact you want to achieve. If you want to run a cheap and time-limited campaign to spark interest in your brand, then calendered vinyl will be the more cost-effective choice. Want to apply business name and contact details across the fleet so that they look professional and consistent? Then you need high-quality and durable cast vinyl.

Another consideration is the choice of overlaminate used to extend the life of the wrap. Calendered laminate will be suitable for a calendered wrap, but not if the vehicle is particularly curvaceous. It can also be applied over a cast vinyl wrap to keep costs low but be aware that it’s prone to bubble and pop if misapplied.

Choosing the right sign company

If you’re looking for vehicle signage in Worthing, and you want a simple sign with your company name and contact details, you may wonder whether you even need to use a professional company. The answer lies in whether you want to create the best possible professional impression. If the answer is yes, then you need a sign maker that can offer you a complete range of integrated services.

The ideal sign maker will offer a professional design service, production that meets your exact specification and a top-class installation service. The latter is crucial, as poorly installed vehicle signage will undo all your good work and create a poor impression. At the Sussex Sign Company, we have a highly talented team who understand the art of vinyl wrapping. After all, this highly effective form of marketing means that you can build your brand just by driving around and being a presence on the streets.

Measured by the cost per impression, a vehicle wrap is one of the most effective forms of advertising there is. If you’re interested in maximising your return on investment by creating stunning vehicle wraps that get your business noticed, then contact us today via phone or email and we’ll be happy to help you create an eye-catching wrap.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vehicle Wraps

One of the most frequently asked question about vehicle wraps is surely: “What kind of RoI can I expect from a wrap?” The answer is that it’s impossible to accurately measure the return, but just consider the statistics: vehicle graphics in a high-traffic area can be seen by 3000 people an hour, resulting in a boost in your name recognition of over 15 times that it would be without the wrap. Still not convinced that a vehicle wrap is a great idea for your business? Ninety-one percent of people notice vehicle graphics, and over 30 percent of them study that information closely. Factor in the fact that we’re spending 20 hours per week in our cars – that’s over a third more than 10 years ago – and you have a compelling argument for turning your company car or vehicle fleet into mobile billboards.

What is a vehicle wrap?

You may not know what a vehicle wrap is but the chances are you’ve seen one. If you’ve ever noticed a car with eye catching graphics advertising products or services, then you’ve seen a car with a vinyl wrap. A car or van wrap is basically one enormous vinyl sticker that is wrapped around the entire vehicle. Rather than confining your marketing message to the rear of your vehicle, a vinyl wrap let’s you make every inch of the body work into a mobile billboard.

What are the benefits of a vinyl wrap?

Imagine a form of advertising that doesn’t bully or hector, that is always on 24 hours a day, and that has the lowest cost per impression of any marketing channel. That’s the power of vehicle wrapping. Whether on the road or in a car park, your wrapped vehicle is creating impressions in the gentlest and most passive way while boosting your brand awareness in a way that no other media can match. A full vinyl wrap has the added benefit of protecting your vehicle against everyday wear and tear and extreme weather, while the flexibility of wrapping means you can give your vehicles a custom colour and look at a fraction of the price of painting. And because you can scale a wrap design over every vehicle in a fleet, you’ll create a consistent and highly professional impression.

How is the cost of a wrap calculated?

The cost of a wrap depends on a range of factors including the size of the car and the complexity of the body work, the type of vinyl used and the length of time the wrap takes to install. Most good sign making companies will quote for common types of vehicle.

What material does a vinyl wrap use?

There are two distinct types of vinyl that are used to wrap vehicles: calendered vinyl and cast vinyl. Cast vinyl is the highest quality and the most durable product, particularly when protected by a cast vinyl laminate.

How does it work?

Imagine a huge sticker or very stretchy wrapping paper that can be pulled into shape and then heated for maximum adhesion. Installing a vinyl wrap professionally is really an art form, and an improperly installed wrap will quickly start to bubble and lift, ruining your investment. A professionally installed wrap will not have visible cut lines, wrinkles or creases but will cover the vehicle absolutely seamlessly for the best possible effect.

Design – DIY or go pro?

If you’re limiting your marketing efforts to cut vinyl lettering then you can do it yourself, but a full or partial wrap needs the skills of a talented designer working with the latest modelling technology to make the biggest impact. Only by accurately modelling in advance can you have a real sense of how your wrap will work, and be able to tweak any confused messaging or over-busy graphics. If you don’t go through this process, you’ll find you’ve wasted a lot of money on a vinyl wrap that looks unprofessional and cluttered – the opposite of the effect you’re aiming for.

How can I find the best installers?

The best installation teams are fully trained and accredited in installing vinyl wrap, so look for proof of their abilities and experience before you make any commitments. A good sign company will offer an integrated installation service and will be able to show you a portfolio of finished projects both for inspiration and for you to assess the quality of the work.

Can I remove a vinyl wrap?

Yes, you can. In fact vinyl wraps can be a highly cost-effective way to promote a temporary marketing campaign. Because your initial investment is so low compared with other more traditional advertising channels, vinyl wrap and cut vinyl lettering are ideal for your short-term marketing strategy. Make sure you have the wrap removed by your installers as they’ll use the right products and techniques so that the wrap is removed without over-enthusiastic scraping or glue residues.

How do I choose the right company?

When you’re investing in vehicle wraps in Littlehampton, it makes sense to ensure that your sign company can offer integrated services that mean your wrap will be designed, produced and installed to the highest standards using the best-quality materials. Ask to see a portfolio and have a design consultancy before you make any firm commitments. At the Sussex Sign Company we’re committed to ensuring that you get the best possible return on your investment, which is why we offer the complete range of services with one of the best vinyl wrap installation teams out there. If you want to harness the power of mobile advertising with a stunning vehicle wrap, contact us today via phone or email for more details.

Why Car Wrap Advertising Is Your Secret Weapon

We’ve all seen them – vehicles wrapped in eye-catching graphics, with a great slogan. Maybe they’ve been in front of you in a traffic jam, or parked outside the supermarket. Perhaps you’ve seen one as you drop the kids off at school, or maybe there’s one parked in your road.

Car wrap advertising is on the rise, and no wonder. With costs per impression as low as 30p per thousand impressions, it’s a cost-effective form of advertising with enormous reach – far more than a static billboard. Yet vinyl wrapped vehicles are still regarded as an unusual form of advertising – and that makes them your secret weapon.

Eye-catching and attention-grabbing

In a stream of vehicles, you can’t help noticing the one with the car wrap – and that’s the point. Car graphics, when executed well, make your car stand out from all the other traffic on the road, and your brand becomes associated with that cool and creative vehicle. Who doesn’t want their brand to be associated with a form of advertising perceived as creative and innovative?

Better yet, wherever your vehicles are, they’re creating impressions without you having to do anything at all. That kind of passive advertising works because you’re not pushing your message at the audience, but allowing them to discover it for themselves. Your potential customers may not pay attention to your standard vehicle, but wrap it in a well designed car wrap graphic and their eyes will naturally gravitate towards it. By being in your face without being ‘in your face’, you won’t breed any negativity towards your brand.

Advertising by stealth

It’s this stealth advertising that makes car vinyl wrapping such a cost effective and adaptable way to get your message out there. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), a vinyl wrapped car can generate between 30,000 and 70,000 impressions daily on the US roads, and in the UK, a vinyl wrap on a long-haul vehicle can generate 10 million impressions a year. It’s that impressive reach that makes vinyl wrap advertising so cost-effective.

Wrapping your vehicle in a well-designed vinyl wrap will help it stand out from the general visual noise, to create a real impact without you having to do hours of painstaking market research. This is a form of advertising that attracts interest across the demographic spectrum, penetrating markets from millennials to baby boomers. Advertising research has shown that that level of penetration is directly linked to an uptick in sales.

Agile marketing

Agile has been a buzzword for a while now, and agile marketing is designed to be nimble and responsive to market conditions and customer feedback. Agile marketing is experimental and it’s about knowing how to fail smart – and that’s where vinyl wrap is your friend.

An agile marketing plan is about running a series of low cost campaigns and seeing what works, and using the small scale failures as a unique learning opportunity. The great thing about car wrap advertising is that your campaigns can be totally flexible – start with the standard CTA then customise the message and the graphics to suit different campaigns. If you fail, it’s easy to craft another message, and if you want to be responsive to seasonal events you can add snowflakes or a jack o’ lantern.

Because vinyl wraps can be full or partial, and combined with cut letters and vinyl graphics they give you unparalleled freedom to try different combinations and see what works best for you. It’s the ultimate low cost way to experiment and fail smart, or to create a campaign that can be taken from temporary to permanent without a huge extra outlay. However you choose to organise your vehicle wrapping, it’s there until you decide to remove it.

Unexpected bonus

Using car graphics in Bognor Regis, or across the south coast, may be a brilliant way to get your message across, but it’s also an excellent way to protect your investment in company vehicles. Whether you have one company car or a fleet of vans, by wrapping them in vinyl that is car wash resistant and UV repellent, you’ll be protecting the original bodywork from deterioration caused by sunlight and wear and tear.

Vinyl wrap was first used in Germany in the 1990s, when it was used to convert domestic cars into standard beige taxis. After-service vehicles were usually sold at a heavily discounted price or had to be completely resprayed to make them marketable, but the Germans soon discovered that the vinyl wrap protected the bodywork, making reconversion both straightforward and profitable. The beauty of vinyl wrap is that, alongside all its other advertising benefits, it will protect your car bodywork for the amount of time it remains in place. That can make a difference when you come to sell on or upgrade your fleet.

Ask the experts

If you’re interested in boosting your advertising with the power and stealth of car vinyl wrapping, then you need a company that can take your ideas from conception through to design and installation. Only a company with the expertise to offer truly integrated services will fully unlock the potential of car wrap graphics for your vehicles. At the Sussex Sign Company, we have the expertise and the skill to turn your vehicles into mobile billboards that create hundreds of thousands of impressions, without you having to lift a finger. Contact us today via phone or email and our design, manufacture and installation teams will be happy to help you exploit the power of vinyl wrap for your next campaign.

The Art of the Vinyl Car Wrap

Eye-catching vinyl-wrapped vehicles are becoming more and more common on our streets. And no wonder – these mobile billboards make millions of impressions a year and can be used for long-term or short-term promotions with the addition of a decal. Flexible and cost-effective, vinyl wrap advertising is catching on fast.

If you’re looking for a company capable of creating vehicle signs in Lewes, you’ll need to check out whether they have a dedicated vehicle wrapping team. Why? Because wrapping a vehicle so that there are no lines, bulges and wrinkles to spoil the integrity of the design is an art.

Why You Should Vinyl-Wrap Your Vehicles

Think of a vinyl wrap as like lightweight armour for your car. Properly laminated, it can last ten years, during which time your vehicle is protected from wear and tear and damage from the elements. Highly mouldable and stretchable, vinyl can make your car look immaculate and give a professional shine to your advertising campaigns. And when you want to change your branding or make your campaigns more responsive, you can either opt for a partial wrap and decals or start all over again with a full body wrap.

Measure for Size

Before you even think about ordering your vinyl wrap, you’ll need to measure up your vehicle or vehicles so you have a good estimate of how much vinyl you’ll need. Don’t skip this step – a vehicle left half finished because you didn’t order enough vinyl will create a really poor first impression.

The easiest calculation is to measure the length of your car, multiply by three and add an extra five metres. The best way to plan for how much vinyl you’ll need for a professional car wrap is to ask the professionals and work with them on creating a design that will take advantage of the particular bodywork of your company car or van fleet.

Clean It Up

Next you’ll need to clean like you’ve never cleaned before. Waxes and oils affect the adhesion of the vinyl, so it’s critical that these are stripped from the car body before wrapping can start. Get right into the wheel wells and under the hood, as these are areas that you don’t often see yet can compromise the effect of your body wrap if you don’t pay attention to them.

Then you’ll need to give the bodywork a thorough going-over with paint cleaner and alcohol to get rid of any traces of grease. Also pay attention to any rust or paint chips. Because vinyl stretches over your vehicle like a second skin, any obvious blemishes will stick out, so fill any chips and deal with those rust spots. The rule of thumb is if you can feel it, it will show up on the outside – and that includes dead bugs!

Plan It Out

Before a wrap is applied, an installer will size up the vehicle and make a start with the most awkward pieces like the bumpers or the bonnet. It can often be easier to detach mirrors and trim rather than spending a long time trying to work round them. It might take five minutes to remove them and make your life easier.

Never Over-Stretch

Each piece of the wrap is applied separately by removing the backing paper and then smoothing into place with a squeegee. Sounds simple? Far from it. Experienced wrappers will know just how far a wrap can be heated, stretched and repositioned, but over-stretching the vinyl is one of the easiest mistakes to make. Do that and you’ll thin out the glue, resulting in imperfect adhesion of the vinyl. You’ll also distort the pattern and affect the finish, whether it’s matte or glossy.

Cut It Out

A really good installer can trim away the excess while the vinyl is in position on your car. The easiest way to achieve a good result without the risk of cutting into the paintwork is to peel away the edges, trim the vinyl to fit, and reapply.

Where you’re dealing with creating accurate seams, a product like knifeless tape will allow you to overlap two pieces of vinyl over the tape and then pull away the Kevlar thread, which neatly and accurately slices away any unwanted vinyl for a seamless finish.

Don’t Forget the Post-Heat

If you’ve applied a partial wrap to flat areas like car doors and bonnets, where no stretching of the vinyl is required, you can skip this step. But if you’ve applied a full car vinyl wrap, including mirrors and bumpers, then it’s imperative that you apply a heat gun to those areas so your stretched vinyl doesn’t shrink back to its original state.

Why Do I Need Vehicle Signs?

In a busy city like Los Angeles, a car with a full vinyl vehicle wrap can generate a staggering 30,000 to 70,000 impressions a day. Even in the UK, a long-haul truck with a vinyl wrap will generate ten million impressions during the course of a year.

But unless your vehicle wrap is done to the most professional standards, you’ll only create a poor first impression which turns potential customers off. At the Sussex Sign Company our technicians are highly experienced, and they’ll ensure that you get the maximum return on your investment from this powerful form of mobile advertising.

If you’re interested in getting your vehicle wrapping done by the professionals, contact us via phone or email today and we can discuss implementing your car wrap design ideas with our fully integrated design, manufacture, installation and maintenance services.

Create Great Vinyl Car Wraps And Watch Your Impressions Soar

Great advertising is all about creating that first impression that lasts. So it may or may not surprise you that, according to research in the US, bright and attractive vinyl car and van wraps created an astonishing 1.26 million impressions in a year.

So what’s so great about vinyl wrap advertising? Obviously, mobile advertising has a much greater reach than static advertising and a well-wrapped vehicle with an eye-catching design will attract attention wherever it goes.

Perhaps more importantly, this type of advertising isn’t in your face and that can be crucial in creating the right impression. There’s nothing aggressive or hectoring about a vinyl wrap and customers generally respond well to advertising that isn’t so direct.

So you’ve decided to invest in wrapping one or more vehicles in your fleet, to exploit the power of this clever, high impact form of marketing. How do you create a vinyl wrap that promotes your products or services in the best possible way? The easiest course of action is to find a sign company in Crowborough with a crack design team that can work with you to create that killer vinyl wrap.

Don’t waste the opportunity

Vinyl wrap advertising can create powerful and long lasting impressions, with strong branding and a clear message. But so often, businesses waste the opportunity by creating designs and messages that just don’t work. That’s why you need an experienced designer who knows the ins and outs of car wrap design and how to exploit the medium as effectively as possible.

Start with the brand

Before you even begin to think about using a vinyl wrap to market your business, stop and think about the effectiveness of your brand. If you have a poor brand identity or an unmemorable logo, then you’re simply wasting your money on a vinyl car wrap and you’ll miss out on those marketing opportunities.

With car wrap design, the brand is the message. If your brand doesn’t measure up, then you may need to think about a complete overhaul of your marketing image, in which case, your vinyl wrap could be the ideal way to launch your new logo and brand image. However, never use a different logo for your car wrap, no matter how much better than your existing logo and branding it is, without changing the logo on every other piece of branding you put out there. This creates a confusing impression and can really put customers off.

Your car wrap design really is all about strong brand integration, so avoid using photos that can be meaningless to your potential customers. A memorable message and your well designed logo will make your impressions for you.

Keep it short and sweet

Don’t write an essay or use a bullet list as customers won’t have a clear takeaway message. This is the time to keep it short, sweet and simple, with the following hierarchy: brand, tagline, web and/or phone number. Again, the focus should be on strong brand implementation, which is why you need a good designer who understands what works and what doesn’t.

Make your tagline memorable by thinking of your vinyl wrap as a mobile billboard. Think of posters you’ve found effective and use them as a template.

Stand out from the noise

While your instinct may be to add some fancy background graphics or interesting fonts, any good designer will steer you away from visual tricks towards something much more pared back and classic. Why? Think of the kinds of branding that’s really memorable – Apple’s classic white with the simple apple logo, for example – and how that stands out from all the visual noise around it.

You’re aiming for that same kind of strong visual impact amidst all the visual noise of the everyday world, and your vinyl wrap designer will help you achieve an innovative design that helps you stand out from the crowd. Sometimes less really is more.

Make it great

Never confuse car wrap design with print advertising. Where the latter gives your customer time to really absorb the message, you’ll have one chance with your car or van vinyl wrap to create that impression. If a passerby has to work too hard to figure out your advertising message, then that moment is gone and the opportunity to create a strong impression is lost.

Your designer will understand how to steer you towards creating one strong principal takeaway message that your customers will recognise immediately. They’ll also be clued up on distance legibility, so your message loses none of its impact wherever it’s viewed from. A good designer will also take into account the shape of your car and tailor the design accordingly, so it flows and wraps around the contours accurately.

You have a very limited amount of time to capture your viewer and get your branding and message across. Don’t waste it, make your design great.

Create a return on your investment

At the Sussex Sign Company, we believe in helping you exploit the power of car wrap design to create an eye-catching advertising statement that creates thousands of impressions and maximises the return on your investment. Our designers have the skill and expertise to create that clear, attention-grabbing message and design for you, so if you’re looking for the best sign company in Crowborough to take your ideas from concept to car wrap, give us a ring or an email and we’ll be happy to help.

Finding The Best Sign Company In Seaford To Create Vinyl Wraps

When it comes to outdoor advertising, a vehicle body wrap offers one of the lowest costs per impression. A well designed and executed custom vehicle wrap gives you plenty of strategic versatility for both long and short term campaigns and really demonstrates your company’s creative side.

In fact, if you want to target local customers in Seaford, there is no better way than by using car advertising wraps and driving, or parking, in the centre of town. You’ll raise awareness of your product or campaign if your vehicle is seen in busy areas, at sports events and trade shows.

Beyond their versatility and brand consistency, the use of a vehicle body wrap has some non-marketing benefits, too. A car vinyl wrap cost is a fixed cost, and this weather resistant outer wrapping will protect your vehicle’s paint work from damage, adding to its resale value.

You’ve done your research, and now you’re ready to invest in one of the most powerful and economical advertising tools around. So how do you find the best sign company in Seaford, to create vinyl wraps that will boost your visibility and target the right audience?

What services does your sign company offer?

Ideally, your sign company will have a range of integrated services from concept and design through to installation. You can use separate companies for each stage of the process, but it’s more cost effective if you can integrate the different stages of the process.

However, design is critical in creating a car wrap that attracts the eye, so don’t be tempted by a sign company that offers great printing or installation services at the expense of an eye-catching design.

Why great design matters

You need a sign maker who understands that an effective vehicle vinyl needs to work consistently with your existing branding. They should create a car wrap design that uses the right font and an accurately produced logo, combined with colour coordination and image quality for an outstanding result.

Whichever sign company you’re considering, ask to see their portfolio to assess the quality of their designs. If it takes more than 5 seconds to understand what product or message is being sold, then that design is a failure. If you can control the rights to your own design, then you’ll be able to use it in future. It may be that you have a talented designer on your team – however, it pays to make use of professional car wrap design expertise to get it absolutely right, for maximum impact.

One final thing to consider is whether your campaign will be long or short term, as this can affect the prominence you give to certain elements of the design. You may even prefer to leave space in a design intended for long term use for short term campaign flashes.

What print and finish technologies does your sign maker offer?

Printing and finishing technologies in car wrap vinyl are constantly evolving, so if you want a particular effect or finish, the chances are that it can be achieved. Vehicle vinyl is one area where there’s no ‘one size fits all’, so it should be relatively straightforward to get what you want when it comes to your vinyl wrap.

When you’re investing in car wrapping, it’s important to use the right media for your needs. If you’re intending that your car wraps become a fundamental part of your long term marketing strategy, then you need to use long lasting and durable cast vinyl. This conforms easily to the contours of your vehicle and will continue to look its best for up to 7 years. For a short term or one off campaign, then an intermediate or calendered vinyl is more cost effective.

Make sure that your chosen sign company offers these products, along with a good quality and durable ink, that will stand up to British weather conditions. Look out for any warranties and guarantees that your sign maker offers, and ask for a sample of printed vinyl wrap to ensure that colour reproduction and stability will give the best possible result for your campaign.

Finally, your sign company should offer at least liquid lamination to protect the investment you’re making in vinyl car wrapping. If your budget can stretch to film lamination, then you’ll experience a better level of protection and easier vinyl wrap removal at the end of its useful life.

Installation counts

A stunning design and outstanding finish won’t mean much if your car wraps are incorrectly installed. A good sign maker will understand that high quality installation is an art, the final piece in the jigsaw when it comes to car wrapping for optimum effect.

Not only will an experienced installer inspect your vehicle before wrapping, they’ll also understand the material they’re working with and exactly what it can and can’t do. It pays to be aware that installation usually involves the use of knives and other sharp objects that can damage your vehicle’s bodywork when improperly used – another reason why experience counts.

A talented and experienced installer will pay attention to detail and will wrap your vehicles in such a way that it maximises the lifespan of the vinyl wrap and offers optimum protection to your vehicles.

Finding the best Seaford sign company for vinyl wraps

If you pay attention to design, printing and installation, you should be able to find an experienced and reputable sign maker who can meet your vinyl car wrapping needs. At the Sussex Sign Company, we specialise in all three, to create vinyl car designs and installations that really stand out from the crowd. If you’d like to know more about the vinyl and sign services we offer, get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team via email or phone and they will be happy to help.