Create a greater impact with built-up signage

The creation of 3D signage, where the words and images are raised up, is becoming more popular. This allows sign makers to make a greater impact and produce a clean appearance. The advances in materials and technology mean that they can design something that goes further than an average 2D sign. There are some additional considerations to be taken into account when designing this type of sign. They will need to think about the overall design, the budget, durability, how long the sign will be up for and any installation issues. Location is also crucial to the finished look of the sign: the style of a sign that’s positioned high up won’t be the same as one that is at eye level. Built-up signage can be used in a number of different circumstances, where a customer wants to really make people take notice. The words or graphics can even appear to just float against the wall, without any obvious signs of fixings. Specialist lighting techniques are also making more daring styles achievable. Here at The Sussex Sign Company we use a range of materials and techniques, in order to achieve the desired look for all our customers.

Traditional signage undergoing resurgence

As more businesses look to stand out from the crowd and create their own unique identity, there has been an increased demand for signs that have a more traditional look and feel.

One of the growing trends in the signage industry is signs that combine both old and new, such as modern fonts mixed with old fashioned artwork. This enables businesses to do something different from other brands, without taking away the relevance of their offering for the modern consumer. This growth has even eclipsed the recession and the ensuing downturn on Britain’s high streets.

These modern signs with a traditional twist create a feeling of quality, that many brands are crying out for. They may look like their older counterparts, but they come without any of the issues that beset previous models. Today’s signs still use modern production methods and materials, providing a product that’s resistant to both rust and rot. This makes them more durable than traditional materials, such as wood and metal.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company we work closely with all our customers to create signs to their exact specifications. Our highly skilled manufacturers can work with both modern and traditional methods, to create the best solution.

For example, in this photograph we used the traditional skills of hand painting to replicate the look of a traditional pub, whilst using modern lighting for best effect.

Warning to sign makers following prosecution

The British Sign and Graphics Association (BSGA) has issued a warning to sign makers over essential maintenance, following a successful prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The prosecution follows an incident five years ago, where a 12m x 3m wooden sign was blown down in strong winds. The structure had become decayed and landed on a pedestrian, causing serious brain injuries. The HSE brought the case against both the owner of the building and the sign maker. The Executive’s case centred on the lack of maintenance of the sign, which was installed over 3 metres above the ground and had been in place for nine years. They both received a heavy fine and were ordered to pay costs.

After the case, the BSGA warned sign makers that maintenance was an essential element of their commitment. The BSGA has drafted an additional clause for the British Standard that covers sign making and installation. This will refer to sign maintenance and has been approved in principle by the BSI.

Here at Sussex Signs we have a strong commitment to health and safety and strive to ensure that all our installations meet current standards and guidelines.

Fewer Road Signs – Tavistock Says Yes!

Following a public consultation, Devon County Council has agreed to reduce the number of road signs in Tavistock. The county council is expected to remove more than 50 road signs in the area.

The decision was made after a proposal to remove ‘repetitive’ road signs was endorsed by members of the public in Tavistock.

Councillor Debo Sellis, said: “We want to make the most of the town’s World Heritage Site status and this will start with the removal of signs to de-clutter the town centre.”

Ms Sellis noted that many signs in Tavistock were redundant. Citing one example, the councillor described how five signs spaced 180 metres apart indicated the presence of a roundabout.

According to Devon County Council, the response from the public consultation was definitive: 94 per cent of respondents were in favour of plans to remove unnecessary road signs from the streets of Tavistock.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we believe that less can be more. Excessive use of signage can be counter-productive, as motorists, pedestrians and shoppers tend to ignore repetitive signs. We make signs that stand out. Signs that convey a clear, concise message in a way that is easy to understand and notice at the first attempt”.

Bus Lane Signage To Cost Council Almost £500,000

According to the Liberal Democrat Group, Labour councillors in Sheffield have agreed to spend almost half a million pounds on changing bus lane signs in the city. Details of a Freedom of Information request reveal that Sheffield City Council wants to increase bus lane restrictions by a total of one hour a day.

Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, who heads the Liberal Democrat Group in Sheffield, commented: “This latest news is yet more proof that Labour can’t be trusted with our money.

“It is absurd to spend nearly half a million pounds on changing bus lane signs whilst threatening to close community facilities like libraries and leisure centres.”

Councillor Mohammed added: “At a time when money is tight, the last thing Sheffield needs is Labour councillors in the Town Hall wasting our money on these kinds of ludicrous projects.”

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we prefer not to comment on political issues, but spending almost £500,000 on bus lane signs does seem excessive in the circumstances. We produce all kinds of signs for commercial and non-commercial customers, providing high-quality products that are designed to last in all conditions. We also aim to keep costs as low as possible for customers