How To Choose The Best Sign Company In Bognor Regis For Wayfinding Signs

Every business needs wayfinding signs, and a strong wayfinding strategy is a critical part of a cohesive communications strategy. It’s all about providing an intuitive and user friendly experience for your customers which, in turn, can generate a huge amount of trust and goodwill for your brand.

However, your wayfinding strategy must be combined with high quality signage so that your users get the optimum benefit from the environment you’ve created. Get you signage right and you’ve added another weapon to your branding arsenal.

But how can you find the best sign company in Bognor Regis, or East Sussex as a whole, to create a range of wayfinding signs that are perfectly adapted to your needs? Knowing what to look for in a signage company ensures that they’ll produce the right signs for your company that take into account your space, needs and brand identity.

What are your wayfinding signage needs?

Your wayfinding signage needs to enhance your brand, creating a user friendly environment. Therefore you need to find a sign maker who has experience working with similar companies or on similar projects.

Can they provide you with examples of their work? Do they have experience of your sector? If you already have ideas about how your brand should represent itself through your wayfinding signage, is the company capable of making that vision a reality?

Does the company have design experience?

You may have the vision, but very few of us have the professional design expertise to know how that concept can be turned into a reality. A professional designer will have a clear idea of how your signage can be impacted by logistical concerns or regulations governing accessibility and wayfinding signs, for example.

A professional designer will also be able to conceptualise your ideas in such a way that, even when working within budgetary constraints, they can make compromise look like intention. They’ll also keep abreast of the latest trends in sign design and technology, to help you produce the most cost effective, high impact sign, on time and within budget.

Can your chosen sign company help with permits and regulations?

Accessibility is critical when it comes to producing wayfinding signs that work for all users, and a good quality sign maker will be able to advise you on the ways that your signs need to meet your legal responsibilities. In addition, they should be able to help you understand any regulations pertaining to the display of signs. This is critical knowledge that any good sign maker will have at their fingertips.

If your sign company doesn’t know the relevant guidelines to keep your wayfinding signs fully compliant with accessibility legislation, then go elsewhere.

Innovative solutions

If your aim is to create a unique wayfinding environment for your customers, then you need a bespoke design solution, not off the peg signage. Your sign maker should be capable of creating innovative solutions that incorporate modern production techniques and technologies with unique materials for the optimum result.

Don’t compromise your vision for the sake of cheap materials and printing processes that don’t accurately reproduce your critical corporate colours.


What differentiates you from your competition is a cohesive approach to your branding, and your wayfinding and other interior signs are part and parcel of that approach. Therefore, it pays to streamline the approach to design, manufacture and installation, so that your signs have the same look and feel across every panel and display.

Does your Bognor Regis sign company offer in-house manufacturing capability, to ensure consistency in the printing of your signage? Outsourced signs are unlikely to have the same quality and consistency as those manufactured in-house, where you can have a hands on approach to the entire process.

Poor quality signs not only give an unfavourable impression of your organisation, but they won’t last as long, meaning you’ll end up paying more for maintenance and repair in the long run.

Your sign company should also be able to professionally install and maintain your signs, and have experience in securing a wide range of different signage and display panels. Ideally, you will also be able to rely on them for maintenance and repairs, so that should anything go wrong, your signs will be functioning again as quickly as possible.

Do they offer a wide range of appropriate materials?

If you want to go beyond standard signage to create a visually appealing and cohesive brand experience for your customers, you’ll need to consider the materials you use. Does your chosen sign maker offer quality materials that reflect your brand and your company image. For example, if you work with glass or metal, can your sign makers create wayfinding signage that incorporates those materials?

Can you expect support at every step of the process?

The best sign company for your project is the one that offers support and solutions at every step of the process, from design to execution. Not only will a good sign maker lead you through every step of the process, they’ll also deliver quality at every key stage.

Do they have a dedicated customer services team or have they assigned an individual as your point of contact throughout the process? Is this a company who builds customer relationships and stands behind the quality of their work? Do they pay attention to the little things – careful shipment and using the right fixings for installation?

If your sign company is willing and able to answer all your questions and show you examples of their work, then they’re the right choice of sign making company to create your wayfinding sign environment. At the Sussex Sign Company, we pride ourselves on ensuring the best possible return on investment and adding value every step of the way for our customers, so call or email us to find out how we can help you make your vision a reality.

Top Tips For Choosing The Best Sign Company In Newhaven

When you’re looking for the best sign company in Newhaven or the wider Sussex area, you’re likely to be making a substantial investment. Whether you want halo illuminated signs to make an impact or a shop front sign that brings in passing trade, you need a Newhaven sign company capable of producing high quality, high impact signs that last for years to come.

What signage do you need?

The type of signage you need will determine the sign company you decide to use. Whether you need car wraps, educational signs, estate agents displays or wayfinder signage, your signage company should be capable of producing exactly the signs you need, in budget and on time. Do you need design services or do you have an in-house designer? What materials can and should be used? How quickly do you need your signs to be available? These are all questions that will influence your decision.

Will this Newhaven sign maker meet my needs?

Once you’ve decided what kinds of signs you’re likely to need, you also need to decide whether you’ll need design and maintenance services. It’s far more cost effective if you find a company that can group all these services together, particularly when they’re backed by the reputation of a well-respected name in the business.

Do they offer integrated services?

Whatever your signage requirements, you need a company that can grow with you if you suddenly require twice as many shop signs or decide to invest in a van body wrap or car signs. A good sign company will offer integrated services that begin with design, before working through conceptualisation to installation and maintenance. The perfect sign company will synergise your company with the perfect signs for the job.

A really good sign company will be proud to offer you the widest range of services available, and will deliver a complete package that is tailor made for your requirements.

How long has your Newhaven sign company been in business?

It’s essential that you know how well established the sign company is and whether they’ll be in existence over the life cycle of your new signage. When your shop front signage is the visual image of your brand, you need to put your trust in a well established company, who’ll still be there if things go wrong.

High quality signs are built to last up to 15 years. You need to know that your sign company will still be capable of supplying new components and parts for your displays through the warranty period and beyond. Years of experience give your sign maker the knowledge to be able to produce exactly what you require.

Get recommendations for a Newhaven sign company

Consider shopping for a signage company, just as you would any other purchase. Do some comparison shopping and ask around your business colleagues to find out which sign maker they recommend.

Any companies that you’re considering should have examples of their work and testimonials from satisfied customers that you’re free to take a look at. If the sign company you’re considering is interested in attracting new customers, they’ll be happy for you to contact satisfied clients.

An expert opinion

If you’ve never purchased signs before, or you are moving into new areas of display, a good sign maker will be able to advise you on the types of signs you need, their positioning and any legal requirements. A good sign making company in Newhaven will be able to advise you every step of the way, whatever the signage you need, in order to maximise the return on your investment.

For example, when first designing your sign, a quality sign company will give you various options and pricings, with expert advice on which represents the best ROI for your business. If a company can’t offer that level of expertise, then stay away.

Is your Newhaven sign company legitimate?

Are they listed in the phone book and do they have a website? Is their website sleek and contemporary, or still stuck in the past? Do they offer insurance should anything go wrong at the installation stage or after?

Establishing the legitimacy of a sign maker that you’re considering doing business with is absolutely vital. Unfortunately, sign making businesses can come and go, leaving your business in limbo. A little research into their background and any professional affiliations will pay off in the long run.

Does you sign company offer the quality you want?

It can be tempting to cut corners when choosing and installing signs – until you realise the critical value of great signage for your business. Try and install the best quality signs you can afford, because they will be more robust and long lasting, and they’ll continue to give the best possible impression of your business for years to come. A shabby and dilapidated sign won’t do your business any favours.

It’s not just the quality of the materials used for your sign that you need to check. Also take time to investigate the kind of fixings that are used in installation. Nobody wants to experience the ignominy of their sign falling off the wall!

At The Sussex Sign Company, we offer fully integrated services from design to maintenance, and we take pride in advising our clients on the most appropriate signage to ensure the best possible return on their investment. Why not contact us today via phone or email?

Where’s The Toilet? The Top 10 Features Of Great Directional Signage

Directional signage is crucial to the way we navigate our environment. Whether we’re driving or going shopping, being able to find our way simply and efficiently to our destination is the true purpose of directional signage and if we can’t find the toilet, or the right exit, then those signs have lost their function.

Good directional signs should achieve a number of design goals. On the roads, they should help to reduce the time it takes us to travel from A to B. Elsewhere, they should increase accessibility for all, by clearing marking disabled lifts and access. For your business, they can enhance brand awareness and provide a superior customer experience, which, in turn, boosts your revenues. Get your directional signs right and you can help a mother with a fractious baby or get a client to their meeting on time.

So what separates a good sign from a terrible one, and what features should your directional signs possess in order to provide your users with a seamless experience?

Function before form

Don’t lose sight of clarity when designing your signs. You don’t need to show off your linguistic skills or design flair. Simplicity should be your watchword – don’t include any unnecessary information or any jargon or technical terms. Always consider the user experience over the aesthetics of your sign.

Keep it consistent

If there’s a pre-existing visual hierarchy in the signs you use, don’t break it. Keeping all of your signs consistent creates a professional impression and strengthens your branding. Most importantly, by keeping your signs consistent and standardised, you’ll give them a uniform look and ‘voice’, that allows users to understand how you structure and present information, so they can decode your signs quickly and easily.

Pick the right font

If you’re keeping your signs standardised, then you won’t need to choose a font, but if this is your first directional sign, then you’ll need to be very careful in the font and font size you select, to ensure the sign is easy to read. Again, simplicity is key. Don’t use script fonts, but prioritise the use of sans serif fonts that comply with DDA regulations.

Take your cues from established design best practice. For example, directional signs at airports often use a font that maintains a consistent thickness through the characters. These fonts are legible at smaller sizes, allowing users to glean information quickly and easily.

Get the grammar right

Incorrect spelling is all too common on official signage, and it creates a poor impression of your organisation. Always use a spellchecker to make sure you’ve got it right, because a badly spelled word in your sign can create confusion for your users. Try not to use capitals for at a glance signs, as capitals are less easy for the eye to decipher than lower case letters. Capitals should be used at the start of signs and can be useful for standalone, static signage.

Focus on colour

Wayfinding signs need to feature colour contrasts that make them legible for everyone, including those with a visual impairment. Hazard signage should feature black text on a yellow ground, while mandatory signage features white text on a blue ground. Getting the colour contrast right not only helps your signs to pop, but ensures they are compliant with Government safety guidelines.

A picture says a thousand words

This is never more true than when used with directional signage. However, if you intend to use pictograms in your signs, make sure they conform to internationally recognised norms.

Getting creative with your pictograms may seem like a clever way to differentiate your signs, but it can be totally confusing for people who don’t read or who don’t understand your language. By contrast, using universally understood pictograms and symbols can transcend these barriers and can be priceless when used for some emergency signs, as they can be seen and decoded from a distance.

Arrows point the way

A sign can only be referred to as a directional sign if it actually has arrows on it. Make sure that your arrows are easy to decode and are clearly pointing the right way.

Get the positioning right

To navigate to where they’re going, your users need to be able to clearly see your wayfinding signage. Position signs where they’re unmissable – at eyeline level, near escalators and lifts, above a shopping aisle – and make sure their placement makes sense, and is unobstructed and away from other visual noise. You’ll also need to think about getting the size of the font right in relation to the mounting height, for maximum readability and impact.

Think about materials, size and finish

An outdoor sign should be durable and weather resistant, while a sign in a hospital must be easy to keep clean. Your priorities for the materials and finish for your signs will obviously be dictated by their usage, but for wayfinding and directional signs, it’s imperative that they have a no glare finish, so the information is easy to see at all times.

An exterior sign will generally be larger, to accommodate bigger font sizes intended to be viewed from a distance. An interior sign is usually much smaller and in proportion with its indoor position.

Be accessible and inclusive

Always consider every member of your potential audience and design signs that can be understood by people who don’t speak the language or who have a visual impairment. Use translations, Braille and other tactile signage where necessary, to make your signage as inclusive and accessible as possible.

Ask the professionals

If you need to create professional, inclusive and accessible signs for your business, then contact us at the Sussex Sign Company. We can advise you as to the most appropriate signage for your needs and help you to design signage that is efficient and cost effective, call us today on 01273 424900 or email us here.

Why Business Signage Is A Critical Communication Tool For Your Business

If you’re a marketing manager, then you’re in the business of communication. One of the most effective ways of communicating information about your business is with a sign. A sign can help a customer find your business, or help other businesses find you. You need signs when you start up and signs when you grow. They’re the single quickest way to say who you are and what you do, and they can create an impression of your business at a glance, without demanding a customer’s full attention.

Thanks to their ubiquity, it’s easy to overlook the importance of a business sign. They’re a form of mass communication that anyone can use – from a sign asking for information about a lost pet, to signs telling you to mind the gap or advertising a garage sale, anyone can use the medium. But how do you use it well, to differentiate your business from the competition?

The ABC of Business Signs

Attract new customers: If you’re aiming to attract new customers, your sign acts as an index of the commercial environment, so those potential customers can find you. Imagine being new in town, or simply passing through but in need of a particular item or service. A sign will communicate your exact location and the nature of your business with strong visual clues. No business aims to stand still, and just a 7% increase in sales could equal over 120% profit. Your business sign can be crucial in maintaining and growing your customer base for increased profitability.

Build your brand: Your business sign is also key for building the repetition that leads to top of mind awareness, boosting your brand and creating a ‘go to’ association with your business. Your sign needs to command visual attention, reinforcing your business branding and foregrounding your logo. A coordinated effort to build recognition and recall needs to embrace your business signage.

Create impulse buyers: Your sign should accurately reflect your business and be attractive enough to prompt buyers to pop in and purchase. In our time poor age, your business sign can do plenty of heavy lifting in creating the right conditions for an impulse buy, but this can be entirely dependent on great design.

What your sign can say about you

In a recent US survey of small businesses, 64% of millennial business owners (18-34) prioritise graphic design in their signage, while the baby boomers (55+) preferred simplicity. Whichever your preferred approach, a well designed sign can be the difference between your business being lost in a sea of generic signage and creating an instantly recognisable and attractive vibe.

Whether you’re an estate agent who needs eye-catching panel signs, or you want to create a splash with vinyl window signs for a big promotion, great design is the difference between creating a lasting first impression and seeing your potential customers steer clear. It’s the accretion of small signifiers that creates the impression of quality – the right colour palette and font, and the use of quality materials. Fonts should reflect the personality of your brand but retain legibility, which means employing a professional design service. Don’t skimp on quality materials or installation, as both count towards the impression your brand is trying to create.

Making an impact

In a recent survey of 100,000 American households, business signs ranked second only behind TV advertising as an effective way to drive sales. However, less is definitely more when it comes to creating a sign with maximum impact – high contrast colours and an easy to comprehend message will create the impression that your brand is trustworthy and truthful. Your sign is intended to get customers through the door, so keep the message simple – no more than 7 words – and keep the rest of the information for when they’re through the doors. That brevity will focus your sign on the USP of your business.

By all means, take inspiration from a great sign that you admire, but be very clear on whether that style conveys the right impression for your business. A sign is one of the first pieces of visual collateral your business produces, but don’t be afraid to change your sign as your business grows and changes. The impact that your sign creates must accurately reflect the nature of the products and services you provide, and this will impact on all the choices you make, from the logo to the type of sign you use.

Use customer profiles to assess the impact of your business signage. Is the sign appealing to the millennial or the baby boomer? Does it create the right conditions to encourage a potential client or customer to walk into your premises? Define your goals and the thought process will help you make the right decisions for your business.

Why signs work

For your real world premises, your business sign is the signpost that drives customers through the doors. Even if they’ve found you on Facebook, your sign needs to match their expectations. Likewise, you can use your signs to drive the online-offline connection that’s such an important part of the contemporary marketing mix.

Everyone reads signs. They’re inexpensive and easy to use and part of the landscape of visual communication that is familiar to every user of the commercial environment. You don’t need any special resources beyond a shopfront, and an electricity supply if you opt for an illuminated sign. Cost effective and with incredible reach and impact, business signs are a critical communication tool. At the Sussex Sign Company, we can advise you as to the most appropriate signage solutions, including illuminated and LED lighting systems, that will ensure the best possible return on investment for our clients. Call us today on 01273 424900 or email us now.

How The Sussex Sign Company can help if you are a Facilities Manager

Facilities Managers have to juggle a lot of things, whatever type of site or building they are overseeing. In order to do this job efficiently, you need to have the ultimate organisational skills to see everything is ticking over smoothly and the needs of the site’s employees are fully met. As well as seeing the grounds and premises are well maintained, the communications infrastructure is working well and onsite cleaning, catering and security are all well-managed, you probably spend a lot of time liaising with other companies to arrange a variety of other services.

As part of keeping your premises looking attractive and presentable, you probably have a good deal of signage, both internal and external, which needs to be updated and maintained. That’s where The Sussex Sign Company can really help. Signage is one of those things it’s all too easy to overlook when you’re constantly trying to keep on top of all the competing demands of facilities management, but your signage plays a major part in the life of your site.

What role does signage play?

Your signs are usually the first things which employees and visitors alike see when they approach your premises, so it’s vital that you make a good first impression. Well-made and well-maintained signs really do reflect the work you do as a Facilities Manager – taking pride in this initial calling card suggests you also take pride in every other aspect of your work, from the obvious things like seeing the grounds are kept neat and tidy to the underappreciated back-room work such as fixing loose wiring or changing the light bulbs.

Whether you’re a school caretaker with school signs to tend to or a Facilities Manager overseeing a retail outlet with large shop front signs, ensuring your signage is in top working order can make all the difference to how people view your company or establishment. Signs for schools, shops, restaurants, bars, gyms and other High Street outlets act as a beacon to draw customers in. Well-crafted and kept in top working order, they are an inviting and appealing prospect, but badly-designed and left to go to ruin, they don’t bode well and potential customers and visitors will find them a deterrent.

An overlooked asset?

We all know that familiarity breeds complacency. When you see something day in, day out, you can start to become blind to it and no longer notice it’s even there. Chances are you pass by your shop front signs, business site signs or school signs every day – so often, in fact, that they’ve simply faded into the background and ceased to make any impression on you.

Take a moment to step back and re-assess them with a fresh pair of eyes. Imagine you are a visitor to your site for the very first time – what do you see now? If your signage looks a little worse for wear or a little outdated and old-fashioned, the time might have come for an upgrade to give them a new lease of life. While they might be far down the agenda when it comes to firefighting tasks day-to-day, well-designed and well-made bespoke signs are a long-term investment that’s well worth making.

Other considerations

It’s also worth bearing in mind that as a Facilities Manager, you are the number one person when it comes to Health and Safety. Seeing that a building complies with all Health and Safety laws and regulations isn’t a choice, but a necessary legal requirement. Your signs play an important role here. Badly installed and poorly maintained signs can pose a major hazard to you, other employees and members of the public. Tragic cases of poorly-maintained signs injuring people and even causing fatalities are actually more common than most people realise, which is why fitting only high-quality signage and seeing that it’s kept safe is so crucial.

Taking out a long-term maintenance package from a professional sign company can take some of the weight off your shoulders if you’re a Facilities Manager, especially as it means you don’t have to keep reminding yourself about getting them seen to. It’s not simply about ensuring your halo illuminated signs are fully lit or giving your school signs a clean now and then. With an ongoing maintenance package, you can be confident that the fixtures and fittings are all up to scratch, guaranteeing that your signs are safe and you’re not running the risk of an accident or prosecution.

Deciding on a sign manufacturer

You should only ever work with a professional and exceptionally experienced signage company, such as The Sussex Sign Company. For more than two decades now, we have been working with Facilities Managers across the south-east and London regions to provide beautiful bespoke signage which stands the test of time.

Our team of highly-skilled and highly-qualified designers, signwriters and installers work together to create tailor-made signage solutions which will gives the premises you manage a whole new lift and ensure they’re looking their best for all the employees and visitors who regularly use your site. What’s more, by taking out one of our long-term maintenance packages, you can enjoy the peace of mind which comes with knowing your signs are spruced up and inspected on a regular basis, keeping them in the best working condition for many years to come.

For more information on the services we can provide, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our friendly and highly experienced team today on 01273 424900 or email us now.

How The Sussex Sign Company can help if you are a marketing agency

Marketing agencies can have it tough, constantly having to think of increasingly innovative and creative ways to help their clients stand out from the competition. In a world dominated by image, online reviews and social media, things have never been so dog eat dog on the High Street, and companies across all industries are desperate to make their mark and stay one step ahead of their rivals. If you run a marketing agency, you need to think big when it comes to advertising – and that’s where working with The Sussex Sign Company could make a huge difference.

Signage is, in effect, one of the most powerful advertising tools a business has in its arsenal. Signs act as a round-the-clock and year-round advert for a business, helping to forge a strong brand identity, building trust and familiarity and letting potential customers know what a business can offer them. For more than two decades now, The Sussex Sign Company has been crafting beautiful, bespoke signage solutions for companies across London and the south-east. If you need help with your next marketing campaign, here are just a few reasons why working with us could revolutionise the way you advertise and market your clients.

Corporate signage: a marketing dream

Over the past few years, some big names such as BHS and Woolworth’s have met their ends as the High Street took a battering post-financial crash, concentrating business owners’ minds on how best to promote and grow their own establishments. Whether they operate a shop, restaurant, café, bar, gym, pub or estate agency, every business owner with a High Street presence is now keener than ever to find novel ways of differentiating themselves from their competitors.

It can’t simply be about constantly refreshing the product or service range available, important though that clearly is to winning over potential customers. It also has to be about building a brand name and an image which people become familiar with – one which they grow to trust and keep returning to. Marketing and advertising agencies play a massive role in helping companies to shape that powerful corporate identity, and factoring corporate signage into the package is the key to High Street success.

Corporate signage, in whatever industry, is an effective marketing tool. Think how instantly recognisable the sign outside your local M&S or Tesco store is, how relieved you feel when you see the familiar orange signs of a Sainsbury’s when you need to grab some lunch, or the NatWest logo when you need a cash point. We’ve all felt that moment of instant recognition when we see a shop front sign we know and love. Branded signage can make a deep impression, acting as a beacon to pull people in and helping them feel connected and invested in a particular company or brand.

Factoring in bespoke signs

Companies these days have to market themselves in all sorts of ways. You might advise your clients on how best to keep their social media pages up to date, how to launch a leaflet advertising campaign, how to improve their internet search listings or website, or give them guidance on which promotional goods they should be giving away to potential customers.

Investing in a shop sign and a vinyl wrap for their commercial vehicles might feature highly on the agenda. When creating a new brand or conducting a rebranding exercise, signage is often the best place to start – this is, after all, the most visible and eye-catching form of marketing. Shop front signs are the first thing people see of a High Street company, prominently displayed on the façade of the premises and telling them everything they need to know about the business. A well-designed and well cared for sign tells a story, and shows the pride an owner takes in their work.

If you can get the colour scheme, font choice, logo and layout right on your signage, then the rest should follow naturally. From business cards to letterheads, van sign writing to promotional pens, once a client has decided on how they want their signs to look, you can use that as a basis for creating a coherent, unified brand image across a whole range of other marketing materials.

How can we help you?

The Sussex Sign Company is proud to employ a team of leading graphic designers and sign installation engineers, all of them at the top of the game in the signage industry and all with countless years of experience under their belts. We have spent more than two decades building up our expertise in this field, which is why we attract and retain some of the country’s most creative, innovative and highly-qualified signwriting professionals.

We have worked closely with many marketing agencies and companies across London and the south-east, to design, install and maintain the boldest and most beautiful bespoke signs. We work closely with our clients to tailor-make the highest quality signage which truly reflects their brand and their business.

We understand just how busy marketing agencies are and how hard they have to work to come up with new concepts which differentiate their clients from the hundreds of other businesses out there. For more information on how The Sussex Sign Company can help your marketing agency craft incredible new signage, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team today, call us on 01273 424900 or email us now.

How The Sussex Sign Company can help if you are an architect

Need signage, we can help.

While it may not be your top concern when you’re designing a new building or redesigning an existing one, signage has an important part to play in architectural planning. Both internal and external signage needs to fit seamlessly into the building to be at its most effective, while developing wayfinding signs with a professional sign company can have a huge impact on how people navigate and use a space.

If you’re an architect undertaking a new project, then working with The Sussex Sign Company to develop the highest quality signage solutions could greatly enhance your work. With more than two decades’ experience under our belts, we have all the knowledge and expertise you need to help you get the most from your new signs.

The benefits of wayfinding signage

Any architect worth their salt thinks long and hard about how large groups of people might use the internal space of a building, whether it’s a restaurant, office or retail outlet. Avoiding log-jams in smaller areas such as lobbies, foyers and corridors is essential, so steps must be taken to ensure that people are kept moving and circulating, so they don’t end up crowded.

Wayfinding signs have a very significant role to play in helping people navigate their way around a building. In public buildings such as hospitals, police stations and community centres, they can help direct people towards specific wards or departments, enabling them to get to their destinations by the fastest and most direct route and keeping a free flow of incoming visitors.

In shops, bars and restaurants, they can be used to guide people to specific product aisles or let them know where the checkouts, fire escapes, toilets or changing rooms might be found. Creating wayfinding systems which work and help people get from A to B makes a vast difference to how people feel about a building, avoiding frustration and ensuring the space is used as efficiently as possible.

External signs

Factoring signage into the design of a new building really should be high on the agenda if you’re working on a new architectural project. Most business owners will say that signage is a priority for them – it is, after all, a form of advertising and one of the most effective ways of promoting their business and catching the eyes of potential customers.

If, for example, you’re designing a new retail unit, then it makes sense to incorporate shop front signs into your earliest designs. There needs to be space for shop signs to be prominently displayed on the façade of a building, so this may need to be factored in when thinking about the positioning of doors and windows.

Schools and universities often need educational signs positioned somewhere highly visible too, so incorporating the school’s signage into the design of a new-build could play a big role in dictating the overall external appearance. Similarly, hospital signage tends to be large and may need to be displayed in multiple locations, depending on the site.

Internal signs

The signage inside a building is just as important as the signs over the door. When planning the internal space of a building, it’s critical to factor in where important signs might be positioned. Signage in lobbies and foyers often has to be fairly large, to make it easy for newly-arrived visitors to find out where they need to be and how to get there.

When planning things such as lighting, door and window positions and even wall socket positions, you probably need to factor in internal signage, as large expanses of wall may be needed to accommodate sign boards and wayfinding signage. A professional sign company will be able to advise on the best place for internal signage to be installed, which means opening up discussions early on in the design process could be key to getting the most from a building’s internal space.

Other factors

The types of signage you need will be largely dictated by the nature and purpose of the building you are working on. The size, shape and appearance of the signs required will often be influenced by the type of building they serve, which is why signage can never be an afterthought when it comes to building design.

Factoring signage into your initial plans is critical if you are to ensure there is enough space to accommodate them. Retrofitting signage and trying to cram it in at a later date simply won’t work, so it needs to be high on the agenda for any architect working out how best to design the appearance of a building’s façade or make use of a building’s internal space.

How can we help you?

The Sussex Sign Company has been working with architects across the London, Sussex and the South East regions for many years, and we’ve had a helping hand in a wide variety of new-build and redevelopment projects. Having created signage solutions for multiple retail complexes and public buildings, we understand precisely how signage can be used to enhance a building’s design.

With expertise in internal and external signage, illuminated signs and wayfinding sign systems, we can come on board at the very beginning of the design process and work with your architectural practice throughout your project, to ensure you get the very best signage solution, tailored to the building you are working on and suited to its purpose.

Our professional team of highly-skilled and exceptionally well-qualified designers and installers can work closely with you from day one, crafting the highest quality bespoke signage to give your project a real boost. For more information on the services we can provide to your architectural practice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

Feeling lost? How wayfinding signs could help

Wayfinding signage is really important.

We won’t name names, but there are certain shops you walk around that seem to be a confusing labyrinth of displays and shelves or a route march through endless stacks of products you have no interest in. We have all wandered around these poorly laid-out places feeling completely lost and with no sense of direction, unable to locate the checkouts or the changing rooms.

The same is true of other public spaces. Finding a ward in a hospital can be tricky without directions, as can finding a specific room of a gallery or museum, or the toilets or shop in a historic landmark property. When you are feeling disorientated, wayfinding signs are the thing you often look to for guidance and a sense of direction. What makes for a good wayfinding signage system and how can installing wayfinding signs help your business?

What are wayfinding signs?

A wayfinding sign does exactly what it says on the tin – helps you to find your way around. No matter what sort of business you run, the chances are you are going to need a wayfinding system of some description if you have business premises that are open to the public.

Usually positioned overhead or somewhere else prominently in the customer or visitor’s eyeline, they help people to navigate their way around your establishment and locate all the things they need. Whether they mark out the types of products to be found on an aisle of shelving; direct people towards the changing rooms, toilets or tills; or guide them towards the entrances and exits, wayfinding signage is critical to help people find their way about.

What makes a good wayfinding sign?

Wayfinding signs need to convey as much information as possible in the most compact and succinct way. The chances are that someone who has stopped to look at a wayfinding sign is new to the premises. They may be in a rush to get in and out, or may already be feeling frustrated at being lost. Nobody wants to spend valuable time wading through too much information when they simply want to get from A to B as directly and as quickly as possible, so wayfinding signs need to tell them exactly what they need to know in as short a space of time as possible.

Strong wayfinding signage therefore needs to be crisply and clearly printed so that it is easy to read. The text should be a reasonable size and in a font that is not overwhelmingly complex and intricate, so that it can be read from a distance without a visitor necessarily needing to slow down to decipher the words. Uncomplicated and fuss-free wayfaring signs are essential and should tell a visitor everything they need to know without them having to slow their pace or read too much information.

You also need to think about text and background colour, as this can have a major impact on the readability of wayfinding signs. A dark background and light text is often the easiest form of sign to read, or vice versa; alternatively, you may wish to put up wayfinding signage that uses your company’s colour scheme. If this is the case, consulting a wayfinding designer from a specialist signwriting company is often a good idea, as some colour combinations are easier on the eye than others. A professional designer will know what works best in these situations.

The benefits of wayfinding signage

Getting lost in any public place is frustrating and can be upsetting, with inadequate wayfinding signage potentially putting customers off visiting your premises again. When people are unfamiliar with the layout of your shop, anything that prevents them finding the goods and products they need is a major inconvenience.

Wayfinding signs are vital in a retail outlet. Cleverly installed, they not only guide your customers to the things they need but can also help with regulating footfall, keeping people moving and circulating, and even directing people towards products they might have overlooked. If you can naturally guide people around special displays and offers, they are more likely to impulse buy because they do not feel that they have been manipulated into making a purchase.

In public spaces in which large numbers of people often gather – such as hospitals, offices or shopping malls – wayfinding signs help to keep the crowds moving and prevent log-jams in tighter spaces such as foyers, lobbies and corridors. With various departments, wards or shops dotted around, people need to be quickly and easily directed to their destination so that you can keep up a steady, moving stream of footfall and minimise the risk of a crush.

Working with the professionals

Wayfinding systems are often very complicated and it is all too easy to get them wrong. Poor sign design or badly-placed signage can render the exercise completely useless – if people cannot see the signs well enough or have to spend too long deciphering them, the system is a failure and visitors will become frustrated.

To get the best wayfinding signage solution, you need to work with an experienced, professional sign company that has experience in installing such systems and understands how they work. At The Sussex Sign Company, we employ some of the most highly-qualified wayfinding designers in the country, with plenty of successful past projects under their belts.

Working with site managers, architects and our in-house design and installations teams, our wayfinding designers can help you to get the most from your wayfinding signage. For more information on how these systems work or to learn more about the services we provide, simply get in touch with our expert team today.

Top tips for planning your shop signs

How to choose your sign company

You have decided that the time is right to invest in new shop front signs, which is great news, but how do you know where to begin? Planning your shop signs can seem like a daunting task if you know you have little in the way of graphic design knowledge or think you lack an artistic eye; however, with a little planning and the help of a professional sign company, you could get the perfect signage solution for your business.

There are lots of things you will need to consider before you approach the signage company of your choice. To get you thinking, here are a few top tips to follow when planning your new shop signs.

What do you need to include?

An obvious starting point is to plot out what sort of information your signs need to convey to potential customers who might walk past your business premises. Naturally, you will need to incorporate your company name and logo, and to use your company colour scheme to ensure your signage matches the other strands of your branding to create a unified look across your marketing material. You might also want to include contact details, such as your address and telephone number, and directions to your website and social media pages.

What is your budget?

There is no two ways about it – signage can be expensive; however, you really do get what you pay for. Attempting to cut corners and scrimp on your shop signs could spell disaster. Not only will they look cheap, tacky and unattractive but also they will probably need more maintenance in the long-run to ensure they stay intact, well-lit, and do not pose a safety risk. Stretch your budget to high-quality signs and they will more than pay for themselves long-term, especially if you invest in a maintenance package to keep them in tip-top condition.

Prepare to be flexible

It is always good to enter a process such as this with a rough idea in mind, but be prepared to be flexible and heed advice. If you work with a top-quality professional sign company, its graphic designers will be experienced, highly skilled and extremely well trained, so trust in them and listen to what they have to say. They will always take your ideas on board and work with them, but they may be able to suggest alternatives or find ways to improve on your initial thoughts.

Location, location, location

Think about where your signs need to be positioned for maximum visual impact. There is no point investing in high-quality signage only to tuck it away somewhere passers-by might struggle to see it. You want your building sign to occupy a prominent position so it is directly in people’s eyeline as they walk down the street. Take a few steps back from the façade of your premises and see where your eye is naturally drawn, which may not be the same position your old signage currently occupies.

Think size, shape and scale

Once you have decided where your signage needs to go, you will be able to tell your signage company how much space they have to play with and how large your signs need to be. Too small and people will either ignore or find them difficult to look at, too large and you risk detracting from window displays or other attractive elements of your shop front. Signs do not have to be limited to boring square or rectangle shapes either – there is plenty of scope to experiment and create something unusual!

Bright ideas

Illuminated signage is definitely the way to go if you want to make the biggest visual impact on passers-by. Push through letters backlit with LEDs, halo illuminated signs or traditional fluorescent tubing can all work wonders on your shop front signage, with a well-lit sign impossible to ignore. Illuminated signs act as a beacon come rain or shine and stand out from a mile off. When people see the glow of a shop sign that stands out, they are far more likely to be drawn towards your business.

Choose your sign company with care

It is vital that you choose your sign company with care. Not only will they help you to create your new signs but also you might be entering into a long-term partnership if they take on a maintenance contract from you. The best sign companies employ experienced and talented graphic designers in addition to installers who know the trade inside out. Check out previous examples of their work and perhaps look at a few projects in person. Make use of other customer reviews to gain a better picture of their work and ensure it fits your own vision for your signs.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have been crafting beautiful bespoke signage for well over two decades, helping local businesses across London and the South East to find the perfect signage solution. We employ only the most skilled designers and installers in the industry and have all the experience and technical know-how to produce the very highest quality signs, tailor made to suit your company.

We can take your initial spark of an idea and work with you to convert it into the perfect signage solution. For more information on the services we provide, simply get in touch with The Sussex Sign company today and let us help you to plan your next signage project.

New term, new education signs

Signs for Schools

The new school year is now well and truly underway, with students the length and breadth of the United Kingdom firmly settled behind their desks for another academic year. If you manage a school site, you probably spent at least part of the summer holidays – dim and distant as they may now seem – on maintenance jobs around your school.

Beyond adding a new lick of paint to the classrooms or fixing up the things you never find time for when the students are around, did you pay any attention to your school signs? For many school site managers, this is the part of the premises that is all too often overlooked, largely because the signs have become so reassuringly familiar that they have faded into the background. When you pass your signage every day, it is easy to stop taking notice; however, those approaching with a fresh pair of eyes may see things differently.

Why invest in signs for schools?

Signage is critical for any school. Your school signs are often the first thing visitors will notice when they arrive at your site, with a well-designed and well-presented sign speaking volumes about the institution and the importance of the work you do. Signs for schools act as an introduction to all the parents, governors, inspectors and members of the public who are almost constantly filing in and out of your premises, so seeing that they are attractive and visually impactful always makes a good first impression.

Signs for schools are also a reflection of your establishment and what it stands for. If poorly maintained and badly designed, your school signs speak of low standards and a lack of care. This might translate to other aspects of the institution, such as pupils’ behaviour or the quality of teaching and leadership. Well-designed signage, on the other hand, suggests you take pride in appearances and are proud to show the world that you strive for the highest standards in every regard.

A good new term morale boost

Remember that it is not just visitors who see your signs every day. There are some even more important people who pass by your signage: your students. Your school signage is often the first thing they will see in the morning when they arrive and the last thing they will see after the bell has rung and they head out of the gates for home.

Seeing bright, bold and beautifully-crafted signs can be a major morale boost for students, particularly now the colder, duller weather of autumn and winter is upon us. Research has shown that people of all ages learn better when they appreciate the environment around them, which extends far beyond the classroom to your school grounds and building façade.

People also extend a greater level of care to their environment when they can see there is something to care about; therefore, investing in quality signage will not only have a positive impact on your students’ emotional wellbeing and educational potential but may also help you to keep your school looking well cared for and pleasant.

What makes for good school signs?

Good school signs should do more than simply display your school logo and relevant management and contact information; in addition, they should tell your story. Every school is unique and has a history and story to tell, which is why it is worth investing in bespoke, high-quality signage that conveys everything you want the world to know about your institution.

Regardless of whether you are a nursery, primary, junior or secondary school, sixth form college, FE college or university, all learning institutes have a message they want to convey and can benefit from well-made signs. These are places in which an incredibly deep sense of community and belonging can be built up, with students feeling an amazing attachment to their fellow pupils, their teachers and the school itself. The emotional attachment to your old school or university can run very deep, with many us having very fond memories of certain people, subjects and places.

Your signs should build on this sense of shared identity and a common story. Designed so that they work well together, your logo, school motto and textual information should combine to paint a picture of what your school stands for and the pride you take in it.

Work with the professionals

As the new school term moves on, now is the time to invest in high-quality school signage that works for you and your establishment. With worse weather on the way, this is a good time of year to make a fresh start and install the best signs you can ahead of the high winds, rain and snow of the autumn and winter months.

School signs are only worth the investment if you go for bespoke and top quality. Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have been supplying the best quality education signs to schools and universities across the south-east region for many years, working closely with headteachers and school site managers to ensure they get the signage they deserve.

We employ some of the most experienced and highly-skilled designers and installers in the country, which means we reach the highest standards when it comes to crafting bespoke education signs for our clients. For more information on the services we provide, simply get in touch with The Sussex Sign Company today and let’s get the new term off to a flying start!