Festival Signage is Key to the Festival Atmosphere

There are different types of festivals and events. From the huge and internationally famous like Glastonbury to small, community run events. Each has its own merits but the organisers of the events take just as much pride in their festival whether they attract 100,000 people or 1,000.

When you go to a festival there will be a couple of indicators of the quality of the event. The main attractions are obviously the biggest indicator, but elements such as the professionalism and helpfulness of staff contribute, the range of side-attractions and the facilities provided all amount to whether or not a person sees the festival as professionally run.

One indicator that is not immediately obvious is the signage used for the festival. If the event is a once off it can be hard justifying paying for signs beyond those printed on basic materials. If the event is a regular occurrence then it is often worthwhile investing in signs that can be used year after year.

The reality is that the trappings and appearance of an event has a big effect on what people think of it. Corporate trade shows spend a huge amount of money on getting signs to show off the different booths and companies, it is expected in these events that a professional atmosphere be on show. When you go to community run events then the appearance of the event is just as important.

Signs that show the directions to and from the event can make a huge difference to the happiness of the public as they arrive. No-one likes travelling around rural back roads, getting lost and wasting half their day trying to find something they should be busy enjoying. After that signage to the different amenities within the event are hugely important, first aid areas, lost and found, security, etc.

The importance grows for any shops, stalls or food outlets for the event. While artisan products are definitely appreciated the public still expects a certain level of professionalism. While you may very well be selling Angus beef burgers raised on your own farm if your shop signage does not show that you have a professional setup then you will not appeal to the general public. At festivals and events the public have very little knowledge about who you are, your background and your level of dedication to what you are selling. Professional looking shop signs will indicate that you are a permanent fixture of various festivals and markets and that you intend on being around for a long time, making you all the more attractive to general punters.

The reality is that many community festivals cannot afford expensive signs. However, if the event is running regularly for many years then the appearance of your festival is as important as anything else, and quality signage should be high on your priority list.

Starting a New Business and Making a Good Impression

Starting a new business is not easy. Making a good impression when you start a new business is even harder. You should strive to make a good impression because people (clients/customers and suppliers) who have already dealt with you and who have been impressed by your work are more likely to come back to you and to recommend you to others. There are several tips that will help you make a good impression in your new business.

Do not go into the business with all guns blazing. Customers/clients who come to you are better than those you go for. If you have competition, customers/clients will shy away from the moment you start claiming you have all the solutions because they may see you as being untruthful. Selling yourself as the industry guru who has all the new ideas will make your competitors reflexively shoot you down. Avoid the common mistake of bad mouthing your competition because this can make a bad impression on clients/customers.

You should advertise tastefully to make a good impression. Your shop signage should not promise more than you are offering. You could buy space in the local newspaper or buy TV or radio time to advertise. You will make a good impression to younger audiences if you use social media to advertise.

When you first meet a customer/client, you must first hold his/her attention. The next step is giving the relevant information; the use of the product, its uses, and how to get it. The last step should be convincing the customer/client about the value of the product/service. Giving them an overview of your offering and what it will do for them is crucial.

You must work on the appearance of the business if you are to make a good impression. You should only open up shop if you have all the stock you need to fill the premises because you will lose customers who ask for item X, only to find that it is out of stock. The business should be clean and professionally run.

Be respectful to all customers, even those who are not making a purchase. Start with a handshake and then introduce yourself so that the customer feels like he knows you. You should walk tall and strike a good posture. Work on your tone of voice and try to remember people’s names.

It always helps to give promotional products, but do not distribute pitiful products because this will push people away. Dress your staff for the job. Print business cards to appear more professional. Respond to customer reviews, including negative reviews.

It always pays to establish a business website. Ensure it is in good working order (there should be no 404 redirects or outdated content.

Signage Enforcement Officers: Even Hollywood Isn’t Safe!

Home to the world’s most famous and iconic sign, Hollywood is a symbol of freedom. The spiritual birthplace of the American dream. A place where people head to achieve fame and fortune. The only problem is that signage enforcement officers live there too.

According to Patch, business owners in North Hollywood have been issued with a stark warning by city officials: remove unauthorised signage within 30 days or face a fine. The order was made after inspectors ruled that certain shop front signs were in violation of the area’s municipal code. Size was cited as one of the main reasons why officials wanted the signs to be removed.

Business leaders in Valley Village, North Hollywood, were outraged by the demand, claiming many of the signs had been in place for decades.

Idrea Lippman, owner of a boutique in the area and one of the proprietors cited by the Department of Building and Safety, said: “It’s completely unfair. It’s just wrong how they handled it. The city made a decision that they wanted more revenue.”

Each unauthorised sign will cost up to $1,000 to replace, with the total cost for all firms estimated to be around $35,000.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we can only sympathise with the business owners in Valley Village.

The Importance of Good Signage to Business

A lot of work goes into maintaining a business and how it puts itself forward to the public, from the basic aspects of daily cleaning all the way up to entire refits and new buildings for a shop. Everyone understands that a well-designed shop, an appealing waiting room in an office, a well decorated conference room and tidy spaces all benefit a business when looking for custom. Similarly a lot of money is spent on web design for the business’ website. Unfortunately many businesses don’t put the same level of time and effort into good signage or realise the importance of hiring an experienced and professional shop sign maker.

When a potential customer is driving to your premises the tone can often be set for their ensuing dealings. People go to a lot of effort getting their business premises listed on Google maps so they can be found. However when someone is driving down a road looking for your premises has the same effort been put into signs directing the customer to the business? If a prospective customer arrives already annoyed from trying to find the business you’re already off on a bad footing. You have to work against the customers negative feelings.

No-one will deny it is important to have a sign to let a customer know about your business, there are few shops on any street that don’t have a sign set out to alert customers to their presence. Big business does know the importance of exceeding customers’ expectations when it comes to signage. They know that this first meeting point between business and customer is crucial and so spend a lot of money on having professionally designed and professional looking signs.

There’s the old idiom, “First impressions count” and how people should “always trust your first impression.” For many people a business sign is their first impression. Before the customer has even stepped foot on your property they are already evaluating and considering what type of business you have. If you had a dusty countertop you would notice immediately that it is not sending the right message to the customer, and the same goes for streaked windows and ground in dirt in the carpets. The importance of good signage is that it sets out the stall for the business.

Many people will spend money getting their sign designed well. Good looking graphics are something anyone can see. They’re immediate and can be checked on a screen. If you’re going to an effort with graphics and signwriting it is just as important to put in effort in the printing or manufacturing stage of a sign. Photographers, high end book printers and even mobile phone manufacturers all know the importance of a solid well-made product. The look and feel of something is important. The same goes for business signage, whether it is a sign hanging outside your shop or signs showing the way to your premises. It’s important to go with a good sign manufacturer and have your sign properly represent the quality of the business you are running.