Digital Wallpaper Signage and The Benefits For Your Business

Digital wallpaper is used when  you need to move beyond internal wall graphics to make a splash, you need digital wallpaper. This form of signage can bring texture and colour to a space, as well as cementing your brand personality. This type of large format printing is ideal when you want to create a showstopping display, perhaps by creating a fotowall of your brand achievements for a particularly eye-catching look.

1. More scope for creativity

Whether you want to cover your walls with product images or create a calming atmosphere to welcome your clients, digital wallpaper gets the job done with ease. Whatever style you choose, you can create a unique aesthetic for your premises, directing your clients’ attention towards your products and your brand in a creative way. That level of personalisation can help to differentiate your business from the competition by creating a unique identity.

2. Always look on-trend

Because digital wallpaper can be printed on-demand, you can always be at the bleeding edge of new marketing trends. That’s because digital wallpaper manufacturers don’t sit on their stock and they can be more responsive to changes in marketing. If you’re a business that relies on your visual branding being top notch and totally responsive to the latest marketing trends, your digital wallpaper can change with every marketing campaign. That way, your fashion or beauty business can always look on-trend.

3. Instantly memorable signage

Imagine walking into your hotel reception or a fashion boutique and discovering a stunning high definition fotowall that instantly sets the tone for the premises. By creating images unique to your business, you can set the tone as soon as your customers arrive. That kind of attention to detail can also be instantly memorable.

4. Boost your brand

Have you ever seen something so amazing that you had to photograph it and post an image on social media? If you want your premises to take advantage of the fastest growing social media platform and be Instagram worthy, then this kind of decoration creates that instant wow factor and boosts the profile of your brand. The interesting thing about your personalised digital wallpaper design is that it’s your brand that attracts the attention as much as your wallpaper.

5. It lasts longer

Digital wallpaper is the signage that lasts. You don’t get the chips, dirt and marks associated with traditional forms of decorating and you won’t need to redecorate in a couple of years because that expensive wallpaper or paint is looking a little dull. Instead of paying the hidden costs of constant redecorating, investing in digital wallpaper means you’re investing in durability and a long lifespan. Digital wallpapers are fully resistant to wear and tear and look fresher for longer – which saves you money in the long run. Digital wallpaper can get you inspired to take your business signs to the next level, with semi-permanent displays including high definition fotowalls. Want to know more about the ways that digital wallpaper can boost your London business? Get in touch with The Sussex Sign Company today for more details, and we’ll help you maximise your return on investment with internal signage. Call The Sussex Sign Company today on 01273 424900 or email us here

How The Sussex Sign Company can help if you are a marketing agency

Marketing agencies can have it tough, constantly having to think of increasingly innovative and creative ways to help their clients stand out from the competition. In a world dominated by image, online reviews and social media, things have never been so dog eat dog on the High Street, and companies across all industries are desperate to make their mark and stay one step ahead of their rivals. If you run a marketing agency, you need to think big when it comes to advertising – and that’s where working with The Sussex Sign Company could make a huge difference.

Signage is, in effect, one of the most powerful advertising tools a business has in its arsenal. Signs act as a round-the-clock and year-round advert for a business, helping to forge a strong brand identity, building trust and familiarity and letting potential customers know what a business can offer them. For more than two decades now, The Sussex Sign Company has been crafting beautiful, bespoke signage solutions for companies across London and the south-east. If you need help with your next marketing campaign, here are just a few reasons why working with us could revolutionise the way you advertise and market your clients.

Corporate signage: a marketing dream

Over the past few years, some big names such as BHS and Woolworth’s have met their ends as the High Street took a battering post-financial crash, concentrating business owners’ minds on how best to promote and grow their own establishments. Whether they operate a shop, restaurant, café, bar, gym, pub or estate agency, every business owner with a High Street presence is now keener than ever to find novel ways of differentiating themselves from their competitors.

It can’t simply be about constantly refreshing the product or service range available, important though that clearly is to winning over potential customers. It also has to be about building a brand name and an image which people become familiar with – one which they grow to trust and keep returning to. Marketing and advertising agencies play a massive role in helping companies to shape that powerful corporate identity, and factoring corporate signage into the package is the key to High Street success.

Corporate signage, in whatever industry, is an effective marketing tool. Think how instantly recognisable the sign outside your local M&S or Tesco store is, how relieved you feel when you see the familiar orange signs of a Sainsbury’s when you need to grab some lunch, or the NatWest logo when you need a cash point. We’ve all felt that moment of instant recognition when we see a shop front sign we know and love. Branded signage can make a deep impression, acting as a beacon to pull people in and helping them feel connected and invested in a particular company or brand.

Factoring in bespoke signs

Companies these days have to market themselves in all sorts of ways. You might advise your clients on how best to keep their social media pages up to date, how to launch a leaflet advertising campaign, how to improve their internet search listings or website, or give them guidance on which promotional goods they should be giving away to potential customers.

Investing in a shop sign and a vinyl wrap for their commercial vehicles might feature highly on the agenda. When creating a new brand or conducting a rebranding exercise, signage is often the best place to start – this is, after all, the most visible and eye-catching form of marketing. Shop front signs are the first thing people see of a High Street company, prominently displayed on the façade of the premises and telling them everything they need to know about the business. A well-designed and well cared for sign tells a story, and shows the pride an owner takes in their work.

If you can get the colour scheme, font choice, logo and layout right on your signage, then the rest should follow naturally. From business cards to letterheads, van sign writing to promotional pens, once a client has decided on how they want their signs to look, you can use that as a basis for creating a coherent, unified brand image across a whole range of other marketing materials.

How can we help you?

The Sussex Sign Company is proud to employ a team of leading graphic designers and sign installation engineers, all of them at the top of the game in the signage industry and all with countless years of experience under their belts. We have spent more than two decades building up our expertise in this field, which is why we attract and retain some of the country’s most creative, innovative and highly-qualified signwriting professionals.

We have worked closely with many marketing agencies and companies across London and the south-east, to design, install and maintain the boldest and most beautiful bespoke signs. We work closely with our clients to tailor-make the highest quality signage which truly reflects their brand and their business.

We understand just how busy marketing agencies are and how hard they have to work to come up with new concepts which differentiate their clients from the hundreds of other businesses out there. For more information on how The Sussex Sign Company can help your marketing agency craft incredible new signage, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team today, call us on 01273 424900 or email us now.