Lets Do Business Headline Sponsor

The Sussex Sign Company were proud Headline Sponsors for the “Let’s do Business” Exhibition in Brighton on the 11th May 2017

The Expo was attended by over 500 SME’s and they were kept busy with a packed itinerary which included a seminar given by The Sussex Sign Company’s very own Managing Director Norman Mayhew who gave a 30 minute talk on Marketing to the SME sector.

There was also other seminars such as making Facebook work for your business, a seminar on LinkedIn, Twitter Google and Google analytics. All topped off with wine tasting with the Local vinyard Ridgeview wine estate in the afternoon.

The main event of the day was The Key Note Speaker Rob Law MBE who gave an engaging talk on his journey from university student, studying product design to running his multimillion pound Trunki Empire.

Those of you of a certain age will remember the Dragons Den episode where Rob and his Trunki was unceremoniously rejected by the Dragon’s, clearly this was the investment that got away, as Rob has gone on to sell his Trunki ride on Luggage worldwide selling over 3 million units and bringing manufacturing back to the UK. Clearly great for our exports especially with Brexit underway.

The “Let’s Do Business” Expo is now a must do event in the Brighton SME calendar and is now in it’s 15th year of running successful events where businesses can get together and meet new contacts and clients.

The Sussex Sign Company Is  proud to sponsor the Let’s Do Business Brighton Expo 2017

The Sussex Sign Company is very proud to announce that it has been selected as the headline sponsor of 2017’s Let’s Do Business Brighton Expo, which takes place on May 11th this year. This is one of the most exciting and prestigious events in the South East’s business calendar, and The Sussex Sign Company is extremely pleased to be able to offer its support to the event organisers and the wider Sussex business community.

Last year’s LDB Brighton Expo saw record numbers of visitors and exhibitors, and with more than 110 exhibitors already lined up for the eighth show, 2017’s event looks set to be even more successful. This year’s headline speaker has been confirmed as Dragon’s Den star Rob Law MBE, who follows in the footsteps of fellow Dragon Levi Roots, whose appearance at last year’s show was a great success. As CEO of much-loved children’s suitcase manufacturer Trunki, Rob Law has proved his credentials as an innovative and inspirational entrepreneur, and his speech is guaranteed to draw in the crowds.

Let’s Do Business

The Let’s Do Business Group helps businesses large and small in Brighton and across the wider Sussex region, and the variety of stands which have featured at the Brighton Expo over the years is testament to the good work they do, across a range of industries and sectors. Alongside the exhibitor stands, visitors will be able to listen to a selection of fascinating seminars from guest speakers and participate in workshop events.

Created with the aim of inspiring, educating and nurturing local business talent, the Let’s Do Business Group event helps companies from across the South East to find a wider platform to display their work, helping them build brand awareness and grow. This desire to help other businesses build brand awareness is something that The Sussex Sign Company shares, and the company’s mission has always been to work with fellow business owners to design the most powerful signage for their brand.

Taking a leading role

The Sussex Sign Company feels extremely privileged to have been chosen as the LDB Brighton Expo’s headline sponsor. Having worked in the Brighton and Sussex area for more than two decades, the company feels a strong connection to the region and to the South East’s thriving business community. Over the years, it has enjoyed working closely with small- and medium-sized enterprises across the region, many of whom will no doubt attend this very special event.

The opportunity to take a leading role in helping fellow businesses showcase their hard work and celebrate their continued success was one which that The Sussex Sign Company embraced, and it is very much looking forward to May 11th. Along with the event’s supporting sponsors and the Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce, it is hoped that this Expo will be every bit as successful as last year’s, and The Sussex Sign Company is already working hard to prepare for the role it will play at the event.

This is a unique and very special opportunity for The Sussex Sign Company, and the company wishes all the exhibitors who have already signed up to the event well, as they prepare.