Choosing the right sign illumination

Get your business seen in the dark

If you want your company premises to pack a visual punch both inside and out, there are few more effective tools than illuminated signage. An illuminated sign can not only convey all the important information you need to get across to your customers, but correctly installed in a prominent position, it can act as a decoration and a focal or talking point in its own right.

They’re eye-catching, beautiful and clearly on-trend, and more and more people are recognising the value of an illuminated sign. There are now multiple types of illuminated sign to choose from, so how do you know which will work best? Read on to find out more about how to choose the right illuminated signs for your business.

Halo illuminated signs

One of the most appealing and beautiful of illuminated signs, the halo effect provides a soft and subtle warming glow, which really draws people in and makes them feel good. Halo illuminated signs are made by back-lighting powder-coated letters, creating a pleasant radiating light which is less harsh than neon.

Signs with halo illumination work particularly well in establishments where you want to create a certain atmosphere, especially if that involves low lighting elsewhere. A halo illuminated sign behind the bar of a club or glittering off the glasses of a cocktail bar can really enhance the mood of the place, while strategically positioned on the wall of a restaurant, they can add to the relaxed ambience.

This type of sign can be used both indoors and outdoors. Used externally, the warming glow will always be a welcome sight for potential customers during the cold, dark and often miserable weather of the autumn and winter.

Neon letters

Neon letters can certainly be used to make a bold statement, and for that reason, they work particularly well on shop fronts or the façades of bars, restaurants, clubs, gyms and estate agents. There are few sure-fire ways of announcing your presence to the world than by putting your company name up there in neon lights, so consider this type of sign illumination if you want to really grab the attention of passing trade.

Neon letters are far from an outdated form of signage, with more advanced technology and ultra-modern Neon Plus lighting making this a very trendy choice at the moment. The crisp, clean effect of neon makes these signs a real statement piece, whether used indoors or out.

LED lighting

LED lighting is a very cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice, and the low energy bulbs used in such signage means you can leave it on 24/7 without racking up huge electricity bills or risking a fire hazard. LED lighting works particularly well in window displays where the aim is to draw attention to a particular product or piece of information. Estate agents display windows, for instance, could benefit from LED signs which shine a spotlight on the top properties you have on your books, providing an understated yet visually impactful display.

LED lights are used in all sorts of illuminated signage to achieve a particular effect, so get expert help in deciding what sort of LED signage to go for. Some will be better suited to indoor rather than outdoor use, but wherever it’s situated, LED signage can really enhance your premises.

Spot and flood lighting

Spot and floodlit signs can really make an impact on passersby. Often incredibly bright and eye-catching, spotlights and floodlights built into your signage ensure that everyone can see and read your company name, logo and contact details with ease, and they’re very difficult for people to walk past!

These types of signs work particularly well for pubs and schools, where traditional signage can be enhanced with illuminations. Signs for schools need to be clear and uncomplicated, while the much-loved pub sign can greatly benefit from having a bright but simple spotlight thrown on it.

Due to their intensity, spot and floodlit signs really only work outdoors, where the bright lights are needed most and customers are less likely to be dazzled. Particularly during the autumn and winter, this type of signage acts as a beacon for your business and draws people in for a closer look, whether that’s studying your shop front signs or getting up close to inspect a menu or price list sign.

Before deciding on the type of illuminated signs you want, ask yourself a few basic questions about what you want to achieve with sign illumination. Is it for use indoors or outdoors? Is it purely for displaying information or for a more decorative purpose? Is your main concern your energy bills or making a really bright, bold visual statement with stronger lights?

You might want to seek further advice from those in the know before making a final choice on the type of illuminated sign you want. If you’re not sure which variety will suit your business and your needs, then speak to a professional signage company, such as The Sussex Sign Company for guidance and more information.

The Sussex Sign Company has been crafting bespoke illuminated signage for many years, and we know which type of sign illumination works best in any situation. Our experienced designers and installers are able to work with you to create tailor-made illuminated signs which perfectly reflect your company and will enhance your business premises immeasurably. For more information on the services we can provide, simply contact our expert team today.

Nothing says ‘summer’ like illuminated signs

Sign Illumination

We all love summer. There’s nothing quite like those long, balmy summer evenings or days when the sun comes out and we can dust off the picnic rug, the tennis rackets or the barbecue and enjoy a little family time in the good weather. Summer trips to the Great British seaside, eating fish and chips or cold ice cream, memories of endless school summer holidays, that first chilled beer or glass of white wine in the evening – what’s not to love?

When it comes to getting out and about exploring our towns and cities, nothing shouts ‘summer’ quite like an illuminated sign. As the good weather brings more and more people out for a little retail therapy on High Streets up and down the country, is it time you invested in illuminated signage?

Not just a winter wonder

You might imagine that illuminated signage only really serves a purpose over the autumn and winter, when the cold, dank and miserable weather and shorter days make an illuminated sign essential. True, the warming glow of LED window displays or halo illuminated signs can be a comforting and inviting thing for passing customers, but your illuminated signs have an equally important role to play over the summer.

The evenings might feel like they stretch on forever, but it does get dark eventually! The difference is that when it does, the temperatures are still nice and high and there are already more people out and about, perhaps spilling out of restaurants, pubs, bars or other places which stay open late. As they make their way to wherever they’re going, they may well pass by your establishment, and with a beautifully lit sign still twinkling away all night long, they’re not going to be able to overlook your shop front.

If your illuminated signage is bold, bright and beautiful, people passing by are more likely to remember you. Your shop, gym or estate agents might not be open now, but chances are that if you leave an impression on those late night wanderers, they may well come back to you somewhere down the line. If you own a takeaway shop, restaurant, bar or pub, your signs might lure potential customers in for one last drink or for something to eat, while late-opening convenience stores could really reap the rewards of an illuminated sign.

Something exotic

When you think about all those exotic holiday destinations, it’s hard not to think of illuminated signs. Picture the dreamy bars of a Caribbean island, with the halo illuminated signs glistening off the cocktail glasses, or the glowing lights above the tapas restaurant you passed earlier in the day. Imagine the welcoming letters glittering above the door of your hotel when you arrive back, footsore after a day’s exploring a European city or a Greek island.

Few things about summer in the city can celebrate the glory of the season quite so effectively as an illuminated sign. Sitting outside enjoying a drink or dining al fresco under clear, warm foreign skies are so much a part of the summer experience, that it’s hard to picture our favourite destinations without conjuring up images of those bright and exciting urban places, lit by signage.

Regardless of what the British summer can throw at us weather-wise, an illuminated sign still brings a little of that exotic mystery and beauty with it. If you want your shop or restaurant façade to look tempting throughout those lighter evenings, you can’t go wrong when you invest in illuminated signage.

Now’s the time

Summer is arguably the best time of year to invest in new shop front signs. With the nicer weather, there will be more people getting out and about to stock up on holiday supplies or simply enjoy a little wander around town, and more people means more eyes on your premises. You want to be looking your best when the summer crowds flock to the High Street, because quality signage has the potential to catch the attention of passersby and lure them over the threshold.

A classy illuminated window display or bold and beautiful halo illuminated letters over the door have a pull factor which cannot be underestimated, and even the trusty old neon can be relied on to catch the eye of a potential customer.

Not only that, but fine weather means installing your new signage becomes a whole lot easier. With sunny days and less chance of the wind and rain that we can expect by late September, having your new signage designed and professionally installed could be a relatively quick and easy job. That means less interruption for your day-to-day business and it could see your premises looking summer-ready in no time.

Having spent many years crafting some of the most beautiful, bespoke illuminated signage, Brighton Signs are the go-to shop sign writers for the South East and London regions. Thanks to our expert team of designers and fitters, we can work with you to create the highest quality and most suitable signage solution for your company, whatever goods you sell or services you provide.

Get your shop, restaurant, bar or estate agents fully geared up for the glorious days of summer with a new illuminated sign. We can’t guarantee the good weather to go with it, but for a little slice of the exotic and a better chance at catching that boost in footfall, simply get in touch with the The Sussex Sign Company today.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Have LED window displays had their day?

Despite the fact that more of us than ever before are shopping online, the High Street has refused to die the death that pessimists predicted. The recession might have claimed some important scalps, in the shape of BHS and Woolworth’s, but with the economy now gradually beginning to strengthen, it seems that footfall in our towns and cities is slowly beginning to increase. Competition, however, is fiercer than it’s ever been for retailers. Doing everything you can to stay one step ahead of your rivals is crucial if you’re going to thrive and grow as a business, which means doing everything in your power to attract new customers and keep those already on your side.

Signage has an important role to play in grabbing the attention of potential customers, and LED illuminated signs can be an incredibly effective marketing tool. But have LED window displays gone out of fashion, and have they had their day? Surely in the days of the smartphone and easy access to online retailers, nobody really looks at physical shop fronts any more, and illuminated sign boards are a bit quaint and old-fashioned, aren’t they? The answer has to be a resounding ‘no’…

Still a bright idea

LED signs are a way of getting your company or shop name up there in lights, and they’re still proving a popular choice for retailers. While you might think the digital age has rendered the old bricks and mortar premises less important, people do still judge on what they see in front of them. First impressions matter when snap judgments are made in under a second, so ensuring your shop front signs look attractive really counts.

Bold and vibrant LED window displays are a good way of capturing the attention of passersby, because who doesn’t like to look at something pretty and shiny? By creating an eye-catching illuminated window display, you’re more likely to make those potential customers stop and investigate further, upping the chances that they’ll venture in. If the front of your shop, café, restaurant or estate agents looks appealing, then it instills confidence in people, that what they’ll find beyond the front door is also worth a look.

LED window displays can be a good way of turning the spotlight on the best you have to offer. For estate agents, displays could be used to highlight the top properties on their books, for instance, showcasing the houses and apartments most likely to pique the interest of future homebuyers. For retailers, an illuminated window display could draw attention to a particular product you wish to promote, or a special offer you’re currently running.

Not just for winter

While you might think LED signs are only really useful in the colder, darker winter months, the truth is that an attractive LED display will have a visual impact the whole year round. True, the warming glow these signs emit will be an appealing prospect for customers when the miserable autumn storms and winter gloom descend, but even in the summer, they can add a touch of sparkle to a balmy, long evening.

Once you have made that initial investment in LED signage, it really will pay dividends in the long run. Because LED bulbs are low energy and don’t get hot, you can leave them on once you’ve shut up shop for the day, meaning they will be working for you throughout the night. This is a way of advertising your business which really will see tangible results – even when you’re all tucked up in bed, your LED window display is working round the clock and throughout the year to draw attention to your shop, bar, restaurant or other High Street premises.

It’s very hard for people to simply walk past a bold, bright LED display without pausing for a closer look. We’re automatically drawn to things which are unique and beautiful, so strike the right balance with your LED displays and people will take notice. The trick is in getting the highest quality and most well-designed LED signs, and being a little bit creative in the way you use them.

Never out of fashion

For all the negative news stories about the death of the High Street and the unstoppable rise of internet retail giants, the vast majority of people still love to shop in the ‘real world’. We like to see and handle the things we buy, particularly if they’re expensive or important to us, and trusting an anonymous e commerce site seems like a risky alternative.

While technology might have come on in leaps and bounds, there’s still room for the tried and tested LED window display. Those beautiful bright lights will never go out of fashion, so lighten up your shop front signs or estate agents displays today, with well-made LED signage.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve always been fans of the good old LED display, and we know just what a powerful asset this type of sign can be, when it comes to promoting your business. Thanks to an expert team of LED signage designers and installers, we can help you make the most of your window displays, by crafting bespoke and beautiful LED products which will dazzle your customers.

With many years’ experience working in this field, we’ve seen trends come and go, but the LED sign still has its place. For more information, simply get in touch with our friendly team today, to see how we can brighten up your business premises.

The Summer Property Boom: Why Your Estate Agents Display Matters

The summer months are a bumper time of year for many businesses, and for estate agents, there’s usually a boost in trade to accompany the nicer weather

We’ve just weathered a cold snap, but believe it or not, summer is almost upon us. The summer months are a bumper time of year for many businesses, and for estate agents, there’s usually a boost in trade to accompany the nicer weather. People are quite often reluctant to buy and sell over the autumn and winter months, as nobody wants the added stress of moving on top of Christmas, and houses never photograph as well on dark and miserable days at the tail end of the year.

Summer is often seen as the ideal time to go property hunting. People like the idea of finding a new home and being well settled before the festive season, and given the length of the process, the next few months seem like the best chance of finding a new pad and sealing the deal on it. With the nicer weather, you may see a surge of interest in your estate agents, so ensuring your estate agents display and the front of your premises are looking in top condition is key to getting people through the door.

Sunnier climes

Lots of people will be thinking about buying and selling their homes around this time of year. Houses photograph well in glorious summer sunshine, when the garden’s in full bloom and there’s plenty of light to flood rooms during viewings. It works well for those selling, but many people thinking of looking for a new home are also tempted out by the good weather – if they’re doing multiple viewings in one area, who wants to traipse around town in the cold and the wind of winter and autumn?

Good weather tends to bring more people out onto the High Streets too, so increased footfall means more people passing by your windows. Catching their eye with a high quality estate agents display therefore becomes all the more important, as this may be a good opportunity to capture the interest of people who might not often pass by. They might not be interested in buying or selling at the moment, but if your display creates a lasting impression, then they may well remember you and return to you when they do eventually decide they need the services of an estate agent.

This is also the time of year when there may be more tourists in the area, and tourists are often tempted to investigate houses and house prices in the area, if they’ve fallen in love with the place. If you’re lucky enough to have an estate agents in a tourist destination city, town or village, you might find there are more people making spur of the moment enquiries. Making sure they enquire with you rather than the agency down the road could all be down to how impressed they are by what they see in the window, so a standout display could really help you capture this whole new group of potential customers.

What makes a good estate agents display?

A good window display can make a massive difference to how people see your estate agents. Illuminated LED window displays act as great advertising for your business, and because they use very little energy, they can be left on all night, which means your window display is working for you 24/7 and 365 days of the year. A bold, bright window display is difficult for people to ignore, whether they’re currently interested in buying a new home or not.

Your window display could be used to promote your contact details or the most stand-out properties you have on your books – the ones which are going to generate the most interest and get the maximum number of people into your offices. Few people can resist the temptation of actually setting foot through your door, when they’ve seen that immaculate modern apartment in the window, or the spacious semi with the big back garden. Showcasing the cream of the crop with a visually stunning display is the ticket to attracting passing trade and getting people to stop for a closer look.

Time to act?

The time to act isn’t when the summer property boom is already in full swing. In order to be truly effective, your window signs need to be in place and doing their work well in advance of the boost to High Street footfall. It’s not just estate agents who can expect to see an increase in business at this time of the year – companies across all sectors and industries benefit from an increase in trade, and many of them will also be interested in upgrading their signage or window displays in the coming months.

If you want to beat the rush and make sure you’re at the front of the queue, the time to commission your new estate agents display is now. Having a new LED window display designed, installed and up and working ahead of the summer rush may well be the best way to stay ahead of the competition this summer.

For more than two decades, The Sussex Sign Company have been providing estate agents with the highest quality window displays. All crafted to your exact specifications, our expert team can design and install your new display well in advance of the summer property boom, giving you the boost you need to stay ahead of your rivals during the busy season.

For more information call us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Afraid of Change? How New Signage Could Revolutionise Your Business

New Signage Adds More Profit For Your Business

Change can be a frightening thing. Everybody has a comfort zone they like to stay within, and change frequently represents a foray into the unknown and unfamiliar, which we’re often reluctant to make. People trust and like things they know and have always known – just look at the uproar caused when Toblerone changed the shape of its iconic pyramid chocolate, or when High Street giant GAP changed its familiar logo and were forced to do a U-turn within the week. Not all change is bad though, and when it comes to branding and signage, a little well-executed change now and then can inject a whole new lease of life into your company.

In fact, when it comes to business, you could argue that change is necessary if you are to avoid dying a slow death. Retailers already know that if they didn’t change their product line now and then to reflect what people want to buy, they wouldn’t be around five years from now. If retailers don’t move with the times, they soon become obsolete, so standing still is not an option. The same goes for restaurants and bars. If you don’t change your menu every so often to shake things up a little, customers soon get bored and look elsewhere.

Not all change is scary, then, and in many cases it’s a positive, helping us push beyond our limits, adapt and progress to something better. That’s certainly the case when it comes to signage. While we’re always told that people like familiarity in their local area and are slow to adjust to change, new signs outside your business premises can transform the appearance of your shop, bar, restaurant, pub or other High Street establishment – and for the better. Changing your signs can, in fact, revolutionise your business in ways you’d never imagined.

Updating Signage; Change For The Better

If the signs outside your premises are starting to look a little worse for wear, it’s definitely time to consider a change. Your signs say a lot about you as a company, and worn-out, tired looking signs which have not been well-maintained suggest a lack of interest and pride in what you do. By upgrading your signs, you instantly elevate the overall appearance of your establishment, projecting a much more professional and attractive image to the world.

Research has shown that the human brain registers and passes judgment on what it’s looking at in under a second, so you only get one shot at making a good first impression. Whatever industry you’re in and whatever goods or services you sell, bold and eye-catching signs are going to impress and make you memorable to potential customers.

It’s not just the physical signage you need to consider if you want to make a change. If you pause to look at the clothes you’re wearing today, they’re probably far different to the outfit you might have put on twenty years ago. Fashions change and move on, and the same principle applies to your signs. Company logos and colour schemes can start to look a little stale and dated after a few years, so updating your designs to make them more modern and aesthetically pleasing could be key to breathing new energy into your brand.

If you work with a professional design team to create a bespoke branding campaign, you could find you attract a whole new customer demographic. A truly great sign designer will be able to retain enough of your old branding style that loyal customers will not be upset by the change, while giving it a more modern twist which could capture the interest of new customers too.

Facing The Future

Nothing in life stands still, and that’s often for the good. They always say that ‘a change is as good as a rest’, so if you feel your business is slowing down and could be performing better, now is the ideal time for that change. Rather than take the ‘rest’ by stepping back and feeling disheartened, instigate change now and you’ll soon find that it has a massive impact on your business, boosting creativity, energy and morale among you and your team.

It’s amazing the difference something as simple as new signs and new branding can bring. When your business looks good from the outside, it starts to feel better on the inside too. Investing in new signs announces to the world that you’re a force to be reckoned with and that you having sticking power. at a time when many on the High Street are suffering.

Remember that you don’t need to rush at it though – change only helps when you do it in a considered and thoughtful way. You don’t want to rebrand so drastically and change so much that you’re unrecognisable, nor do you want to make such a big decision without seeking professional help. You know your business inside out, and a good designer knows theirs – put your faith in a trained and qualified individual and you can bring about a change which is subtle yet striking.

For more than two decades now, The Sussex Sign Company has been working with small- and medium-sized businesses across East Sussex, crafting bespoke and beautiful signs which can revolutionise how you and the rest of the world see your business. We understand that change can be a difficult thing, and that it’s a fine balance to strike between the old and new. Our expert team of designers is well-placed to help you make that change. For more information on how new signage could help transform your business, simply get in touch today.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Your name in lights: how illuminated signs could get your business noticed

At some time or another, many of us have dreamt of seeing our name in lights. Treading the boards might be a distant hope and acting skills might be lacking, but you could still see your name in lights in another way, if you invest in illuminated signage.

It may not be your own name, but having your company, shop or restaurant name picked out in bright lights is one of the quickest and easiest ways of ensuring your business premises stands out from the crowds. Illuminated signs elevate your run-of-the-mill signage to make it all the more eye-catching and attractive to potential customers. A well-designed illuminated sign has far greater reach and pulling power than standard signage, largely because it’s more visible both day and night, creating a beacon for your business which is guaranteed to guide the customers in.

If you’re considering updating your signs, here’s how putting your name in lights could help to get your business noticed and generate that all-important footfall.

Brighten up

Across the United Kingdom, businesses everywhere and in every sector have been struggling against the uncertainties of the Brexit vote, which followed hot on the heels of a very trying year for the economy. With all the doom and gloom around, and with increased competition on the High Street, the time may well have come to brighten up and take the lead over your competitors through new illuminated signs.

Investing in new illuminated signage speaks volumes about your sticking power and how seriously you take your business. A company that wants and strives to succeed is one that invests in keeping up appearances and outshining the competition. Keeping up appearances is never more powerfully represented than through the signs outside our premises. Signage is your calling card to the world. Well-designed, well-installed and well-maintained, it shows you care. Let it fall by the wayside, however, and customers will be deterred by an unloved shop front or run-down restaurant façade.

Illuminated signage can be undeniably beautiful, if it’s of high quality and gives an accurate reflection of your business. Research goes to show that purchasing a thing of beauty can have a positive impact on wellbeing – in this case yours and your company’s. Elevating your own mood at the same time as injecting new life into your business and premises could be just the antidote to all the negative economic news.

Multiple choices

There’s a wide choice when it comes to illuminated signage. Most internal signs will use bright LED lights to bring them to life, while outside, there are a range of techniques used, both traditional and more cutting-edge.

You could opt for the good old-fashioned and reliable fluorescent tube lighting or standard up or downlights. There are also lighting solutions which use push-through acrylic letters, which are then built up in stainless steel, or powder coated letters which have stunning LED lights positioned behind them to give a truly incredible halo effect. Glowing out the darkness once the evening has descended, there’s something warm and comforting about the cheerful glow of an illuminated sign, whichever type you opt for.

The allure of lights

Like moths to a flame, people really can be attracted by illuminated signage. There are few other ways to make such a direct impact, and potential customers are instantly drawn to something which is novel, attractive and unusual, especially when it enhances the appearance and tone of their local area. Illuminated signage which brightens up your shop, restaurant, bar, estate agency or other premises doesn’t just make your place look pretty, it also tells customers everything they need to know about you.

If you can work with a professional sign-writing company to create bespoke, bold and beautiful illuminated signage, a graphic designer worth their salt will be able to tell your company’s story just through your signs. A well-made sign is one that customers can understand in an instant, and that gives a favourable impression as they make that all important snap judgement. A memorable logo, a unique but easy to read font and a standout colour scheme can all combine to tell customers what you do, sell or provide and how you can help them. Add illuminations to the mix and you have a pretty powerful message.

What’s more, while signage might seem like an expense you could do without in cash-strapped times, it’s worth remembering that it’s an investment that ultimately pays for itself. If you look after your signage well, it could last you for years, and it works to advertise your business around the clock. The advantage with illuminated signage is that it’s constantly visible, even in the worst of the British weather and the depths of a winter’s night. No other form of publicity is quite so difficult to ignore.

A glowing recommendation

The Sussex Sign Company has specialised in illuminated signs for many years now, and we’ve worked on some of the most high-profile signage projects across London and the South-East. The quality of our signage work speaks for itself, and with a team of highly skilled designers and a professional installation crew on hand, we can help you craft bespoke illuminated signs that will help you outshine your rivals.

For more information on the services provided by The Sussex Sign Company, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today, to see how we could brighten up your business.

Is 2017 the year to renew your signs?

New Year, New Signs

We were only a handful of days into 2017 when several major High Street companies, including Next, began to issue warnings about what a challenging year this could turn out to be. Stock prices began to slide, as industry analysts assessed sluggish sales over the Christmas period and expressed their fears that the coming months could be particularly hard for all involved in the retail, hospitality, services and manufacturing industries. A decade on from the crippling financial crash, the economy has been slow to pick up and consumer confidence is only gradually beginning to return. With families everywhere keeping tighter control on their purse strings and continuing uncertainty over the vote to leave the European Union, businesses across all sectors could find 2017 a particularly difficult year.

Tougher competition between companies large and small will inevitably lead to some going out of business altogether, so there has never been a more crucial moment for looking again at what you could be doing to attract more custom and give your business the edge over your rivals. One of the most effective ways of drawing in those much-needed sales is by relaunching your brand, making it stronger so that it stands out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do that is by investing in new signage. So how can an investment in sign replacement now help your business throughout 2017?

New year, new you

January is a good time for a fresh start. Despite the dismal weather and the tighter budgets, people are still lured out onto the streets by the promise of bagging a bargain in the annual sales, so you may find that footfall along your particular stretch of street is not as low as you had expected. That said, persuading people to stop and inspect your illuminated window display, price lists or menu can be a challenge when there are multiple stores competing for the attention of passing trade, so ensuring you stand out from the premises around you is key.

Signage is perhaps the most important tool you have at your disposal in this regard. Especially in these dreary winter months, a well illuminated and well maintained sign acts as a beacon to potential customers, offering a warm invitation to come in out of the cold and explore what you have to offer. As they say, you only get one shot at a first impression, and shops and restaurants with grubby, run down and poorly cared for signage are an eyesore which instantly puts off those passing by. A disappointing shop front suggests the owner takes little pride or interest in their business, so their chances of luring in the spontaneous shopper or retaining their repeat custom are limited.

A well designed and well looked after sign, by comparison, shows you hold your business to a high standard and care about what the world thinks of you. People notice change in their neighbourhood, so whether they pass your shop on the way to work each day or drive past your gym during the school run, the chances are they will spot your sign replacement and be inclined to investigate further.

No better time

If you thought that the winter months were not the most practical time for sign replacement, prepare to think again. Once the January sales tail off, footfall inevitably follows suit, with fewer people finding any incentive to trudge the High Street once the cold, wintry weather takes hold. You may find that over the winter months and early spring you have less custom, so you have plenty more time to see to all those maintenance jobs and administrative tasks you might have been putting off in the busy run-up to Christmas and New Year.

Think of your sign replacement as part of a pre-spring clean, a sprucing up of your premises ahead of the expected increase in trade that comes with the better weather. Professional sign fitters are undeterred by cold and damp conditions, so new signage can be fitted at any time of the year. Taking advantage of this slack period, now is perhaps the best time of year to give your business premises that new lease of life which will attract new customers and help you pull in those much needed sales.

If the gloomy forecast for 2017 becomes reality, this really could be the year when new signage and a more positive and proactive attitude to re-branding your business makes all the difference.

A professional approach

When it’s done well, sign replacement can work wonders for a business. Giving your shopfront that ‘wow’ factor and making sure your brand identity is clearly displayed for all to see can boost your chances of success. Sign manufacturing is now so advanced that there are virtually no limits to what you can do, but getting advice and having your new signage professionally designed and fitted will give you the very best results.

Here at the The Sussex Sign Company, our expert designers and sign fitters have been working in this field for many years, and we are ideally placed to help you re-brand and re-energise your business with new signage for 2017. As well as crafting beautiful, bespoke signs, we are on hand to help you maintain your signage and keep it looking as pristine and attractive as the day it was installed. Give your business a boost for the year ahead by contacting us today, to see how we can help you weather the uncertain year ahead.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Brighten Up The Winter Months With An Illuminated Sign

Illuminated Signage

We are now well and truly in the depths of the bleak midwinter, when the evenings draw in early, the cold begins to get us all down and the weather is often as miserable as that post-Christmas feeling. It’s little wonder that when the January blues strike, most of simply bury our heads under the duvet and let our thoughts begin to turn towards holidays in the sun or taking solace in a little comfort eating or retail therapy.

This can, however, also be a time for fresh starts and reinvention. The New Year offers a new start, and with it a rush of good intentions and resolutions to improve on some aspect of our lives, be it a health kick after the guilt of overindulging in mince pies or starting that DIY project that has been put off for months. In our working lives as well as our personal ones, seizing that sudden flurry of motivation can be a fantastic way to counter the dreariness of the winter months and inject a little life back into proceedings.

Whether you own a small boutique shop or a large restaurant, this time of year can seem relatively quiet after the Christmas rush, so it’s an ideal time to act on those good intentions and give your business premises a little attention. Competition for trade is always a challenge, but never more so than when footfall on the High Street is low and the wintry weather is putting customers off venturing much further than the local supermarket.

One of the quickest, most effective and long-lasting things you can do to improve your chances of boosting trade during this quiet patch is sprucing up the front of your store with new signage. People notice change, and it catches everyone’s eyes when something they pass on a daily basis on the way to work or on the school run is suddenly given a makeover. By investing in illuminated signage in particular, you could banish the winter blues and give your business a new lease of life.

Why Illuminated Signage?

What could be more inviting to the chilly High Street shopper than a warm and inviting shop front? Whether it’s a shop, restaurant, bar or any other business premises, a well lit sign and an attractive building façade are a welcoming sight when the mercury has plummeted and the rain is coming down in sheets. There’s far more to good signage than simply having your name spelled out correctly and your company logo pinned above the door. Illuminated signage has multiple benefits, especially at this time of year, making it a wise investment for any business owner.

Because the light begins to fade around mid-afternoon over the winter months, illuminated signage not only looks attractive but also plays a major role in ensuring casual passersby still notice you and potential customers can still find you. Having your name in lights above the entrance makes you more visible and more attractive, and the bolder, brighter and more beautiful your signage, the more likely you are to get people through the door. It’s a simple truth that people are more likely to stop on impulse, whatever the weather, if they see a shop or restaurant front which appeals to them.

A well-lit sign is, therefore, a permanent and prominent marketing tool. Acting as a beacon and announcing your presence to the world, your signage can be a powerful and effective piece of branding which it’s difficult for people to overlook – a strong design featuring your company name, colours and logo sticks in the mind and is remembered long afterwards, almost certainly giving you the edge over the competition.

A Pre-spring Clean

New signage is a belated Christmas present which your premises will thank you for, and despite the weather, this is the perfect time of year for having new signage installed. In fact, it’s arguably because of the weather that this is the ideal time.

Strong winds and driving rain can wreak havoc with old or poorly maintained signage, getting beneath the lettering, wearing away at fixings and generally causing it to look unclean and unsightly, not to mention the health and safety risks involved in elevated signage falling into disrepair. Investing in quality new signs might seem like a significant outlay at a time when passing trade has dwindled, but it will pay you back and be worth more than its weight in gold in the long-term.

Think of installing a new illuminated sign as a spot of spring cleaning, ahead of the better weather. If you’ve been delaying those odd-jobs around your business premises, then now’s the time to capitalise on the New Year good intentions, while things are slow in other respects and you have the time to give your shop front the TLC it so deserves.

Get That Glowing Feeling

If the weather’s getting you down and the post-Christmas lull is starting to take its toll, now’s the time to act. Not only will an illuminated sign help make your shop front more attractive despite the gloomy weather, it might even see you getting more customers through the door and more of those all-important January sales.

To find out more about how illuminated signage could benefit your business, speak to the experts at the Sussex Sign Company using our contact form or give us a call on 01273 417057. We have been providing beautiful, bespoke illuminated signs to businesses in East Sussex for many years, and with the highest quality workmanship and a wealth of knowledge, we can design, install and help you maintain your brand new signs.

Signage The Christmas Gift Which Keeps on Giving

We have already entered one of the busiest periods in the shopping calendar, with Christmas and New Year meaning bargain hunters everywhere have braved the cold and gloomy weather to grab those stocking fillers and fill their fridges for the celebrations. While retailers and restaurant or pub owners are probably already rushed off their feet, there’s one more job you should add to your to-do list and it could just be the one which helps you maximise sales over the festive period – installing new signage.

Competition in the retail and hospitality sectors can be incredibly fierce over the Christmas period, with everyone trying to outdo their neighbours with discounts, special offers and diversity of stock. It’s a critical time for making up if sales have been poor throughout the rest of the year, giving a much-needed boost to the balance books as the year draws to a close. Capturing your fair share of the Christmas market is, therefore, a big priority over the coming days and weeks, and new signage could be just the thing you need to catch the eyes of the Christmas crowds and pull in new customers.

Sussex and London: Shopping Destinations of Choice

It goes without saying that the capital is the number one destination for shoppers at this time of year, drawing in people not only from across the United Kingdom but around the world. While the wealthy fly in to stock up at Hamleys and Harrods, the majority of us will be spending our money in supermarkets, high street stores, big retail outlets and smaller independent shops. This year, spending is expected to bounce back to a level not seen since the financial crash of 2007, so it could well be a very merry Christmas indeed for the nation’s shopkeepers.

Oxford Street is, of course, one of the most popular shopping spots, but all across the capital shops, restaurants and bars will be hearing the tills ringing out in the Christmas period. Beyond the densely packed streets of Zone 1, there are countless London boroughs where you’ll find not only the big name high street chains, but slightly more unusual independent stores.

Sussex, too, has become something of a retail destination in recent years. Ideally situated within handy reach of the capital, savvy shoppers wishing to escape the worst of the crowds and find something a little different are increasingly drawn to nearby Eastbourne, Brighton and Chichester, which are all just a short train hop away. Smaller, more quirky stores located in picturesque towns such as Lewes, Rye and Arundel also pull in shoppers on the search for that elusive perfect present, as do the festive markets.

For shop owners, restaurant managers or pub landlords across Sussex and London, ensuring your premises are looking at their best can make a big difference to the footfall you get through your door at this time of year. People are automatically drawn to the most attractive, best-looking outlets, so a dreary shop window or a shabby façade can easily drive much needed custom straight into the arms of a local competitor.

Add Signage To Your Christmas List This Year

Whether you’re based in Sussex or London signage should be top of your Christmas list. It may seem like just one more thing to get done when you’re already rushed off your feet, but the benefits of installing new signage are immediate and impressive.

Customers really do like to see attractive shops fronts and are more likely to venture inside if they can see that the outside of your premises is well-kept and appealing. Getting people to pause and examine your window display or cast an eye over your menu is half the battle when it comes to clinching those all-important Christmas sales, and a bold, beautiful and eye-catching sign can be seen from quite a distance and may well lure customers over.

A high quality sign speaks volumes about your business and about you. Nobody wants to go through the doors of a shop or restaurant where the sign above the door is missing letters or looks grubby and unloved, but a well-lit and well-maintained sign has exactly the opposite effect and offers encouragement. At this time of year in particular, when the weather might be dark and gloomy, the warming glow of a good sign is a welcoming invitation to the casual passerby and certainly helps your business stand out.

Choosing The Right Signage For Your Business

Getting your signage right is key, and done well it becomes the gift which just keeps on giving. Signage is an incredibly powerful marketing tool which is both prominent and permanent, advertising your business round the clock simply by being so visible. Good signage does more than just put your name above the door – it’s a prime piece of branding, so must be bold and memorable, perhaps including your company’s logo or colours.

When it comes to Sussex and London signage, the Sussex Sign Company is the market leading provider of high quality, bespoke signs. We work all across the county of Sussex, as well as serving all London boroughs, so wherever you are, we’re on hand to help. With many years’ experience in this field, we are able to work with you to design, manufacture, install and help you maintain your signage, offering innovative solutions to all your signage needs. For more information about the services we provide, or to get advice on the best signage for your business, simply get in touch with our expert team today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Halo Illuminated Signage: Don’t Ignore the Benefits!

Almost all businesses have signs nowadays – they’re simply essential to show customers where your store is, and have many functions that allow them to be one of the most powerful marketing tools in the arsenal of any business owner. But with signage so ubiquitous, how do you differentiate your company from the others?

Illuminated signage provides a solution to this end, along with many other benefits. Besides making your company premises stand out in a packed and increasingly competitive bricks-and-mortar retail environment, illuminated signage can serve to revamp your business exterior with a particularly 21st century, super-contemporary look. This is sure to turn heads and maybe even attract customers who had previously dismissed your firm altogether.

The Power of Illuminated Signage

Advances in fabrication and illumination technologies have given business owners access to a huge variety of illumination techniques and options which can be used to create beautiful, show-stopping illuminated signs, tailored perfectly to the needs of your business. Variety extends over the types of materials used in the sign and the types of illumination to make your signs stand out.

Built-up signs are composed of several layers to create a stunning 3D effect, making your sign stand out in the literal as well as the figurative sense of the word. Built-up signs can be manufactured from brushed or polished metals, including stainless steel or aluminium, or plastics such as acrylic. This range of materials ensures that built-up lettering is well within the reach of almost all business owners.

Halo Illumination – What and How?

Using built-up lettering also expands the types of lighting effects that can be applied, due to the fact that locating the lights in one of the many different locations on, or in, the letter will produce a different effect. Illumination techniques generally revolve around LED-backlit letters or a light box. When internal illumination is combined with built-up lettering or logo shapes fabricated from solid metal or acrylic, the faces of the letter remain opaque with the light diffused against the background surface creating the effect of a glowing halo.

What Can Halo Illuminated Signage do for You?

First and foremost, by giving your signs a glowing outline, you make them far more visible! Illuminated signage ensures that your business is clear and stands out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, no matter the weather. This is especially useful in the winter months when the nights start to draw in early and your shop would be totally unnoticeable to impulse customers and those who explicitly wish to visit.

There isn’t really a comparable advertising medium that works around the clock to promote your business. Illuminated signage brings your business and brand to life via the power of light.

Greater Clarity for More Effective Communication

When a passer-by sees your sign, you only have a split-second window in which to communicate your message before their glance moves on to something else. This means that clarity is paramount and, fortunately, illuminating your sign with a halo makes it much easier to read and understand. Using illuminated signage for any time-limited promotions or special offers will guarantee that your message has a far greater impact than it otherwise would.

Consumer Perceptions

All signs have the power of transforming passers-by into potential customers simply by virtue of being seen. However, signage communicates more than just the message written on it – indeed, in some senses, ‘the medium is the message’. The medium of halo illuminated signage, with its eye-catching lighting effects and use of sleek metals such as aluminium, carries a distinctly contemporary and cutting edge feel.

Therefore, with the use of halo illumination, the transformative power of signage is extended further, working to engender the impression in the minds of viewers that your business itself is fresh and modern.

Improve Your Image

Upgrading your signage with a halo illumination effect shows everyone who encounters it that you take your marketing and business image very seriously. This can work wonders for boosting your credibility and reputation, even among people who have never interacted with your business before. By showing that your signage, marketing and image are considered important, it will seem likely that you’ll take other areas of your business, such as customer service and quality of products, just as seriously – if not more so.

Furthermore, a firm that can take the time and capital to invest in a new and visually impressive illuminated shop sign must necessarily be doing well in business. The subconscious implication to the customer is that you must be doing something right, making you the right person for them to choose to do business with.

Boost Your Energy Efficiency

Halo illuminated signs use LED technology to deliver massive efficiency improvements, reducing your impact on the environment and minimising your expenditure at the same time. Previous illumination systems worked either with external light – shining a spotlight at something so it can be seen – or internal light, such as backlit lightboxes containing fluorescent tubes.

Spotlights are highly energy inefficient, emitting large amounts of wasted energy as heat and driving up your bills. Lightboxes using tube lighting often fail to light the surface evenly, spoiling the quality and effect of the sign. Neither of these techniques produce particularly effective halo effects, either.

LEDs, by contrast, last for thousands and thousands of hours, functioning as a ‘plug in and forget’ solution to signage illumination. They also use roughly 5 to 10 percent of the energy used by halogens and fluorescent bulbs, representing a massive saving for the environment and your bottom line over time.

Let’s Work Together

At the Sussex Sign Company, we have the skills and expertise to create a halo illuminated sign to your precise specifications. We also have an in-house design team to help advise on the specifics to ensure that your sign helps your business to reach its maximum potential, call us today on 01273 417057