Disastrous rebrands, and how to avoid them

Companies rebrand themselves all the time, for a variety of reasons. Just as the clothing fashions which suited you a decade ago have probably changed, so too trends and fashions in branding can change over time, meaning that what suited your business back then might look a bit outdated now. Whether it’s a simple and straightforward update to your logo or a full-scale rebranding exercise to overhaul your entire company image, it’s important to get it right.

Rebrands can be a valuable exercise, modernising a business and injecting a new lease of life. Sometimes, however, changing too much about your branding can leave your company unrecognisable and lose you customers, who either no longer recognise you or no longer identify with your business. Sometimes, companies tinker with their branding at their peril, as we’re about to discover. If you’re looking to rebrand with a new logo, new font and new signage, here are some cautionary tales and useful advice.

Don’t kill your old brand entirely

There are certain things customers tend to associate with a business, namely their logo, colour scheme and the font they use in their branding. If you do away with all of these in one fell swoop, then you may find your customers no longer recognise you and can no longer find you. Hanging on to something familiar makes it more likely your rebrand will be a success.

Take the example of the Royal Mail. In 2002, executives there took the bizarre decision to do away not only with their iconic red and gold colour scheme and logo, but with their name as well, briefly deciding to call the corporation ‘Consignia’. The new name and less than inspiring branding led to public ridicule and the company was forced to slowly phase out the Consignia brand over the course of two years, quietly re-adopting the old branding it had so casually abandoned.

Keep your logo simple

People have short attention spans, and they need to be able to decipher your logo at first glance. Not only will an over-complicated logo not be easy on the eye, but it’s harder for customers to recognise in the future and if they can’t see its relevance to your business, they will quickly lose interest.

The widely-hated London 2012 logo is a case in point. The garish and over-stylised 2012 date became a costly branding disaster, and finding unusual images in the numbers became a national sport in its own right. While it was too late in the day to backtrack, you can only assume the organisers of the games regretted the reported £400,000 fee they paid for such an unattractive image…

Think about your font

Too preoccupied with the logo, people often overlook just how important a familiar font can be during rebrands. Many businesses have a font which is unique to them and is used across all their promotional materials, from business cards and letterheads to menus, price lists and their shop front signage. When you think of familiar High Street chains such as Debenhams, Marks & Spencer or any of the big supermarket brands, you can conjure up their fonts in your mind’s eye with no problem, so difficult is it to detach the font from the business.

Playing with your font can be a dangerous game, as GAP found to their cost when they tried to rebrand in 2010. Replacing the familiar elongated and capitalised letters of their name with a lower case, stubbier version went down very badly with loyal customers, who took to social media to mock and complain. The company did a U-turn within the week, and the moral of the story is that if you must tinker with the font on your logo, keep it simple, easy on the eye and make sure it extends across your entire brand.

Don’t rebrand just because you can

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you always should. Rebranding can be an expensive exercise, and while change can be good, the upheaval of shaking things up every few years can be draining. Sometimes, all that is needed is a spruce up of what you already have, so if you still think your colour scheme and font look good, perhaps all you need is a simple new logo, some new signage outside your business premises or a quick update to the promotional giveaway goods you hand out.

Getting advice from a professional designer can be a good move if you’re considering a rebrand, as they will be able to point out the strengths and weaknesses of your current branding and suggest creative ways you might want to update or modernise your colour scheme, font and logo. You’re the expert in what your business does, but experts in the design industry probably know what works best in terms of rebrands.

Whether you’re going for a complete brand overhaul or simply adding a slight tweak to the branding you already have, new signage to promote your new look is a must. At The Sussex Sign Company, we have a dedicated team of highly skilled designers and sign installers who have worked extensively on rebranding projects for businesses right across London and the South East.

We can work closely with you to ensure your image makeover is a success, crafting bespoke branding packages which ensure you get the most from your rebranding exercise. For more information on the services offered by The Sussex Sign Company, simply get in touch with our expert team today.

What makes a great sign?

Signage is one thing no business can afford to get wrong. Because the signs on the front of your premises are always visible and always advertising you to the world, ensuring they stand out, look attractive and are memorable to potential customers is absolutely vital when it comes to winning that much-needed footfall on the High Street.

Poorly designed and badly installed signs not only make your business look like an eyesore in the local area, they may very well put customers off altogether. When the front of your premises look unappealing and unloved, it suggests that everything else you have to offer will also be disappointing to customers. That means that keeping the façade of your establishment in top condition is key. So what makes a great sign, and how can you ensure your signs are working hard for you?

Bold design

When it comes to sign design, there’s no point in doing things by halves. Employing a professional sign designer with the relevant experience and knowledge can make all the difference if you want to get the best signs for your business. While it might seem like an expense you could do without, professional design teams are highly skilled and know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Even if you can clearly picture what you want in your mind’s eye, a professional designer might just come up with some creative alternatives or valuable additions which you perhaps hadn’t thought of.

A bold sign is one which makes the best use of colour, imagery and font. Too bland in its colour scheme and your signs are easily overlooked, too loud and you run the risk of them perhaps seeming garish and tacky. The colours you and your designer choose will probably tie in with the branding your business already uses, so if you have a particular colour scheme you use elsewhere, then incorporating this is a good way of promoting your brand identity more forcefully.

The same goes for imagery, and working your logo into pride of place in your sign is key. You may also have a specific font which is associated with your company’s brand image, which needs to form part of a bold signage solution. A good designer will know how to strike a balance with all these elements, creating a sign design which is striking, clean, legible and uncluttered.

A branding opportunity

You should treat the installation of new signs as a way to build your brand identity. Whether you own or manage a shop, restaurant, café, bar, gym or any other establishment, you’ll have worked hard to shape an image which reflects what you do and the pride you take in doing it. If you’re installing new signage and feel your old branding is looking a little lacklustre, this can be a great chance to modernise or update your brand identity.

Great signs are able to convey a message and tell a story, about you, your business and your work. We all make instant judgements about what we’re looking at within a fraction of a second, so the amount of time your sign has to make an impact on potential customers is minimal, and you only get one shot at that first impression. What elevates a good sign to a great one is the ability to convey in that split second everything they need to know about you. Well-designed, well-maintained and memorable, a great sign gives them the whole picture in an instant.

Internal signs

It’s not just the outside of your premises which needs great signs, but the inside can benefit too. Wayfinding signs, promotional graphics and other internal signs all need to be designed with the same principles in mind, ensuring they tie in with your branding and are clear and easily understood.

While the external signs might be the stars of the show, those indoors need to work just as hard and be just as striking. Signs which confuse and are unclear could lead to all sorts of problems for clients and customers, causing frustration and putting your business across in a less than favourable light. A good designer will be able to develop a signage solution which works well with the layout of your indoor space and enhances the customer experience while they’re visiting your premises.

Still looking great?

As with anything new and shiny, the novelty of a new sign might well wear off after a while, but it still needs to remain looking great. If you’ve already invested the money in getting a beautiful, bespoke sign for the outside of your premises, then it makes sense to keep it well maintained. The ‘greatness’ will soon rub off your new signs if you don’t keep them in tip-top condition, so considering a long-term maintenance package may well be a sensible option.

Go to the pros

Only by using a professional sign design and installation company can you be sure you’re getting a great signage solution. The Sussex Sign Company has been working in this field for more than two decades, crafting beautiful, bespoke signs for business across the region, and further afield.

Thanks to the talents of our highly skilled design and installation teams, we’re able to offer our clients a service like no other. We offer a tailor-made package which ensures you get exactly what you need from your signs, designing, fitting and maintaining great signs which will help your business stand out. For more information on the services we can provide, simply contact our expert team today, on 01273 424900.

Planning Your New Sign Project

Spring Into Action With New Signage

Whether you’re launching a full rebranding exercise or you’re looking at a smaller-scale makeover to the front of your business premises, you need to plan your new sign project with care. Studies have shown that the human brain processes what it can see, forms a first impression or makes a judgement in just a tenth of a second, so appearances really do matter. In an already challenging retail and hospitality market, ensuring your premises are looking their very best has never been so important. A well-presented shop or restaurant front encourages custom, offering a promising glimpse into what might lie beyond the double doors.

New signage can make an immediate difference to how potential customers perceive your company. High-quality signage is the gift which keeps on giving, always visible and acting as round-the-clock and year-round advertising for your business. Done well, signage does more than simply put your company name and logo in lights – it reflects your brand to the world, it lets customers know you take pride in your work and it enhances the area around it by being attractive and pleasing to the eye. If you’re planning on updating your existing signage or considering a whole new sign project, getting the right team on board to support you in the design, installation and maintenance of your new signs is crucial, if the exercise is to be a success.

Why New Signage?

As an advertising tool, strong, well-designed signs have a more far-reaching and enduring power than taking out a small ad in the local paper or a slot on a local radio show, as more people come into contact with your signs on a daily basis. Made up in your company’s signature colours and clearly displaying your name, logo and contact details, a good sign makes a lasting impression on all who see it, whether they’re conscious of the fact or not.

It’s also true to say that people notice change in their neighbourhoods, especially when the change they see is improving the local area or making them sit up and take notice. Familiarity can breed indifference, and no matter how brilliant the products you sell, the food you serve or the services you offer, if people have stopped noticing your premises, then trade inevitably trails off. Sometimes, when they pass your shop, café, bar or restaurant every day on the school run or commute, people may simply have ceased to register your existence. If the signage changes, if the front of your premises suddenly gets that bold new look, then it will turn heads – and heads turned equates to more trade in the long-term.

It’s All In The Planning

Installing new signage does require a certain level of investment. Done well, though, it will pay you back multiple times over and will last for many, many years to come. Just as you wouldn’t rush into any other important business decision without first looking at it from several different angles, having new signs installed must be undertaken only after careful consideration and plenty of planning, and preferably with the expert advice of an experienced signage company.

You may well begin planning your new sign project with a very clear mental image of what your signs should look like, or you may be completely open-minded and looking for guidance. Either way, the best sign designers will be able to find creative alternatives and new solutions that you may not even have considered. Technical expertise, such as which fonts, colours and types of sign work well together are only acquired with experience, which is why it can be a good approach to go into the process with an open mind about what you might want from your new signs. An installation company will also be best placed to advise you on the positioning of your signs, to ensure they get the maximum exposure and are legible, eye-catching and more likely to capture the attention of potential customers.

As well as the visual appearance of your signs, you also have to consider the health and safety implications of new signage. Poorly fitted and badly-maintained signs can pose a serious risk, both to you and your customers. If there’s any danger that they might cause injuries, the consequences can be dire, in terms of reputation damage and costly litigation. Good planning in advance means that risk is reduced, and setting up an ongoing maintenance programme ensures they are kept safe and sparkling throughout the year.

Other Considerations

Finally, you need to decide when the best time would be to have your new signage installed. A professional signage company is unlikely to be put off by the bad weather over the autumn and winter months, so your new sign project could really be undertaken at any time of the year. Spring is, however, a particularly good time to consider new signs, especially as this is a period when lots of business owners feel the need for a cathartic deep spring clean and a fresh start with better branding. The timing will have to depend on when you feel you’ll make the minimum impact on your customers and the maximum impact in terms of relaunching your powerful new brand identity.

You also need to make sure you work with designers and sign installers you’re comfortable with and a team you can build a rapport with, as this can be a long-lasting relationship. Not only are you entrusting them with your company image and your creative ideas, but they may also be involved in the ongoing maintenance and servicing of your signs.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve spent many years working with local businesses to plan and manage their new sign projects. Thanks to our highly creative design team and our expertly qualified professional fitters, we combine bright ideas and technical skills to make your new signs work for you. For more information on how we can help, simply get in touch today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

How To Make Your Signs Work All Year

Ensure Your Signs Work For You and Add Value To Your Bottom Line

If you own or run a small- or medium-sized business, chances are you’re hard at work day in, day out, throughout the year. For many, the concept of a ‘day off’ is probably alien, and holidays can be few and far between if you’re dedicated to making your company a success, especially early on, when building a brand and forging a reputation can consume every waking minute. When you’re so hard at work, you need all the help you can get, which is why your signage ought to be made to work just as hard throughout the year.

Signage is an integral part of any business premises, whether you own a small café, run a bar or restaurant, operate a gym or are the owner of a retail shop or store. Signage is one of the most powerful promotional and advertising tools your company has in its arsenal, and done well, it does far more than simply announce your company’s name and logo to the world. Your signs can reflect your brand and help shape a lasting impression in the minds of potential customers, increasing footfall and showing that you take pride in your work.

Keeping Up Appearances

The signage outside your business premises really can be made to work hard. It’s prime advertising space, after all, visible to all passersby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks of the year. There’s no point it being there, however, if it’s not a positive reflection of your company. On every high street, in every town, village and city, you’ll find signage which not only makes a shop or restaurant an eyesore, but which also gives the impression there’s a lack of interest in appearances, which can only translate into a lack of interest in services. Faulty illuminations, missing or faded lettering, grubby or poorly-kept signs – these all suggest to customers that what lies within the establishment will be just as disappointing as the external appearance.

For signage to work all year round, it has to be not only well designed and well fitted, but well-maintained come rain or shine. Finding a company which can install powerful signage and also provide a year-round maintenance service to keep it looking in tip-top condition is crucial if you’re to keep up appearances.

Autumn and Winter Time Signage

During the colder, darker months towards the end of the year, well maintained signage can be a real blessing to a business. Far from being a ‘dead’ period for retailers and those in the hospitality and leisure industries, the autumn and winter can be a very busy time of year. Between Halloween, Bonfire Night, the build up to Christmas and New Year and the seasonal sales, this is often a period when competition on the High Street is fierce, and encouraging customers to choose your business over those of your rivals becomes more important than ever.

The weather may be unpleasant and people may be a little deterred from venturing out, but that’s when quality signage comes into its own. A well-illuminated, well-maintained sign acts as a beacon to passersby, encouraging them through the door, or at least persuading them to pause and examine your window display, your menu or your list of offers. The welcoming façade of your premises can make a major difference to the number of customers you attract, which is more important than ever during those post-Christmas months when footfall tends to tail off.

While this might not seem like the most logical time of year to carry out maintenance work to your signage, ensuring it is all in working order and looking immaculate is as important now as during the sunnier months of the year, if not more so. Bad weather can damage signs, leaving them not only looking a little worse for wear but potentially dangerous to you and your customers. Good sign maintenance companies are undeterred by a little rain and wind, so keeping your signage safe and sparkling is straightforward over the autumn and winter.

Spring and Summer Time Signage

With the better weather comes higher footfall on the High Street, and all eyes are on you. Spring can provide a wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start, so if you’ve been thinking about a little rebranding or just a deep spring clean, then now is a good time to have new signage installed. Sprucing up the front of your premises in anticipation of the better weather can give a real boost to how you feel and see your business, and how customers see it. Spring can be a time for transformations, and people notice change. New signage now can renew or generate interest in your business, and it could be the pick-me-up you need after a quiet couple of months.

Summer again provides plenty of opportunities, and your signage needs to be working as hard now as it did throughout the autumn and winter. With more people than ever choosing to remain within the UK for their holidays, you may find there’s an increase in the number of people passing by, who are unfamiliar with your brand and what you do. Depending on where your business is located and how likely the area is to attract tourists or holidaymakers, clear signage which announces your presence and encourages those one-off customers to take a closer look could help secure some all-important impulse buys.

How Can We Help?

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve spent many years working with businesses across East Sussex to not only design and install bespoke and beautiful signage, but to keep it looking it’s best all year round. With tailored maintenance packages built around your individual requirements, we can help you keep your signs as stand-out and sparkling as the day they were first fitted. For more information on how we can make your signage work harder for you year-round, simply get in touch with our expert team today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Organisations change all the time, so their signage should too.

Change is good. We live in an age where nothing stands still, and while some of us might feel a sense of dread when things are shaken up, there can be no doubt that the only way companies move forward is by embracing change. Being pushed out of our comfort zones by change is one of the only ways both businesses and we as individuals learn, adapt and improve, and a change – as the old adage goes – can be as good as a rest.

As organisations are always looking to change and improve their workplace practices and cultures, their brand image also needs to keep up with the alterations they make. Revolutionising and building your business is a rather futile exercise, if the people you’re selling to still hold onto the outdated vision of the ‘old you’. If the improvements you make go unnoticed and if you don’t spread the word, then your customers and clients won’t be able to see the benefits of getting on board with your organisation. Probably the most important and visible way of announcing the internal changes to your business is through the outside of your business. That’s why, if change is to work, considering a shake-up of your signage to attract some attention could be vital in the next chapter of your company’s story.

Change shouldn’t be scary

Everyone likes stability, but change doesn’t have to be a scary thing and, done well, the two are not incompatible. Companies have to adapt all the time, whether that’s overhauling an old-fashioned process which no longer works, implementing a few role changes in a department which is no longer functioning at its best, or embracing new technologies designed to improve particular systems.

If companies cannot be open to change, there is always a danger of stagnation. Sometimes individuals can simply be too close, too far into an organisation to see that there is a problem, and it takes someone coming in from the outside – a new member of staff or an expert specially drafted in – to point out that they’ve become stuck in a rut. If sales figures are on a downward spiral or targets are not being met, there’s no other option but change.

Tinkering about the edges

Of course, if a company is going to implement changes which are meaningful and lasting, then there is no point in simply tinkering about the edges. The whole point of the exercise and upheaval has to be to improve things in the long-term, so whatever goods, products or services a company is offering, just tweaking minor things is not going to make a tangible difference to sales figures or footfall.

If customers are going to see a real difference and be tempted back into a bar, restaurant, shop, gym or other establishment which has become tired and stuck in a rut, then they need to be blown away by the impact of the changes which are being made. Simply updating the signature dish, adding a single new line of beauty products or offering a week-long discount on membership fees isn’t going to cut the mustard in such a competitive High Street market.

Big changes inside your premises call for big changes outside. Having made the decision to change and shake things up a bit, you need to announce that to the world – and that’s where upgrading your signs comes in.

How new signage can help

Customers and clients notice change when they see it on the streets they’re so familiar with, especially when it’s change for the better. If they’ve passed your premises day in, day out on the long commute to work or whilst running the kids to school, then they’ve probably stopped noticing you altogether. After all, familiarity breeds indifference, and they see just the same old, same old thing.

If, however, you decide to spruce up your shopfront and introduce improved and bolder signage, then the people who might have once simply passed you by will see something’s different and they may be more tempted to pause at your window display or stop to look at your menu. Seeing a difference, and noticing a change for the better can only encourage more footfall and give your business the boost it so definitely deserves.

In these difficult times for companies in all sectors, rebranding through improved signs announces your new, more confident and more efficient business to the world. While it might seem like an expensive investment on the back of all the other changes you’ve been making, high quality new signs really will pay dividends in the long run. Signs act as a round-the-clock advertisement for your company, and properly designed, installed and maintained, they are the most powerful branding tool you have available.

If you have invested time, money and effort in implementing difficult changes beyond the double doors at the front of your premises, then it makes sound business sense to announce that change to the world. You’ve done all the hard work inside, so make the outside reflect that.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve dedicated years to crafting the most beautiful and enduring signage solutions for companies across the region, and are the go-to people when it comes to rebranding and upgrading all your external and internal signs. Our team of skilled designers and professional, highly-qualified sign fitters are always on hand to help you make the changes you need to keep your business going from strength to strength. For more information about the services we can offer you, simply get in touch today.

Is 2017 the year to renew your signs?

New Year, New Signs

We were only a handful of days into 2017 when several major High Street companies, including Next, began to issue warnings about what a challenging year this could turn out to be. Stock prices began to slide, as industry analysts assessed sluggish sales over the Christmas period and expressed their fears that the coming months could be particularly hard for all involved in the retail, hospitality, services and manufacturing industries. A decade on from the crippling financial crash, the economy has been slow to pick up and consumer confidence is only gradually beginning to return. With families everywhere keeping tighter control on their purse strings and continuing uncertainty over the vote to leave the European Union, businesses across all sectors could find 2017 a particularly difficult year.

Tougher competition between companies large and small will inevitably lead to some going out of business altogether, so there has never been a more crucial moment for looking again at what you could be doing to attract more custom and give your business the edge over your rivals. One of the most effective ways of drawing in those much-needed sales is by relaunching your brand, making it stronger so that it stands out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do that is by investing in new signage. So how can an investment in sign replacement now help your business throughout 2017?

New year, new you

January is a good time for a fresh start. Despite the dismal weather and the tighter budgets, people are still lured out onto the streets by the promise of bagging a bargain in the annual sales, so you may find that footfall along your particular stretch of street is not as low as you had expected. That said, persuading people to stop and inspect your illuminated window display, price lists or menu can be a challenge when there are multiple stores competing for the attention of passing trade, so ensuring you stand out from the premises around you is key.

Signage is perhaps the most important tool you have at your disposal in this regard. Especially in these dreary winter months, a well illuminated and well maintained sign acts as a beacon to potential customers, offering a warm invitation to come in out of the cold and explore what you have to offer. As they say, you only get one shot at a first impression, and shops and restaurants with grubby, run down and poorly cared for signage are an eyesore which instantly puts off those passing by. A disappointing shop front suggests the owner takes little pride or interest in their business, so their chances of luring in the spontaneous shopper or retaining their repeat custom are limited.

A well designed and well looked after sign, by comparison, shows you hold your business to a high standard and care about what the world thinks of you. People notice change in their neighbourhood, so whether they pass your shop on the way to work each day or drive past your gym during the school run, the chances are they will spot your sign replacement and be inclined to investigate further.

No better time

If you thought that the winter months were not the most practical time for sign replacement, prepare to think again. Once the January sales tail off, footfall inevitably follows suit, with fewer people finding any incentive to trudge the High Street once the cold, wintry weather takes hold. You may find that over the winter months and early spring you have less custom, so you have plenty more time to see to all those maintenance jobs and administrative tasks you might have been putting off in the busy run-up to Christmas and New Year.

Think of your sign replacement as part of a pre-spring clean, a sprucing up of your premises ahead of the expected increase in trade that comes with the better weather. Professional sign fitters are undeterred by cold and damp conditions, so new signage can be fitted at any time of the year. Taking advantage of this slack period, now is perhaps the best time of year to give your business premises that new lease of life which will attract new customers and help you pull in those much needed sales.

If the gloomy forecast for 2017 becomes reality, this really could be the year when new signage and a more positive and proactive attitude to re-branding your business makes all the difference.

A professional approach

When it’s done well, sign replacement can work wonders for a business. Giving your shopfront that ‘wow’ factor and making sure your brand identity is clearly displayed for all to see can boost your chances of success. Sign manufacturing is now so advanced that there are virtually no limits to what you can do, but getting advice and having your new signage professionally designed and fitted will give you the very best results.

Here at the The Sussex Sign Company, our expert designers and sign fitters have been working in this field for many years, and we are ideally placed to help you re-brand and re-energise your business with new signage for 2017. As well as crafting beautiful, bespoke signs, we are on hand to help you maintain your signage and keep it looking as pristine and attractive as the day it was installed. Give your business a boost for the year ahead by contacting us today, to see how we can help you weather the uncertain year ahead.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Renew your image in 2017, with the help of new signage

January is the month of reinvention. The New Year celebrations usher in a phase of good intentions, when we promise ourselves a period of self-improvement and transformation. Determined to shed the excess Christmas pounds, exercise more, drink less, learn a new skill, we all put our best foot forward at the beginning of the year, and hope we have the willpower to make and maintain those big changes to our personal lives.

But there’s no reason the positive thinking and good intentions should stop with our personal lives – January could also be the month when you implement some resolutions and revolutions for your business too. Setting yourself some ambitious goals now could see you reaping the rewards further down the line in 2017, and giving your business a bolder, stronger brand image could be just the thing you need to succeed in the challenging months to come.

There may be trouble ahead…

Last year’s vote to leave the European Union certainly threw the United Kingdom into a period of significant uncertainty. While some argue that it will open up new opportunities, others fear things will become more difficult as the country renegotiates trade deals and finds its footing outside the EU. With the timetable for leaving the union still up in the air, leading figures in the banking, retail, hospitality and manufacturing industries have all predicted that 2017 looks set to be a very bumpy ride for many businesses, up and down the country.

As the year began, some major players on the British High Street were warning that slower than expected sales could spell trouble ahead, with many people curbing their spending habits since the financial downturn of a decade ago, and the economy only slowly recovering. All this means that competition between businesses with a High Street presence is fiercer than ever. Whether you own or manage a shop, pub, restaurant, gym or independent cinema, this year you’ll need to pull out all the stops if you’re to stay ahead of the game and clinch those much needed sales.

A much needed boost

One of the most practical and cost effective things you can do to revamp your image in 2017 is to invest in new, high quality signage for your business premises. If the signs you have above your door are a few years old, chances are they are looking a little past their best and in need of some TLC to inject a new lease of life into your shop front. While renewing your image might seem like an expensive or frivolous pursuit at a time when we’re all feeling the pinch, a new sign is very much the gift which keeps on giving.

New signage is the very best form of advertising, and a bold, well designed sign which stands out from a distance can drive trade your way more successfully than any media marketing campaign. Signs do so much more than inform those passing by of your company name – they give out a very clear message about your brand, about what you can offer and about how you, as the business owner, view the work you do.

A well crafted sign which is well lit and kept in tip top condition demonstrates that you take an interest in how the world sees your business, while a run-down sign with missing lettering is an instant turn-off for potential customers. A pleasant and attractive façade promises a pleasant and attractive interior beyond the sliding doors, which is far more likely to make people stop and take notice of your window display or menu. When you consider the wide choice consumers have and the variety of options open to them, ensuring you are the business they choose out of a long line of stores and cafes is often all about how you appear from the outside, and first impressions matter. We all have short attention spans and we all make snap judgments, so the more eye-catching and the stronger your image, the more chance you have of grabbing that passing trade.

The best time for change

You should treat renewing your image as a little spring cleaning, ahead of the better weather. Imagine the impact a new sign could have, with your business name, logo and colours suddenly making the front of your premises that little bit bolder and more vibrant, despite the gloomy winter weather. A new shop sign is a wise investment when you consider the benefits – this is standout advertising which is working for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year.

We all know that 2017 is going to be a tough year, but when things look set to challenge us, the best thing we can do is take a proactive stance and not bury our heads in the sand. The fiercer the competition and the harder the market, the more need there is to reinvent your business and strengthen your image.

Here at the Sussex Sign Company, we have many years’ experience designing, fitting and maintaining the highest quality signs and way-finding systems available. We appreciate how hard things can be for business owners, which is why we do everything we can to work with you to find tailor-made solutions for all your signage needs. To revamp your image in 2017, simply get in touch with our friendly, highly skilled team today, and together we can drive your business forward to better things.

Brighten Up The Winter Months With An Illuminated Sign

Illuminated Signage

We are now well and truly in the depths of the bleak midwinter, when the evenings draw in early, the cold begins to get us all down and the weather is often as miserable as that post-Christmas feeling. It’s little wonder that when the January blues strike, most of simply bury our heads under the duvet and let our thoughts begin to turn towards holidays in the sun or taking solace in a little comfort eating or retail therapy.

This can, however, also be a time for fresh starts and reinvention. The New Year offers a new start, and with it a rush of good intentions and resolutions to improve on some aspect of our lives, be it a health kick after the guilt of overindulging in mince pies or starting that DIY project that has been put off for months. In our working lives as well as our personal ones, seizing that sudden flurry of motivation can be a fantastic way to counter the dreariness of the winter months and inject a little life back into proceedings.

Whether you own a small boutique shop or a large restaurant, this time of year can seem relatively quiet after the Christmas rush, so it’s an ideal time to act on those good intentions and give your business premises a little attention. Competition for trade is always a challenge, but never more so than when footfall on the High Street is low and the wintry weather is putting customers off venturing much further than the local supermarket.

One of the quickest, most effective and long-lasting things you can do to improve your chances of boosting trade during this quiet patch is sprucing up the front of your store with new signage. People notice change, and it catches everyone’s eyes when something they pass on a daily basis on the way to work or on the school run is suddenly given a makeover. By investing in illuminated signage in particular, you could banish the winter blues and give your business a new lease of life.

Why Illuminated Signage?

What could be more inviting to the chilly High Street shopper than a warm and inviting shop front? Whether it’s a shop, restaurant, bar or any other business premises, a well lit sign and an attractive building façade are a welcoming sight when the mercury has plummeted and the rain is coming down in sheets. There’s far more to good signage than simply having your name spelled out correctly and your company logo pinned above the door. Illuminated signage has multiple benefits, especially at this time of year, making it a wise investment for any business owner.

Because the light begins to fade around mid-afternoon over the winter months, illuminated signage not only looks attractive but also plays a major role in ensuring casual passersby still notice you and potential customers can still find you. Having your name in lights above the entrance makes you more visible and more attractive, and the bolder, brighter and more beautiful your signage, the more likely you are to get people through the door. It’s a simple truth that people are more likely to stop on impulse, whatever the weather, if they see a shop or restaurant front which appeals to them.

A well-lit sign is, therefore, a permanent and prominent marketing tool. Acting as a beacon and announcing your presence to the world, your signage can be a powerful and effective piece of branding which it’s difficult for people to overlook – a strong design featuring your company name, colours and logo sticks in the mind and is remembered long afterwards, almost certainly giving you the edge over the competition.

A Pre-spring Clean

New signage is a belated Christmas present which your premises will thank you for, and despite the weather, this is the perfect time of year for having new signage installed. In fact, it’s arguably because of the weather that this is the ideal time.

Strong winds and driving rain can wreak havoc with old or poorly maintained signage, getting beneath the lettering, wearing away at fixings and generally causing it to look unclean and unsightly, not to mention the health and safety risks involved in elevated signage falling into disrepair. Investing in quality new signs might seem like a significant outlay at a time when passing trade has dwindled, but it will pay you back and be worth more than its weight in gold in the long-term.

Think of installing a new illuminated sign as a spot of spring cleaning, ahead of the better weather. If you’ve been delaying those odd-jobs around your business premises, then now’s the time to capitalise on the New Year good intentions, while things are slow in other respects and you have the time to give your shop front the TLC it so deserves.

Get That Glowing Feeling

If the weather’s getting you down and the post-Christmas lull is starting to take its toll, now’s the time to act. Not only will an illuminated sign help make your shop front more attractive despite the gloomy weather, it might even see you getting more customers through the door and more of those all-important January sales.

To find out more about how illuminated signage could benefit your business, speak to the experts at the Sussex Sign Company using our contact form or give us a call on 01273 417057. We have been providing beautiful, bespoke illuminated signs to businesses in East Sussex for many years, and with the highest quality workmanship and a wealth of knowledge, we can design, install and help you maintain your brand new signs.

Signage The Christmas Gift Which Keeps on Giving

We have already entered one of the busiest periods in the shopping calendar, with Christmas and New Year meaning bargain hunters everywhere have braved the cold and gloomy weather to grab those stocking fillers and fill their fridges for the celebrations. While retailers and restaurant or pub owners are probably already rushed off their feet, there’s one more job you should add to your to-do list and it could just be the one which helps you maximise sales over the festive period – installing new signage.

Competition in the retail and hospitality sectors can be incredibly fierce over the Christmas period, with everyone trying to outdo their neighbours with discounts, special offers and diversity of stock. It’s a critical time for making up if sales have been poor throughout the rest of the year, giving a much-needed boost to the balance books as the year draws to a close. Capturing your fair share of the Christmas market is, therefore, a big priority over the coming days and weeks, and new signage could be just the thing you need to catch the eyes of the Christmas crowds and pull in new customers.

Sussex and London: Shopping Destinations of Choice

It goes without saying that the capital is the number one destination for shoppers at this time of year, drawing in people not only from across the United Kingdom but around the world. While the wealthy fly in to stock up at Hamleys and Harrods, the majority of us will be spending our money in supermarkets, high street stores, big retail outlets and smaller independent shops. This year, spending is expected to bounce back to a level not seen since the financial crash of 2007, so it could well be a very merry Christmas indeed for the nation’s shopkeepers.

Oxford Street is, of course, one of the most popular shopping spots, but all across the capital shops, restaurants and bars will be hearing the tills ringing out in the Christmas period. Beyond the densely packed streets of Zone 1, there are countless London boroughs where you’ll find not only the big name high street chains, but slightly more unusual independent stores.

Sussex, too, has become something of a retail destination in recent years. Ideally situated within handy reach of the capital, savvy shoppers wishing to escape the worst of the crowds and find something a little different are increasingly drawn to nearby Eastbourne, Brighton and Chichester, which are all just a short train hop away. Smaller, more quirky stores located in picturesque towns such as Lewes, Rye and Arundel also pull in shoppers on the search for that elusive perfect present, as do the festive markets.

For shop owners, restaurant managers or pub landlords across Sussex and London, ensuring your premises are looking at their best can make a big difference to the footfall you get through your door at this time of year. People are automatically drawn to the most attractive, best-looking outlets, so a dreary shop window or a shabby façade can easily drive much needed custom straight into the arms of a local competitor.

Add Signage To Your Christmas List This Year

Whether you’re based in Sussex or London signage should be top of your Christmas list. It may seem like just one more thing to get done when you’re already rushed off your feet, but the benefits of installing new signage are immediate and impressive.

Customers really do like to see attractive shops fronts and are more likely to venture inside if they can see that the outside of your premises is well-kept and appealing. Getting people to pause and examine your window display or cast an eye over your menu is half the battle when it comes to clinching those all-important Christmas sales, and a bold, beautiful and eye-catching sign can be seen from quite a distance and may well lure customers over.

A high quality sign speaks volumes about your business and about you. Nobody wants to go through the doors of a shop or restaurant where the sign above the door is missing letters or looks grubby and unloved, but a well-lit and well-maintained sign has exactly the opposite effect and offers encouragement. At this time of year in particular, when the weather might be dark and gloomy, the warming glow of a good sign is a welcoming invitation to the casual passerby and certainly helps your business stand out.

Choosing The Right Signage For Your Business

Getting your signage right is key, and done well it becomes the gift which just keeps on giving. Signage is an incredibly powerful marketing tool which is both prominent and permanent, advertising your business round the clock simply by being so visible. Good signage does more than just put your name above the door – it’s a prime piece of branding, so must be bold and memorable, perhaps including your company’s logo or colours.

When it comes to Sussex and London signage, the Sussex Sign Company is the market leading provider of high quality, bespoke signs. We work all across the county of Sussex, as well as serving all London boroughs, so wherever you are, we’re on hand to help. With many years’ experience in this field, we are able to work with you to design, manufacture, install and help you maintain your signage, offering innovative solutions to all your signage needs. For more information about the services we provide, or to get advice on the best signage for your business, simply get in touch with our expert team today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

How New Estate Agent Signage Could Help You Prepare for the New Year’s Rush

We all know there’s a dip in the property market in the run-up to Christmas. After all, nobody wants the stress of moving into a new home only a few days or weeks before the busiest time of year. However, the quiet period almost always ends as soon as the New Year begins, and people who have been delaying putting their houses on the market or holding off on the start of their search for a new home suddenly see the New Year as a new beginning.

If you own or manage an estate agency, this is one of the most important times in the calendar, and anything you can do to increase footfall and drum up interest can only be a good thing. With competition from other agencies and online agents so fierce, ensuring yours is the go-to agency can be a challenge. So what can you do to make sure that the New Year brings those much needed sales and success? The first place to start is with your shop front.

If you make one New Year’s resolution about your business, let it be that you’ll spruce up your estate agent signage and give the façade of your premises a little TLC as we enter the darker, gloomier winter months. When it comes to attracting new customers, there is little that can have so immediate and impressive an impact as a new sign above the door, so look no further and read on, to find out more about the benefits of sparkling new estate agent signage.

The perks of proper signage

There’s nothing like the dawning of a New Year to fill us all with good intentions and the get-up-and-go we need to make some big changes. After all the fun and indulgence of Christmas, this can be a month of transformations for the better, and that extends from the health kick in your personal life to the little shake up your business premises needs.

For most people, the New Year marks a fresh start, so it’s often the time when people spruce up their homes ready for sale, or begin to trawl Rightmove once again in search of the perfect property. That’s all good news for you, but now you need to capitalise on this sudden rush of interest. In order to attract as many people as possible through your doors, you need more than some nice homes on your books. You need to look the part to the casual passerby in the High Street and pull in customers with a winning shop front.

Giving your estate agents a new, well made and eye catching sign above the door will certainly give you an edge over the competition. People notice change, and seeing your estate agent signage go from tired and lacklustre to bright, bold and beautiful will definitely generate new interest in your business. At this time of year, when the evenings draw in early and the weather can be miserable, a well illuminated sign and shop front will offer a warm and inviting welcome to people out and about in the neighbourhood, encouraging them through your doors and onto your books.

Reaping the rewards of good signage

Giving your premises a little love and care now will pay dividends over the winter months. Poor weather can really affect old or poorly maintained signage, often causing it to look shabby and run-down, all of which puts off potential customers. We have all passed shops, restaurants and other High Street facades, where the signage is falling to pieces and looking a little worse for wear, and you wouldn’t want to join that particular club…

Installing and maintaining new signage will not only make the front of your agency more appealing, it will also speak volumes about your company and the work you do. Like the front door of your home or the clothes you choose to wear, the signage you have fitted reflects something much deeper. Good signage shouts ‘good company’, demonstrating that you care about and take pride in what you do. A bold, beautiful sign suggests that what lies beyond the front doors is similarly promising, whereas poorly maintained and outdated signage doesn’t bode well in any customer’s eyes.

A well made sign is also a memorable one, which is precisely what you need in such a competitive market. If your sign is bold and helps put your brand on a more visible platform, you’re already well on your way to garnering greater interest in your business. People like to see attractive shop fronts, and images including your brand name and colours will stick more clearly in their minds if your signage is distinctive.

A resolution worth keeping

Resolutions are hard to keep – just one last chocolate before the diet starts, just one more weekend before you hit the gym, just one more hour in bed before you start your novel. Whatever resolutions you might have made (and already broken) in your personal life, make new estate agent signage the one you keep for your company’s sake.

With many years’ experience providing bespoke and beautiful signage, the Sussex Sign Company are the number one choice when it comes to providing the best signage solutions for estate agencies everywhere. We can install and help you maintain the new signage your premises needs, so for more information on the services we offer, simply get in touch with our expert team today.