How The Sussex Sign Company can help if you are a Facilities Manager

Facilities Managers have to juggle a lot of things, whatever type of site or building they are overseeing. In order to do this job efficiently, you need to have the ultimate organisational skills to see everything is ticking over smoothly and the needs of the site’s employees are fully met. As well as seeing the grounds and premises are well maintained, the communications infrastructure is working well and onsite cleaning, catering and security are all well-managed, you probably spend a lot of time liaising with other companies to arrange a variety of other services.

As part of keeping your premises looking attractive and presentable, you probably have a good deal of signage, both internal and external, which needs to be updated and maintained. That’s where The Sussex Sign Company can really help. Signage is one of those things it’s all too easy to overlook when you’re constantly trying to keep on top of all the competing demands of facilities management, but your signage plays a major part in the life of your site.

What role does signage play?

Your signs are usually the first things which employees and visitors alike see when they approach your premises, so it’s vital that you make a good first impression. Well-made and well-maintained signs really do reflect the work you do as a Facilities Manager – taking pride in this initial calling card suggests you also take pride in every other aspect of your work, from the obvious things like seeing the grounds are kept neat and tidy to the underappreciated back-room work such as fixing loose wiring or changing the light bulbs.

Whether you’re a school caretaker with school signs to tend to or a Facilities Manager overseeing a retail outlet with large shop front signs, ensuring your signage is in top working order can make all the difference to how people view your company or establishment. Signs for schools, shops, restaurants, bars, gyms and other High Street outlets act as a beacon to draw customers in. Well-crafted and kept in top working order, they are an inviting and appealing prospect, but badly-designed and left to go to ruin, they don’t bode well and potential customers and visitors will find them a deterrent.

An overlooked asset?

We all know that familiarity breeds complacency. When you see something day in, day out, you can start to become blind to it and no longer notice it’s even there. Chances are you pass by your shop front signs, business site signs or school signs every day – so often, in fact, that they’ve simply faded into the background and ceased to make any impression on you.

Take a moment to step back and re-assess them with a fresh pair of eyes. Imagine you are a visitor to your site for the very first time – what do you see now? If your signage looks a little worse for wear or a little outdated and old-fashioned, the time might have come for an upgrade to give them a new lease of life. While they might be far down the agenda when it comes to firefighting tasks day-to-day, well-designed and well-made bespoke signs are a long-term investment that’s well worth making.

Other considerations

It’s also worth bearing in mind that as a Facilities Manager, you are the number one person when it comes to Health and Safety. Seeing that a building complies with all Health and Safety laws and regulations isn’t a choice, but a necessary legal requirement. Your signs play an important role here. Badly installed and poorly maintained signs can pose a major hazard to you, other employees and members of the public. Tragic cases of poorly-maintained signs injuring people and even causing fatalities are actually more common than most people realise, which is why fitting only high-quality signage and seeing that it’s kept safe is so crucial.

Taking out a long-term maintenance package from a professional sign company can take some of the weight off your shoulders if you’re a Facilities Manager, especially as it means you don’t have to keep reminding yourself about getting them seen to. It’s not simply about ensuring your halo illuminated signs are fully lit or giving your school signs a clean now and then. With an ongoing maintenance package, you can be confident that the fixtures and fittings are all up to scratch, guaranteeing that your signs are safe and you’re not running the risk of an accident or prosecution.

Deciding on a sign manufacturer

You should only ever work with a professional and exceptionally experienced signage company, such as The Sussex Sign Company. For more than two decades now, we have been working with Facilities Managers across the south-east and London regions to provide beautiful bespoke signage which stands the test of time.

Our team of highly-skilled and highly-qualified designers, signwriters and installers work together to create tailor-made signage solutions which will gives the premises you manage a whole new lift and ensure they’re looking their best for all the employees and visitors who regularly use your site. What’s more, by taking out one of our long-term maintenance packages, you can enjoy the peace of mind which comes with knowing your signs are spruced up and inspected on a regular basis, keeping them in the best working condition for many years to come.

For more information on the services we can provide, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our friendly and highly experienced team today on 01273 424900 or email us now.