“Tacky” signage unwelcome in Edinburgh

Renowned for their sense of style and culture, the people of Edinburgh seem keen to ensure that their city maintains its exquisite Baronial architecture. So much so, in fact, that a number of residents have complained to Edinburgh City Council over the appearance of a “garish” shop sign on Princes Street.

The sign belongs to American Candy World, which opened earlier this month. Importing the finest confectionery from across the Atlantic, American Candy World is meant to be brash and eye-catching. But some people feel that its stars-and-stripes fascia sign, complete with big, bold lettering, is a little out of character for the area.

Chris Paton tweeted: “Were they really allowed to put up such a garish sign in the middle of Princes Street? It’s horrible.”

On Facebook, Maureen Connolly wrote: “Just as I thought Princes Street could not get any tackier. Words fail me.”

Edinburgh City Council has promised to investigate the complaints. Meanwhile, Graham Birse, director of Edinburgh Napier business school, urged councillors to open talks with the owners of American Candy World.

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