Sussex Signs Charity of the Year

It was a fantastic team decision to choose Guide Dogs for The Blind as the company’s Charity of the Year. Over the 25 years we have been in business, we have supported many different charities but never chosen a single charity to support.

In 2021, we decided to do something different. We have chosen Guide Dogs for the Blind because it is, in many ways, the polar opposite to the visibility of The Sussex Sign Company. As a visually dynamic and creative business, we find it hard to imagine how people with little or no sight, manage on a day-to-day basis.

The hard work and dedication that Guide Dogs for the Blind put into training a guide dog, and helping people with sight loss, is staggering. Every hour, someone in the UK starts to lose their sight and our aim is to raise enough money to train a guide dog to help transform the life of someone who is blind or partially sighted.

Our signage is designed to stand out and attract people to services, products and businesses however, people with sight loss are unable to benefit from our work. Supporting Guide Dogs for the Blind is our way of giving back to those less fortunate than ourselves. We are delighted that our employees are fully supportive and hope to run some in-house and staff fundraising during the year.

As a local company, we frequently get thanked for going ‘that extra mile’ and with a Charity of the Year, this gives us the opportunity to mention to clients and friends that they can also support our Charity of the Year with a donation to Guide Dogs via our Just Giving page.

If you would like to support our fundraising, please visit:

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