Signage on bridge draws complaints from councillors

The A153-158 junction bridge in Horncastle is an important site for business owners who want to advertise in the town. But local councillors are concerned that the bridge is being misused by some firms.

Lincolnshire County Council permits local companies to place banners and advertisements on the railings of the bridge. Horncastle Town Council, however, believes that some firms are using the bridge to advertise for products, services or events located outside the town. Councillors have also stressed that some signs are unsuitable for use on the bridge.

Councillor Steven Newton, explained: “I was under the impression that the town’s bridge (on the junction of the A158 and A153) was supposed to be used for local organisations.

“Recently some of the people using it aren’t even from Horncastle, or are advertising signs outside the town.”

Councillor Bill Aron added that some signs are so large they cover those belonging to other firms. The councillors were also in agreement that many of the signs had been allowed to stay on the bridge for longer than necessary.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we urge all business owners to think carefully about where they place advertising signage.