5 Elements Of Effective Signage Design

The best ways to design signage that will make an impact

Signage design is important so when you’re investing in new signs for your London business, you need to know that they’ll stand out from the crowd. From illuminated signs to wayfinding signage, how do you create eye-catching signs that really work? What are the elements that create successful signs that deliver a good return on investment?

Creating an effective and show-stopping sign is about more than carefully considering specific elements like fonts and colours. It’s about more than a sign simply looking good or being in the right place. Good signs are part of the story that your business tells about itself.

Aesthetics that create a connection

The way you convey your message can create an emotional connection with customers. A dull and plain sign can contain the same information as an aesthetically pleasing one, but a beautiful sign will always create more of a direct response in your customers. Be careful about the interplay of design elements and create something that is pleasing to the eye for maximum impact.

Supplying the right information

Signage design and information go hand in hand, with the essential information delivering the functionality to support the aesthetics. Ask yourself whether your sign includes the details you’d expect to see as a customer – is every piece of information essential, or can you reduce the amount of text yet communicate your message just as effectively, or more so?

Remember signage legibility and readability Beautiful graphics and punchy, well-chosen information will only take you so far. Now that you’ve captured your customer’s attention, they must be able to read your sign and absorb the information at a glance. However, it’s at this stage in the design process that things can go awry, particularly if you get the scale wrong. Charming graphic elements can assume monstrous proportions and elements can look out of whack with each other.

You should also be designing for accessibility. Design for your visually impaired clients and everyone will benefit from the clear and legible signs you create.

Boost your brand

However accessible your design, with perfectly balanced graphic elements and a strong, punchy message, you can still come unstuck. One of the benefits of creating successful signs is to boost brand recognition and identification. However, if your sign doesn’t connect with your brand, then it won’t connect with your customer to deliver that brand boost.

It’s not difficult to connect your brand with your signage – you can create consistency with the use of logos, straplines, brand colours and typography. If you’re not happy with those elements, then a new suite of signs could be the opportunity for a rebranding exercise.

Create a customer experience

Your signage design is all part of creating a welcoming environment that delivers a customer experience that’s superior to the other guys. By creating signs that are a seamless extension of your overall brand identity, you’re delivering another piece of the experience that customers will want to tweet and share.

Delivering effective signs

At The Sussex Sign Company, we’ll work with you to create effective signs that maximise your return on investment. Whether you’re in London or the South East, contact us and our end to end service will deliver signs that get Instagrammed and help you to create an experience that’s beneficial for your clients and your brand.