Signage – Wayfinding and The Brand Experience

Signage and wayfinding and the brand experience

If you want to create an unparalleled brand experience for your customers, you need to look beyond design, signage and wayfinding is very important However beautiful your West Sussex premises are, your audience won’t enjoy a premium brand experience unless they can navigate the space in a way that makes sense and enables them to move around with ease. For that, you need high quality interior and exterior signage.

Tracking the brand experience from street to cash register is a valuable way to determine the role of your signs in the overall brand identity. Their design should reflect the personality of your business, feeding into your narrative and becoming a seamless part of the overall experience.

Signage and wayfinding is the word on the street

Let’s start with your exterior signs. It’s important that these establish your brand identity at a glance, because they’re your customers introduction to the brand and will attract them into your space. These signs need to clearly communicate your offer and should be written as if your shopper is a moving target.

Keep contrast high and word counts low. Place the focal point of the message at the top left hand corner of the sign to encourage familiarity and engagement.

Ease of navigation

Once you move customers inside your store, then signs and wayfaring take on a different purpose. Now you need to be on brand with everything from decals to POS signs, all of which should reflect your brand colours, logo and other corporate branding elements.

Your signs should be instantly recognisable – think of them as an extension of your e-commerce site, helping customers to navigate quickly and easily between the products they’re interested in, just as they would do online. Empowering your customer to navigate their own way can make the difference between a smooth and easy experience and the kind of frustration that can drive customers from your store.

Self service

Increasingly, the customer is autonomous and does not rely on finding a member of staff for help. Shoppers are used to using online skills to research the products they want to purchase offline. If your wayfinding signs don’t facilitate discovery, then customers lose interest or go elsewhere.

Wayfinding signage is more important than ever The offline retail experience is changing radically to pull back customers lost to the online shopping experience. Store design is no longer as fixed in stone as it once was, with promotions and products, even entire store layouts, changing far more frequently than they once did.

Incorporating signage and wayfinding design into the overall design experience allows you to identify any pitfalls in a new layout. In turn, that means that you’ll be in a better position to streamline the branding experience. The modern consumer wants the same friction-free retail experience, whether they’re navigating your website or walking your shop floor. Get your offline signage wrong and it can have consequences for your online brand.

We can help your West Sussex business

At The Sussex Sign Company, we have the design expertise to help you create coordinated signs that enhance the brand experience. Our end to end service delivers the best possible return on your investment to support your offline brand positioning and boost recognition and sales, so get in touch today.