Sign Printing Industry Forms New Alliance

A number of trade associations operating in the print industry have agreed to work together after announcing the formation of the Graphics, Print and Media Alliance (GPMA).

GPMA was formed by the British Association for Print & Communication (BAPC), British Coatings Federation (BCF), British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF), FESPA UK, Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA), Picon, Process & Packaging Machinery Association (PPMA) and Rubicon Network.

Chairman Peter Morris said that GPMA has a clear raison d”tre: to “pull the graphics, print and media interests together to speak with a single authoritative voice.”

Morris hinted that the newly formed alliance has yet to formulate a strategy on how to proceed as a cohesive unit, but he believes that the input of eight powerful trade associations can only be of benefit to companies working in the print, media and signage industries.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we welcome the formation of the GPMA. The print and signage industries in the UK should be given every opportunity to prosper amid ongoing economic problems. One assertive, well-respected group can often make a difference where many fail, so we are hopeful that the GPMA will be able to improve conditions for signwriters across the country.