Road sign misspellings irk Gloucester resident

Proving that adventure can be found outside London and the Home Counties, a man from Abbeydale, Gloucester, has spent the past thirteen years collecting evidence of misspelt road signs. Though irritated by the mistakes, he is not unamused.

Fifty two-year-old Mark Ellis said: “It is irritating because [the spelling of road signs] should be right. Spotting [misspelt signs] has kept me amused. Whichever way you look at it, it is sloppy workmanship and there could be more out there.

“It’s quite funny really. It shows we’re all human.”

Mr Ellis cited several examples to support his claim: Coney Hill Road is sometimes shown as Coneyhill Road; Blake Hill Way also appears as Blakehill Way; and Wheatway is displayed both with and without the definite article! As if that were not enough, the full stop in “St. James'” is missing from one sign.

A spokesperson for Gloucester Civic Trust, responded by arguing that though consistency is desirable, motorists should not “end up getting lost because of signs like this.”

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we feel that signs should always be spelled correctly, which is why we pull out all the stops (not literally) to proof-read our work.