Is 2017 the year to renew your signs?

New Year, New Signs

We were only a handful of days into 2017 when several major High Street companies, including Next, began to issue warnings about what a challenging year this could turn out to be. Stock prices began to slide, as industry analysts assessed sluggish sales over the Christmas period and expressed their fears that the coming months could be particularly hard for all involved in the retail, hospitality, services and manufacturing industries. A decade on from the crippling financial crash, the economy has been slow to pick up and consumer confidence is only gradually beginning to return. With families everywhere keeping tighter control on their purse strings and continuing uncertainty over the vote to leave the European Union, businesses across all sectors could find 2017 a particularly difficult year.

Tougher competition between companies large and small will inevitably lead to some going out of business altogether, so there has never been a more crucial moment for looking again at what you could be doing to attract more custom and give your business the edge over your rivals. One of the most effective ways of drawing in those much-needed sales is by relaunching your brand, making it stronger so that it stands out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do that is by investing in new signage. So how can an investment in sign replacement now help your business throughout 2017?

New year, new you

January is a good time for a fresh start. Despite the dismal weather and the tighter budgets, people are still lured out onto the streets by the promise of bagging a bargain in the annual sales, so you may find that footfall along your particular stretch of street is not as low as you had expected. That said, persuading people to stop and inspect your illuminated window display, price lists or menu can be a challenge when there are multiple stores competing for the attention of passing trade, so ensuring you stand out from the premises around you is key.

Signage is perhaps the most important tool you have at your disposal in this regard. Especially in these dreary winter months, a well illuminated and well maintained sign acts as a beacon to potential customers, offering a warm invitation to come in out of the cold and explore what you have to offer. As they say, you only get one shot at a first impression, and shops and restaurants with grubby, run down and poorly cared for signage are an eyesore which instantly puts off those passing by. A disappointing shop front suggests the owner takes little pride or interest in their business, so their chances of luring in the spontaneous shopper or retaining their repeat custom are limited.

A well designed and well looked after sign, by comparison, shows you hold your business to a high standard and care about what the world thinks of you. People notice change in their neighbourhood, so whether they pass your shop on the way to work each day or drive past your gym during the school run, the chances are they will spot your sign replacement and be inclined to investigate further.

No better time

If you thought that the winter months were not the most practical time for sign replacement, prepare to think again. Once the January sales tail off, footfall inevitably follows suit, with fewer people finding any incentive to trudge the High Street once the cold, wintry weather takes hold. You may find that over the winter months and early spring you have less custom, so you have plenty more time to see to all those maintenance jobs and administrative tasks you might have been putting off in the busy run-up to Christmas and New Year.

Think of your sign replacement as part of a pre-spring clean, a sprucing up of your premises ahead of the expected increase in trade that comes with the better weather. Professional sign fitters are undeterred by cold and damp conditions, so new signage can be fitted at any time of the year. Taking advantage of this slack period, now is perhaps the best time of year to give your business premises that new lease of life which will attract new customers and help you pull in those much needed sales.

If the gloomy forecast for 2017 becomes reality, this really could be the year when new signage and a more positive and proactive attitude to re-branding your business makes all the difference.

A professional approach

When it’s done well, sign replacement can work wonders for a business. Giving your shopfront that ‘wow’ factor and making sure your brand identity is clearly displayed for all to see can boost your chances of success. Sign manufacturing is now so advanced that there are virtually no limits to what you can do, but getting advice and having your new signage professionally designed and fitted will give you the very best results.

Here at the The Sussex Sign Company, our expert designers and sign fitters have been working in this field for many years, and we are ideally placed to help you re-brand and re-energise your business with new signage for 2017. As well as crafting beautiful, bespoke signs, we are on hand to help you maintain your signage and keep it looking as pristine and attractive as the day it was installed. Give your business a boost for the year ahead by contacting us today, to see how we can help you weather the uncertain year ahead.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.