Planning Your New Sign Project

Spring Into Action With New Signage

Whether you’re launching a full rebranding exercise or you’re looking at a smaller-scale makeover to the front of your business premises, you need to plan your new sign project with care. Studies have shown that the human brain processes what it can see, forms a first impression or makes a judgement in just a tenth of a second, so appearances really do matter. In an already challenging retail and hospitality market, ensuring your premises are looking their very best has never been so important. A well-presented shop or restaurant front encourages custom, offering a promising glimpse into what might lie beyond the double doors.

New signage can make an immediate difference to how potential customers perceive your company. High-quality signage is the gift which keeps on giving, always visible and acting as round-the-clock and year-round advertising for your business. Done well, signage does more than simply put your company name and logo in lights – it reflects your brand to the world, it lets customers know you take pride in your work and it enhances the area around it by being attractive and pleasing to the eye. If you’re planning on updating your existing signage or considering a whole new sign project, getting the right team on board to support you in the design, installation and maintenance of your new signs is crucial, if the exercise is to be a success.

Why New Signage?

As an advertising tool, strong, well-designed signs have a more far-reaching and enduring power than taking out a small ad in the local paper or a slot on a local radio show, as more people come into contact with your signs on a daily basis. Made up in your company’s signature colours and clearly displaying your name, logo and contact details, a good sign makes a lasting impression on all who see it, whether they’re conscious of the fact or not.

It’s also true to say that people notice change in their neighbourhoods, especially when the change they see is improving the local area or making them sit up and take notice. Familiarity can breed indifference, and no matter how brilliant the products you sell, the food you serve or the services you offer, if people have stopped noticing your premises, then trade inevitably trails off. Sometimes, when they pass your shop, café, bar or restaurant every day on the school run or commute, people may simply have ceased to register your existence. If the signage changes, if the front of your premises suddenly gets that bold new look, then it will turn heads – and heads turned equates to more trade in the long-term.

It’s All In The Planning

Installing new signage does require a certain level of investment. Done well, though, it will pay you back multiple times over and will last for many, many years to come. Just as you wouldn’t rush into any other important business decision without first looking at it from several different angles, having new signs installed must be undertaken only after careful consideration and plenty of planning, and preferably with the expert advice of an experienced signage company.

You may well begin planning your new sign project with a very clear mental image of what your signs should look like, or you may be completely open-minded and looking for guidance. Either way, the best sign designers will be able to find creative alternatives and new solutions that you may not even have considered. Technical expertise, such as which fonts, colours and types of sign work well together are only acquired with experience, which is why it can be a good approach to go into the process with an open mind about what you might want from your new signs. An installation company will also be best placed to advise you on the positioning of your signs, to ensure they get the maximum exposure and are legible, eye-catching and more likely to capture the attention of potential customers.

As well as the visual appearance of your signs, you also have to consider the health and safety implications of new signage. Poorly fitted and badly-maintained signs can pose a serious risk, both to you and your customers. If there’s any danger that they might cause injuries, the consequences can be dire, in terms of reputation damage and costly litigation. Good planning in advance means that risk is reduced, and setting up an ongoing maintenance programme ensures they are kept safe and sparkling throughout the year.

Other Considerations

Finally, you need to decide when the best time would be to have your new signage installed. A professional signage company is unlikely to be put off by the bad weather over the autumn and winter months, so your new sign project could really be undertaken at any time of the year. Spring is, however, a particularly good time to consider new signs, especially as this is a period when lots of business owners feel the need for a cathartic deep spring clean and a fresh start with better branding. The timing will have to depend on when you feel you’ll make the minimum impact on your customers and the maximum impact in terms of relaunching your powerful new brand identity.

You also need to make sure you work with designers and sign installers you’re comfortable with and a team you can build a rapport with, as this can be a long-lasting relationship. Not only are you entrusting them with your company image and your creative ideas, but they may also be involved in the ongoing maintenance and servicing of your signs.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve spent many years working with local businesses to plan and manage their new sign projects. Thanks to our highly creative design team and our expertly qualified professional fitters, we combine bright ideas and technical skills to make your new signs work for you. For more information on how we can help, simply get in touch today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.