Organisations change all the time, so their signage should too.

Change is good. We live in an age where nothing stands still, and while some of us might feel a sense of dread when things are shaken up, there can be no doubt that the only way companies move forward is by embracing change. Being pushed out of our comfort zones by change is one of the only ways both businesses and we as individuals learn, adapt and improve, and a change – as the old adage goes – can be as good as a rest.

As organisations are always looking to change and improve their workplace practices and cultures, their brand image also needs to keep up with the alterations they make. Revolutionising and building your business is a rather futile exercise, if the people you’re selling to still hold onto the outdated vision of the ‘old you’. If the improvements you make go unnoticed and if you don’t spread the word, then your customers and clients won’t be able to see the benefits of getting on board with your organisation. Probably the most important and visible way of announcing the internal changes to your business is through the outside of your business. That’s why, if change is to work, considering a shake-up of your signage to attract some attention could be vital in the next chapter of your company’s story.

Change shouldn’t be scary

Everyone likes stability, but change doesn’t have to be a scary thing and, done well, the two are not incompatible. Companies have to adapt all the time, whether that’s overhauling an old-fashioned process which no longer works, implementing a few role changes in a department which is no longer functioning at its best, or embracing new technologies designed to improve particular systems.

If companies cannot be open to change, there is always a danger of stagnation. Sometimes individuals can simply be too close, too far into an organisation to see that there is a problem, and it takes someone coming in from the outside – a new member of staff or an expert specially drafted in – to point out that they’ve become stuck in a rut. If sales figures are on a downward spiral or targets are not being met, there’s no other option but change.

Tinkering about the edges

Of course, if a company is going to implement changes which are meaningful and lasting, then there is no point in simply tinkering about the edges. The whole point of the exercise and upheaval has to be to improve things in the long-term, so whatever goods, products or services a company is offering, just tweaking minor things is not going to make a tangible difference to sales figures or footfall.

If customers are going to see a real difference and be tempted back into a bar, restaurant, shop, gym or other establishment which has become tired and stuck in a rut, then they need to be blown away by the impact of the changes which are being made. Simply updating the signature dish, adding a single new line of beauty products or offering a week-long discount on membership fees isn’t going to cut the mustard in such a competitive High Street market.

Big changes inside your premises call for big changes outside. Having made the decision to change and shake things up a bit, you need to announce that to the world – and that’s where upgrading your signs comes in.

How new signage can help

Customers and clients notice change when they see it on the streets they’re so familiar with, especially when it’s change for the better. If they’ve passed your premises day in, day out on the long commute to work or whilst running the kids to school, then they’ve probably stopped noticing you altogether. After all, familiarity breeds indifference, and they see just the same old, same old thing.

If, however, you decide to spruce up your shopfront and introduce improved and bolder signage, then the people who might have once simply passed you by will see something’s different and they may be more tempted to pause at your window display or stop to look at your menu. Seeing a difference, and noticing a change for the better can only encourage more footfall and give your business the boost it so definitely deserves.

In these difficult times for companies in all sectors, rebranding through improved signs announces your new, more confident and more efficient business to the world. While it might seem like an expensive investment on the back of all the other changes you’ve been making, high quality new signs really will pay dividends in the long run. Signs act as a round-the-clock advertisement for your company, and properly designed, installed and maintained, they are the most powerful branding tool you have available.

If you have invested time, money and effort in implementing difficult changes beyond the double doors at the front of your premises, then it makes sound business sense to announce that change to the world. You’ve done all the hard work inside, so make the outside reflect that.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve dedicated years to crafting the most beautiful and enduring signage solutions for companies across the region, and are the go-to people when it comes to rebranding and upgrading all your external and internal signs. Our team of skilled designers and professional, highly-qualified sign fitters are always on hand to help you make the changes you need to keep your business going from strength to strength. For more information about the services we can offer you, simply get in touch today.