New term, new education signs

Signs for Schools

The new school year is now well and truly underway, with students the length and breadth of the United Kingdom firmly settled behind their desks for another academic year. If you manage a school site, you probably spent at least part of the summer holidays – dim and distant as they may now seem – on maintenance jobs around your school.

Beyond adding a new lick of paint to the classrooms or fixing up the things you never find time for when the students are around, did you pay any attention to your school signs? For many school site managers, this is the part of the premises that is all too often overlooked, largely because the signs have become so reassuringly familiar that they have faded into the background. When you pass your signage every day, it is easy to stop taking notice; however, those approaching with a fresh pair of eyes may see things differently.

Why invest in signs for schools?

Signage is critical for any school. Your school signs are often the first thing visitors will notice when they arrive at your site, with a well-designed and well-presented sign speaking volumes about the institution and the importance of the work you do. Signs for schools act as an introduction to all the parents, governors, inspectors and members of the public who are almost constantly filing in and out of your premises, so seeing that they are attractive and visually impactful always makes a good first impression.

Signs for schools are also a reflection of your establishment and what it stands for. If poorly maintained and badly designed, your school signs speak of low standards and a lack of care. This might translate to other aspects of the institution, such as pupils’ behaviour or the quality of teaching and leadership. Well-designed signage, on the other hand, suggests you take pride in appearances and are proud to show the world that you strive for the highest standards in every regard.

A good new term morale boost

Remember that it is not just visitors who see your signs every day. There are some even more important people who pass by your signage: your students. Your school signage is often the first thing they will see in the morning when they arrive and the last thing they will see after the bell has rung and they head out of the gates for home.

Seeing bright, bold and beautifully-crafted signs can be a major morale boost for students, particularly now the colder, duller weather of autumn and winter is upon us. Research has shown that people of all ages learn better when they appreciate the environment around them, which extends far beyond the classroom to your school grounds and building façade.

People also extend a greater level of care to their environment when they can see there is something to care about; therefore, investing in quality signage will not only have a positive impact on your students’ emotional wellbeing and educational potential but may also help you to keep your school looking well cared for and pleasant.

What makes for good school signs?

Good school signs should do more than simply display your school logo and relevant management and contact information; in addition, they should tell your story. Every school is unique and has a history and story to tell, which is why it is worth investing in bespoke, high-quality signage that conveys everything you want the world to know about your institution.

Regardless of whether you are a nursery, primary, junior or secondary school, sixth form college, FE college or university, all learning institutes have a message they want to convey and can benefit from well-made signs. These are places in which an incredibly deep sense of community and belonging can be built up, with students feeling an amazing attachment to their fellow pupils, their teachers and the school itself. The emotional attachment to your old school or university can run very deep, with many us having very fond memories of certain people, subjects and places.

Your signs should build on this sense of shared identity and a common story. Designed so that they work well together, your logo, school motto and textual information should combine to paint a picture of what your school stands for and the pride you take in it.

Work with the professionals

As the new school term moves on, now is the time to invest in high-quality school signage that works for you and your establishment. With worse weather on the way, this is a good time of year to make a fresh start and install the best signs you can ahead of the high winds, rain and snow of the autumn and winter months.

School signs are only worth the investment if you go for bespoke and top quality. Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have been supplying the best quality education signs to schools and universities across the south-east region for many years, working closely with headteachers and school site managers to ensure they get the signage they deserve.

We employ some of the most experienced and highly-skilled designers and installers in the country, which means we reach the highest standards when it comes to crafting bespoke education signs for our clients. For more information on the services we provide, simply get in touch with The Sussex Sign Company today and let’s get the new term off to a flying start!