How To Make Your Signs Work All Year

Ensure Your Signs Work For You and Add Value To Your Bottom Line

If you own or run a small- or medium-sized business, chances are you’re hard at work day in, day out, throughout the year. For many, the concept of a ‘day off’ is probably alien, and holidays can be few and far between if you’re dedicated to making your company a success, especially early on, when building a brand and forging a reputation can consume every waking minute. When you’re so hard at work, you need all the help you can get, which is why your signage ought to be made to work just as hard throughout the year.

Signage is an integral part of any business premises, whether you own a small café, run a bar or restaurant, operate a gym or are the owner of a retail shop or store. Signage is one of the most powerful promotional and advertising tools your company has in its arsenal, and done well, it does far more than simply announce your company’s name and logo to the world. Your signs can reflect your brand and help shape a lasting impression in the minds of potential customers, increasing footfall and showing that you take pride in your work.

Keeping Up Appearances

The signage outside your business premises really can be made to work hard. It’s prime advertising space, after all, visible to all passersby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks of the year. There’s no point it being there, however, if it’s not a positive reflection of your company. On every high street, in every town, village and city, you’ll find signage which not only makes a shop or restaurant an eyesore, but which also gives the impression there’s a lack of interest in appearances, which can only translate into a lack of interest in services. Faulty illuminations, missing or faded lettering, grubby or poorly-kept signs – these all suggest to customers that what lies within the establishment will be just as disappointing as the external appearance.

For signage to work all year round, it has to be not only well designed and well fitted, but well-maintained come rain or shine. Finding a company which can install powerful signage and also provide a year-round maintenance service to keep it looking in tip-top condition is crucial if you’re to keep up appearances.

Autumn and Winter Time Signage

During the colder, darker months towards the end of the year, well maintained signage can be a real blessing to a business. Far from being a ‘dead’ period for retailers and those in the hospitality and leisure industries, the autumn and winter can be a very busy time of year. Between Halloween, Bonfire Night, the build up to Christmas and New Year and the seasonal sales, this is often a period when competition on the High Street is fierce, and encouraging customers to choose your business over those of your rivals becomes more important than ever.

The weather may be unpleasant and people may be a little deterred from venturing out, but that’s when quality signage comes into its own. A well-illuminated, well-maintained sign acts as a beacon to passersby, encouraging them through the door, or at least persuading them to pause and examine your window display, your menu or your list of offers. The welcoming façade of your premises can make a major difference to the number of customers you attract, which is more important than ever during those post-Christmas months when footfall tends to tail off.

While this might not seem like the most logical time of year to carry out maintenance work to your signage, ensuring it is all in working order and looking immaculate is as important now as during the sunnier months of the year, if not more so. Bad weather can damage signs, leaving them not only looking a little worse for wear but potentially dangerous to you and your customers. Good sign maintenance companies are undeterred by a little rain and wind, so keeping your signage safe and sparkling is straightforward over the autumn and winter.

Spring and Summer Time Signage

With the better weather comes higher footfall on the High Street, and all eyes are on you. Spring can provide a wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start, so if you’ve been thinking about a little rebranding or just a deep spring clean, then now is a good time to have new signage installed. Sprucing up the front of your premises in anticipation of the better weather can give a real boost to how you feel and see your business, and how customers see it. Spring can be a time for transformations, and people notice change. New signage now can renew or generate interest in your business, and it could be the pick-me-up you need after a quiet couple of months.

Summer again provides plenty of opportunities, and your signage needs to be working as hard now as it did throughout the autumn and winter. With more people than ever choosing to remain within the UK for their holidays, you may find there’s an increase in the number of people passing by, who are unfamiliar with your brand and what you do. Depending on where your business is located and how likely the area is to attract tourists or holidaymakers, clear signage which announces your presence and encourages those one-off customers to take a closer look could help secure some all-important impulse buys.

How Can We Help?

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve spent many years working with businesses across East Sussex to not only design and install bespoke and beautiful signage, but to keep it looking it’s best all year round. With tailored maintenance packages built around your individual requirements, we can help you keep your signs as stand-out and sparkling as the day they were first fitted. For more information on how we can make your signage work harder for you year-round, simply get in touch with our expert team today on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.