How new school signs could boost morale this September

Signs for schools

We all remember that feeling well – the exams are out the way and you’ve just enjoyed six weeks of summer sunshine and absolute freedom, those seemingly endless hours crammed with holidays, footie in the park and barbecues with family and friends. Whether it was the beginning of the sixth form or the daunting return to the infants or juniors, going back to school after so much freedom almost always felt like a wrench.

There were positives too, though. Meeting up with friends again, for instance, or the nice feeling of starting a new exercise book and making a completely fresh start. One of the most morale boosting things was seeing how the school site had changed and been spruced up or improved during your absence – from a fresh lick of paint in the science block to all new school signs at the front of the premises. If you’re a head teacher, you know that the signage outside your school is usually the first thing people see, and it’s the first thing students will notice as they return from the summer break this September. Seeing immaculate new signs can have a wonderful, positive impact on how children approach the new term, so upgrading your school signage over the summer could have major benefits come the beginning of the autumn term.

The power of the school sign

Your school signs really can say a lot about your school. Whether it’s a nursery, secondary school, specialist sixth form college or a higher education establishment, the signage outside your premises not only proudly displays the name, motto and logo of your school, but speaks volumes about the ethos and principles which underpin everything you do. A well-made, well-maintained school sign shows that you take pride in the work you carry out as an educational establishment, and creates a positive and lasting impression on anyone who happens to visit or simply pass by the school gates.

By contrast, run-down or old-fashioned school signage can have a detrimental impact on the way the outside world views your school, because it hints at lower standards. Seeing poor school signage, local people might start to suspect those lower standards extend beyond external appearances to all other facets of school life, from the quality of the teaching down to the overall behaviour of the students. An attractive, polished façade to your premises, on the other hand, bodes well, creating a good first impression on all.

Research has also shown that children thrive academically in pleasant, attractive surroundings, and that extends beyond the classroom. People are always more inclined to look after the space around them when they can see it is worth looking after, so behaviour improves, students are keener to learn and everyone is happier. While they might not immediately spring to mind in this context, remember that your school signs are the first thing your students see in the morning and the last thing they see as they leave for home after the final bell.

Is it time for an upgrade?

There’s surely no better time to upgrade your school signage than over the summer break, when any noise and disruption isn’t going to impact on your students. There are all sorts of reasons for investing in new school signs. It could be that the school has a new head teacher or deputy head, whose name needs to be added to the signs, or perhaps it could be that contact details have changed, or even that the school is going in for a complete rebranding exercise and changing the logo and school motto. It could even be as simple as noticing that your old signs are looking a little tired or worse for wear, and a shiny new school sign is called for to brighten up the front of the building.

Whatever the reasons behind wanting an upgrade to your signage, now is the time to act. While schools are taking it easy with the long summer break, many companies, including signage companies, experience a massive boost in trade over the sunnier months, as people finally get round to all those odd jobs they’ve been putting off. If you think new signage is a good idea for your school, you can be pretty sure there are other schools and educational establishments in the nearby area thinking along the same lines. If you want to make sure you get to the top of the list for having your new school signage designed and installed, start planning ahead now to avoid disappointment.

Bold, beautiful, bespoke new signs could give students a real morale boost as they return from their summer holidays. Seeing the instant, positive change that a new sign brings might just put a little bit more of a spring in their step, as they try and ease themselves back into normality and the school routine after all those weeks of freedom.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve had many years’ experience providing the highest quality signs for schools right across Sussex, London and the South East. With our expert team of designers and installers, we can see that you get the perfect new school signage to get September off to a flying start, ensuring your school’s unique character is fully captured and proudly displayed ahead of the new term. For more information on the services we can provide, simply get in touch with us today.