Fish and Chips Seller Rebukes Council over Freestanding Sign

The owner of a fish and chips restaurant in Burnham-On-Sea has criticised his local council after he was issued a fine for placing a freestanding sign outside his cafe.

Keith Holman, proprietor of Brit Chips, claimed that Sedgemoor District Council has turned a blind eye to other businesses in the area which use mobile advertisements.

Mr Holman said: “There are hundreds of similar signs throughout Burnham and the district and the council is not taking any action, so it feels unfair.

“My sign was not putting anyone in danger. If it is right for the council to take action against me, why not against all other businesses?”

Having submitted a guilty plea to Taunton Deane Magistrates, Mr Holman was ordered to pay 240 ((135 fine, 30 victim surcharge and 75 in costs).

A spokesperson for Sedgemoor District Council, insisted that enforcement is “only used as a last resort” and that its policy of maintaining a “fair, even-handed and common-sense approach to advertising legislation” can be evidenced by how it treats businesses in the area.

Here at Sussex Signs, we sympathise with Mr Holman. Freestanding signage can boost trade for high-street businesses, but signs must comply with legislation, such as the Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.