Encouraging signs for shop front scheme

A project to regenerate an area of Glasgow has seen interest from almost 100 retailers.

As part of the Action Barras Calton (ABC) plan to improve the East End area of Glasgow, shop owners were invited to submit applications for funding. The £400,000 council fund has received applications from over 90 local businesses, all of whom are committed to regenerating the immediate area.

The money is part of an overall investment of £3.5 million from the council, which will be increased by outside funding. Successful applicants can use the fund to install new signage and carry out other improvements to the shop front, all of which are intended to generate more customers.

There has been so much local interest and support for the project that the council will hold an open day in December. At the event people will have the opportunity to meet with those involved.

Work on the new store fronts will begin in the New Year, once the money has been allocated. This project is part of a wider scheme to improve the facilities in the local area and encourage more people to visit. Other plans include the creation of an urban green space and the installation of public artwork. The Sussex Sign Company welcomes this initiative as new signage is always a very good way to generate increased footfall and subsequently new business.