Best New Year’s Resolution for Your Business? New Signage

Christmas probably seems like a distant memory, now that the reality of the New Year is upon us. The season of indulgence has passed and most people wake up on January 1st full of good intentions. We all make individual and often deeply personal promises to ourselves to lose weight, write that novel, learn a new language or finally get round to all the DIY projects we’ve been putting off. Yet the New Year shouldn’t just be about self-improvement and our own personal goals. If you own or manage a business, setting a few New Year’s resolutions for your company can also be a great way to beat the winter blues and give your business a much-needed kick-start, to see in the New Year…

New Year, New Start

This is the ideal time to harness that New Year enthusiasm and do something positive for your business. January is a month for fresh starts and a fresh look, and one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can set for your business is to improve its external appearance with some new brand signage.

Investing in brand signage brings a number of benefits to any business, especially at this time of year. Whether you own a shop, restaurant, gym, hotel or any other establishment with a frontage that people passing by can see, a new look for the New Year can work wonders when it comes to attracting customers and capturing passing trade. Thanks to the nation’s love of the January sales, this is one of the busiest periods on the High Street, as undeterred by the colder, wetter winter weather, shoppers up and down the country pound the pavements in search of bargains. Bolder, brighter and more eye-catching signage can ensure that your business premises stands out from the crowd, drawing in those much-needed sales and giving your company the early New Year boost it so deserves.

A well-presented façade is an invitation to the casual passerby, never so important as during these darker months when the evenings draw in early and the often miserable weather can lower spirits. Well-lit and well-presented brand signage does more than simply announce your company name to the world, it speaks to potential customers about what you do and how seriously you care about your work. You can have the most presentable and interesting of window displays or menus imaginable, but if the signage above the door is letting the side down, then customers are inevitably put off.

Badly executed or poorly maintained signage does not bode well in anybody’s book, and with such tough competition between retailers around this time of year, this is one area you cannot afford to overlook. Good signage promises good things behind the double doors, while an absence of signage or a sign which is looking a little on the tired and shabby side can really damage your brand in the eyes of customers.

A wise investment for 2017

This year looks set to be a difficult one for business owners. Often touted as a bellwether for British retail, clothing giant Next has seen share prices fall, after warning that 2017 would be a ‘challenging year’ on the High Street, and other businesses, both large and small, face great uncertainty. With consumer confidence slow to return in the wake of the financial crash and competition in the retail, hospitality and services industries tougher than ever before, staying ahead of your rivals has never been so vital.

Creating a strong brand identity which will stand out from the crowd and be memorable is key to attracting and maintaining a strong customer base, and that’s where well-designed brand signage can really help. Revamping your signage and giving it a bold new look will help you put your best foot forward as your business starts what could be a tricky New Year in 2017.

It’s also worth remembering that people notice change, especially when it’s for the good. Seeing an improvement to your business premises’ façade will inevitably turn a few heads, and when people see you’re taking a positive, proactive step to build your brand identity, they will take an interest.

While the cost of new signage might seem like a squeeze on your wallet after the over-spending of Christmas, new signage really can be the gift which keeps on giving. This is advertising with staying power, and if it’s well planned, well designed and properly maintained, your new signage will last you many years to come and stand as a testament to all the hard work you’ve put into your business.

In much the same way that we might view the New Year as a fresh start and change our own appearances with a different haircut or by shedding those extra pounds, this is the ideal opportunity to seize that New Year lease of life and give your premises a bold new look.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have been designing, installing and helping business owners maintain exemplary brand signage for many years, and our professional signage services are in particularly high demand in these early months of the year. We understand the importance of making a powerful statement through your signage, and our highly skilled professional team is always on hand to offer support and guidance, if you’re looking for a New Year rebranding exercise which will make a real difference. Simply get in touch today to find out how we can help. Call us on 01273 417057