Be aware of HSE intervention fees

Many companies are still failing to comply with Health and Safety regulations, putting them at risk of having to pay fees to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The Fee for Intervention (FFI) initiative was brought in over a year ago. However, some companies are still falling foul of the rules.

The FFI scheme is a way of the body recovering their costs in association with the health and safety investigations they have to carry out. If a sign maker is found to be breaching regulations, through an issue on one of their sites, then the HSE has to carry out an in depth investigation. This incurs both considerable time and costs and it was felt that those breaching the laws should be made to pay. The fees are designed to cover the costs of the time spent on site, writing reports and dealing with the matter.

You will only have to pay anything if you fail to comply with the health and safety legislation. Therefore, if you’re a fully compliant company, you will have no issues to worry about.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company we work closely with our customers to ensure all our sites comply with the relevant HSE regulations