The advantages of car vinyl wrapping

Your signs and getting them right.

When designing your new vehicle vinyl or shop front signs, it is important that you convey all the relevant information you can as clearly and succinctly as possible. We have all seen signs that are a jumbled and confused mess of logos, contact details, social media pages and jarring colour schemes, so how do you avoid these pitfalls and create the most visually striking signage?

Working with a professional signwriting company will minimise the risk of getting unattractive, difficult to follow or meaningless signs that do not accurately convey your brand identity. Sign design is an art form and expert designers are experienced and highly trained in crafting signage that brings together multiple important elements to create the cleanest, most visually appealing and informative signs.

Vehicle signage options: what content should you include?

You should think about the side of your commercial vehicle as the perfect mobile display board for your business; once you have your branding on there, you could reach thousands of people an hour with your vehicle signage. Car wrapping and applying vehicle vinyl to vans has never been an easier or more cost-effective way of getting your message across, so investing in high-quality vehicle signwriting is a wise business move.

Car wrapping allows you to fully customise however many vehicles you have within your fleet, whether you are a one-man-band with a single white van or a taxi company owner with multiple vehicles in need of a unified single vehicle livery. As vehicle vinyl can be recreated as many times as you need, you can achieve a coherent and easily-recognisable look across the board.

As hardly anyone leaves their home without their smartphone these days, it is important your vehicle signs include your contact details, website address, and any social media pages you manage. Thanks to the small screens in their pockets, more and more people are likely to immediately visit your online profiles when they see your vehicle drive past. They have little time to forget your name and logo, and may even be tempted to put in a spur-of-the-moment order.

Vinyl graphics: getting the right look

In addition to your contact details, you need to consider the visual impact of your vehicle vinyl. It is hard for people to miss a branded vehicle, whether they are a pedestrian you pass on the road or a fellow motorist following you up the motorway as you whizz between jobs and meetings. Ensuring that your car or van sticks in their mind is crucial if you want to make a lasting impression and capture a slice of this passing trade.

You need to make sure that your message is clear. Your company name and logo need to be sharp, attractively arranged and easily identifiable so that they lodge in people’s minds and these potential customers will recognise them again the next time you pass by. People switch off when the image they are looking at is unattractive or incoherent; however, a well-designed sign that is bold, bright, beautiful and clear will certainly turn a few heads.

You really can have too much of a good thing, however! Try to pack too much information onto the side of your vehicle or go for a crazy colour scheme or overly-complicated logo and people will be turned off. You want your vehicle to stand out, but for all the right reasons – make it too busy or too much of an eyeful and people will switch off.

Design layouts: how to get the best from your vehicle vinyl

The best vehicle vinyl can convey all the important content you need to get across and give people a good idea of what your company stands for. The best signs – be they car wrapping, shop front signs or signs for schools – can tell a story about an establishment. Your potential customers and clients need to be able to work out at a glance what you do, what goods or services you provide, and what you could do for them.

Your logo and company name need to be displayed in such a way that they imprint themselves on the memories of passers-by. Clearly defined, they can tell people everything they need to know in an instant, from who you are and what you do to how to get in touch and even how trustworthy your company is likely to be.

People can tell a lot from your signs. Well-designed and well-maintained signs demonstrate that you take your work seriously and take pride in what you do. Caring about appearances is not shallow but a good way of showing you care about other aspects of your work. Putting a positive face on your vehicle and premises with beautiful signage is encouraging to potential customers, who are more likely to connect with your brand and approach you if they think you care about how you come across.

Work with the best for the best results

If you want the highest-quality signage, it pays to work with the most professional signwriting companies. The Sussex Sign Company has been working in the signage industry for well over two decades and our highly-skilled designers are amongst the best sign writers in the country. With their expert knowledge and years of experience, they can work with you to craft incredible car wrapping and shop front signs that perfectly convey the content and message you need to put across to your customers.

For more information on the services The Sussex Sign Company can provide, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today on 01273 424900

Halo illuminated signs

Sign Illumination.

You might not have noticed that it had even started, but summer is now over for another year. With the start of September and the new school term, thoughts are inevitably turning to the chilly mornings, falling leaves and darker nights of autumn, and – for those with a High Street presence – the lull which usually comes around this time of year, before the Christmas sales begin in earnest.

If you own a shop, restaurant, bar, estate agents, gym or any other establishment which needs to attract custom from the High Street, how do you ensure this slack early autumn period doesn’t see sales and interest tail off? One of the best ways to draw customers to your business is through clever signage, and investing now could see you generating more interest at just the moment when you need it most.

Put your name in lights

While we may enjoy the autumn colours and the warming satisfaction of comfort food, not many of us enjoy the cold, wet, windy evenings which the autumn and winter months tend to bring with them. Few people want to hang about on the High Street when the weather is so miserable, which means that capturing the attention of those who are passing becomes all the more important.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to catch the eyes of potential customers is with halo illuminated signage. Halo illuminated signs are made from powder coated aluminium, backlit with LED lights to create a beautiful halo effect – precisely the sort of warming glow which draws people in when everything around them seems so dull and gloomy. Used externally on your business premises, they can act as a glowing beacon to tempt passersby to pause or come in, whilst indoors in a restaurant or bar, they can create an incredible focal point and really help set the atmosphere.

If your shop front signs need replacing, this is the perfect time of year to think about getting illuminated signs. Few things you can do for your business will make such a tangible and immediate difference, and putting your name in lights not only boosts brand awareness and increases footfall, but illuminated signs bring a whole host of other benefits.

The advantages of illuminated signage

Halo illuminated signs are a great way of making a bold and beautiful statement, but they can also be a key part of the marketing and advertising strategy for your business. Once you’ve paid the initial cost of having them designed and installed, illuminated signs really can pay for themselves and become the gift which just keeps on giving.

Think of your shop signs as a permanent advertising slot. If you have illuminated signs, people can spot them from a much greater distance than they would a traditional, unlit sign board, and they’re visible both day and night. They stand out in a positive way – how many people could resist the attraction of an LED sign outside a café, for instance, when it seems to offer the promise of a hot cup of tea to take the chill off?

They’re also advertising for you around the clock and around the year, so that even when you’ve turned in for the night, your signage is still hard at work. Even late at night in the depths of winter, you’ll still get people passing by your business premises, and if they can see your signs and your illuminated signage makes a lasting impression on them, they’re likely to return. Even if your shop or café isn’t open at that particular moment, the impact made by your shop front signage could mean potential customers store the knowledge of your presence away and come back at some point in the future.

Halo illuminated signs are the perfect choice for places which do tend to stay open late. If you own a restaurant, bar, takeaway outlet or 24/7 convenience store, it’s important that people are made aware that you’re still open even in the wee small hours. With illuminated signage, you can announce to the world that you’re still open for business, and with any luck, you’ll persuade them to stop by en route to wherever they’re going late at night.

Work with the best

Of course, illuminated signage is only effective when it is properly designed, installed and maintained. If you work with a professional and experienced signage company, then you’re likely to get the best results. Professional signwriters know how best to translate your ideas into an eye-catching illuminated sign, and where and how it should be positioned for it to make the greatest visual impact.

Designing illuminated signage is an art. Your signage should do more than simply announce your presence to the world, it should reflect what your company stands for and tell your brand’s story in a clean and succinct way. Signs might include your company name, logo, contact details and colour scheme, which, when laid out in an aesthetically pleasing way, can really speak volumes about what you and your company do. Gorgeous illuminated images adorning the walls of your bar or restaurant are a decorative feature in their own right, but only when they’re professionally crafted.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve been creating bespoke illuminated signage for many years and we know how to get the best from LED signs. Working with our team of skilled and highly experienced designers and installers, we can help you turn your ideas into the perfect signage solution for your business, whatever trade or sector you’re in.

For more information on the services we can provide, simply contact our friendly team today and we’ll help you put your name in lights this autumn.

Car signage for businesses

Car Signage

Whatever goods or services your company sells, the chances are you are constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote and advertise your business. Taking out local radio advert slots or placing an ad in the local newspaper are both valuable exercises, as are leafleting campaigns and getting involved in community fundraising events. Few marketing ploys, however, have the reach and impact that installing vehicle vinyl can have, so in this post, we’ll be exploring just a few of the advantages car signage can bring to your business.

Get your name out there

Not only can a vehicle wrap lead to increased brand recognition in the long-run, but you’re more likely to make an immediate impact on people and make a direct, instant connection. Most people these days leave the house equipped with a smartphone or tablet, and most will admit to making impulse buys whilst out and about, thanks to the convenience of the small screen.

If they see your contact details on the side of your vehicle, potential customers are far more likely to visit your website or social media pages, or put in a phone call there and then. Sitting behind your contact details and instantly accessing your site as they’re stuck in traffic means they have no chance to forget you before they get home.

Research suggests a branded vehicle is typically seen between 2,000 and 9,000 times an hour – that’s a lot of eyes on your car or van, so making use of the side of your vehicle as an advertising signboard makes good business sense. Once you’ve paid the initial cost of having vehicle vinyl installed, your commercial vehicle is effectively acting as a mobile billboard. Since you’d already be using your van or car to get between jobs or clients, you might as well make the most of it!

Get the look you want

The technology behind car vinyl wrapping has come on so quickly in recent years that you can now have virtually anything you want printed and attached to your vehicle. Working with a top signage company and professional car wrapping signwriters means you can achieve everything from basic logo, contact details and colour schemes through to incredibly complex and detailed designs.

Being able to fully customise your business car or van gives you great scope for creativity and will help you convey business message information and brand identity. What’s more, if you have more than one vehicle or even an entire fleet to worry about, identical vehicle vinyl can be quickly and easily produced to see your branding carried across all your transportation.

This means that however many cars or vans you have on the road, that branded livery will make them instantly recognisable to potential customers and create a unified fleet of vehicles. Because vinyl is also so easy to replace, should your business want to rebrand at a later date or simply update your contact details, it’s a straightforward task to kit your cars and vans out with new vehicle signage.

Gain more trust

Vehicle vinyl is not only beautiful, but it actually increases trust in your brand. People like the strong, professional look which a high-quality car wrap can bring to a vehicle, and they’re far more likely to look further into your company if your fleet is well-presented. Shabby or faded paintwork doesn’t bode well in the eyes of prospective clients and customers, so making sure your vehicles look in top condition will lead to increased authority and trust in your business, which in turn means higher sales.

Investing in high-quality, long-lasting vehicle wrapping is a cost-effective way of seeing your business van or car is well-protected and will remain looking good for anywhere up to a decade. Not only is vinyl quick, clean and easy to remove or replace, but it actually shields the paintwork underneath from any scratches or nicks you might pick up in the course of your work. That means the wholesale price of your vehicle won’t be damaged by a car wrap and your vehicle will be better protected.

Working with the best

There’s no denying that vehicle vinyl makes a powerful visual impact on those who see it. It’s incredibly difficult for both pedestrians and other motorists not to register and engage with a beautiful, bold, bespoke vehicle wrap, and people are naturally more drawn to the aesthetically pleasing branded vehicle than the plain or poorly maintained one. Ensuring your business car or van has top of the range car signage is, therefore, a wise investment and makes sound business sense.

With vehicle vinyl, your commercial vehicle is working for you round the clock and 365 days of the year. Whether you’ve left it on the street outside your house overnight or have simply popped to the supermarket in it, your branded car or van is promoting your goods and services to a massive audience of potential clients and customers – don’t miss out by leaving the side of your vehicle blank!

In order to make the greatest impact, though, you need to be confident in the design and quality of the vehicle wrapping you’re investing in. At The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve spent many years keeping up to date with all the latest advances in vehicle signage and can craft the highest-quality bespoke car wraps, which are perfectly tailored to your business and the brand image you want to convey.

With an expert team of designers and fitters, we can help you get the look you want – whether you have a little runaround or an entire fleet of vehicles. For more information on how we can help, simply get in touch with our professional signwriters today.

Choosing the right sign illumination

Get your business seen in the dark

If you want your company premises to pack a visual punch both inside and out, there are few more effective tools than illuminated signage. An illuminated sign can not only convey all the important information you need to get across to your customers, but correctly installed in a prominent position, it can act as a decoration and a focal or talking point in its own right.

They’re eye-catching, beautiful and clearly on-trend, and more and more people are recognising the value of an illuminated sign. There are now multiple types of illuminated sign to choose from, so how do you know which will work best? Read on to find out more about how to choose the right illuminated signs for your business.

Halo illuminated signs

One of the most appealing and beautiful of illuminated signs, the halo effect provides a soft and subtle warming glow, which really draws people in and makes them feel good. Halo illuminated signs are made by back-lighting powder-coated letters, creating a pleasant radiating light which is less harsh than neon.

Signs with halo illumination work particularly well in establishments where you want to create a certain atmosphere, especially if that involves low lighting elsewhere. A halo illuminated sign behind the bar of a club or glittering off the glasses of a cocktail bar can really enhance the mood of the place, while strategically positioned on the wall of a restaurant, they can add to the relaxed ambience.

This type of sign can be used both indoors and outdoors. Used externally, the warming glow will always be a welcome sight for potential customers during the cold, dark and often miserable weather of the autumn and winter.

Neon letters

Neon letters can certainly be used to make a bold statement, and for that reason, they work particularly well on shop fronts or the façades of bars, restaurants, clubs, gyms and estate agents. There are few sure-fire ways of announcing your presence to the world than by putting your company name up there in neon lights, so consider this type of sign illumination if you want to really grab the attention of passing trade.

Neon letters are far from an outdated form of signage, with more advanced technology and ultra-modern Neon Plus lighting making this a very trendy choice at the moment. The crisp, clean effect of neon makes these signs a real statement piece, whether used indoors or out.

LED lighting

LED lighting is a very cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice, and the low energy bulbs used in such signage means you can leave it on 24/7 without racking up huge electricity bills or risking a fire hazard. LED lighting works particularly well in window displays where the aim is to draw attention to a particular product or piece of information. Estate agents display windows, for instance, could benefit from LED signs which shine a spotlight on the top properties you have on your books, providing an understated yet visually impactful display.

LED lights are used in all sorts of illuminated signage to achieve a particular effect, so get expert help in deciding what sort of LED signage to go for. Some will be better suited to indoor rather than outdoor use, but wherever it’s situated, LED signage can really enhance your premises.

Spot and flood lighting

Spot and floodlit signs can really make an impact on passersby. Often incredibly bright and eye-catching, spotlights and floodlights built into your signage ensure that everyone can see and read your company name, logo and contact details with ease, and they’re very difficult for people to walk past!

These types of signs work particularly well for pubs and schools, where traditional signage can be enhanced with illuminations. Signs for schools need to be clear and uncomplicated, while the much-loved pub sign can greatly benefit from having a bright but simple spotlight thrown on it.

Due to their intensity, spot and floodlit signs really only work outdoors, where the bright lights are needed most and customers are less likely to be dazzled. Particularly during the autumn and winter, this type of signage acts as a beacon for your business and draws people in for a closer look, whether that’s studying your shop front signs or getting up close to inspect a menu or price list sign.

Before deciding on the type of illuminated signs you want, ask yourself a few basic questions about what you want to achieve with sign illumination. Is it for use indoors or outdoors? Is it purely for displaying information or for a more decorative purpose? Is your main concern your energy bills or making a really bright, bold visual statement with stronger lights?

You might want to seek further advice from those in the know before making a final choice on the type of illuminated sign you want. If you’re not sure which variety will suit your business and your needs, then speak to a professional signage company, such as The Sussex Sign Company for guidance and more information.

The Sussex Sign Company has been crafting bespoke illuminated signage for many years, and we know which type of sign illumination works best in any situation. Our experienced designers and installers are able to work with you to create tailor-made illuminated signs which perfectly reflect your company and will enhance your business premises immeasurably. For more information on the services we can provide, simply contact our expert team today.

Paint vs. vinyl wrap

Paint vs. vinyl wrap

If your company car or van looks like it’s in need of a little TLC, then you might be wondering how best to polish it up. Many people would instantly think that a lick of paint wPaint vs. vinyl wrapould be the quickest fix, but car vinyl wraps are now so much easier and quicker to design and install that they’ve already become a popular alternative.

Paint and vinyl both have their advantages and disadvantages, so to help you decide how best to enhance and customise your vehicle, we have put together a breakdown of the pros and cons.

Paint: the plus side

Paint is a very reliable way of sprucing up your commercial vehicle easily, and skilled painters and signwriters can achieve very neat, long-lasting results. If you want that ‘straight off the factory floor’ look, then having the entire vehicle resprayed can get you the result you’re after.

Similarly, if you’ve changed the colour scheme your company uses, then getting your vehicles painted in the new shades you have picked is straightforward, and allows you to recreate the same scheme across an entire fleet of vehicles, if needs be. One final advantage is that painting is a simple job and so there are plenty of companies which can provide their services to you, whereas vinyl wrapping is a more specialist route to go down if you want top-quality results.
Paint: the downsides

One of the major disadvantages of painting your vehicle is that you have to get all the bodywork done, so it can become expensive. Variations in shade and finish mean you can’t simply touch the paintwork up here and there, but will need to have the whole vehicle entirely resprayed to ensure an even coverage – otherwise it could end up looking like a very silly patchwork!

Paint also has a tendency to fade, flake and rust over time, so while it might seem like a long-term solution, you could find it starts to look shabby within a relatively short space of time, depending on the quality of the job and the conditions your vehicle is exposed to. There’s nothing worse than spending all that money only to see your company name and logo are becoming so bleached by sunlight that passersby can no longer see them properly.

Depending on the complexity of the paintwork and the text or images you want painted on to the side of your car or van, your vehicle could be out of action for a number of days while the work is carried out. You might have an alternative runaround to see you through this period, but bear it in mind when deciding.

Vinyl: the plus side

One of the main advantages of car vinyl is that it acts as a second skin for your vehicle, meaning all those annoying little scratches, scrapes and nicks which are part and parcel of everyday driving don’t affect the paintwork underneath. Because it can be so easily peeled away, you can also be confident that vinyl won’t damage the bodywork and your vehicle’s resale value won’t be affected, should you decide to sell it on.

Also, thanks to that easy peel aspect, if a section of your vinyl wrap is damaged then it’s incredibly easy just to replace a small part of the vehicle wrapping – with a paint job, you’d be looking at the expensive route of having the entire vehicle resprayed. It also means you can quickly and easily change your vehicle wrap at any time, whether it’s simply to update your contact details or as part of a major rebranding exercise.

If you own a fleet of cars and want brand unity across all your vehicles, this is far easier to achieve with vinyl. Custom-made designs can easily be replicated across any number of cars and vans, and there are multiple types of vinyl car wrap to help you achieve the exact look you want for your fleet.

Vinyl: the downsides

There are very few negatives, but one of the disadvantages of car vinyl is that it can take a couple of days to install, so you will need to factor in some down time for your vehicle. That said, paint can take anywhere between a week and ten days to be fully applied and allowed to dry, so vinyl can be the quicker fix.

In some cases, vinyl might be more expensive than paint, but that is entirely dependent on what you request from your vehicle vinyl wrapping company. If you have a large sided vehicle, then more material will need to be used, and going for an incredibly detailed and complex design will also push the costs up. In general, however, the technological advances behind vinyl have made it much more cost-effective in recent years.

Ultimately, the choice you make will depend on the vision you have for your car, van or fleet of vehicles. Both paint and vinyl wraps have their pros and cons, so it’s important to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of both before you make your final decision.

If you do decide that vehicle wrapping is for you, then you need to ensure you work with a company who can deliver the highest quality car wraps to guarantee they will be well-designed, well-fitted and made to last. The Sussex Sign Company has been providing local companies across the south-east with the best bespoke vehicle wraps for a number of years, and our experienced team of designers and fitters can see you get the very best vinyl for your vehicles.

To find out more about the types of vinyl car wrap available to you and the services we provide, simply get in touch with our expert team today.

Nothing says ‘summer’ like illuminated signs

Sign Illumination

We all love summer. There’s nothing quite like those long, balmy summer evenings or days when the sun comes out and we can dust off the picnic rug, the tennis rackets or the barbecue and enjoy a little family time in the good weather. Summer trips to the Great British seaside, eating fish and chips or cold ice cream, memories of endless school summer holidays, that first chilled beer or glass of white wine in the evening – what’s not to love?

When it comes to getting out and about exploring our towns and cities, nothing shouts ‘summer’ quite like an illuminated sign. As the good weather brings more and more people out for a little retail therapy on High Streets up and down the country, is it time you invested in illuminated signage?

Not just a winter wonder

You might imagine that illuminated signage only really serves a purpose over the autumn and winter, when the cold, dank and miserable weather and shorter days make an illuminated sign essential. True, the warming glow of LED window displays or halo illuminated signs can be a comforting and inviting thing for passing customers, but your illuminated signs have an equally important role to play over the summer.

The evenings might feel like they stretch on forever, but it does get dark eventually! The difference is that when it does, the temperatures are still nice and high and there are already more people out and about, perhaps spilling out of restaurants, pubs, bars or other places which stay open late. As they make their way to wherever they’re going, they may well pass by your establishment, and with a beautifully lit sign still twinkling away all night long, they’re not going to be able to overlook your shop front.

If your illuminated signage is bold, bright and beautiful, people passing by are more likely to remember you. Your shop, gym or estate agents might not be open now, but chances are that if you leave an impression on those late night wanderers, they may well come back to you somewhere down the line. If you own a takeaway shop, restaurant, bar or pub, your signs might lure potential customers in for one last drink or for something to eat, while late-opening convenience stores could really reap the rewards of an illuminated sign.

Something exotic

When you think about all those exotic holiday destinations, it’s hard not to think of illuminated signs. Picture the dreamy bars of a Caribbean island, with the halo illuminated signs glistening off the cocktail glasses, or the glowing lights above the tapas restaurant you passed earlier in the day. Imagine the welcoming letters glittering above the door of your hotel when you arrive back, footsore after a day’s exploring a European city or a Greek island.

Few things about summer in the city can celebrate the glory of the season quite so effectively as an illuminated sign. Sitting outside enjoying a drink or dining al fresco under clear, warm foreign skies are so much a part of the summer experience, that it’s hard to picture our favourite destinations without conjuring up images of those bright and exciting urban places, lit by signage.

Regardless of what the British summer can throw at us weather-wise, an illuminated sign still brings a little of that exotic mystery and beauty with it. If you want your shop or restaurant façade to look tempting throughout those lighter evenings, you can’t go wrong when you invest in illuminated signage.

Now’s the time

Summer is arguably the best time of year to invest in new shop front signs. With the nicer weather, there will be more people getting out and about to stock up on holiday supplies or simply enjoy a little wander around town, and more people means more eyes on your premises. You want to be looking your best when the summer crowds flock to the High Street, because quality signage has the potential to catch the attention of passersby and lure them over the threshold.

A classy illuminated window display or bold and beautiful halo illuminated letters over the door have a pull factor which cannot be underestimated, and even the trusty old neon can be relied on to catch the eye of a potential customer.

Not only that, but fine weather means installing your new signage becomes a whole lot easier. With sunny days and less chance of the wind and rain that we can expect by late September, having your new signage designed and professionally installed could be a relatively quick and easy job. That means less interruption for your day-to-day business and it could see your premises looking summer-ready in no time.

Having spent many years crafting some of the most beautiful, bespoke illuminated signage, Brighton Signs are the go-to shop sign writers for the South East and London regions. Thanks to our expert team of designers and fitters, we can work with you to create the highest quality and most suitable signage solution for your company, whatever goods you sell or services you provide.

Get your shop, restaurant, bar or estate agents fully geared up for the glorious days of summer with a new illuminated sign. We can’t guarantee the good weather to go with it, but for a little slice of the exotic and a better chance at catching that boost in footfall, simply get in touch with the The Sussex Sign Company today.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Would vehicle vinyl suit your van or car?

Vinyl signwriting on your car?

The technology behind vehicle vinyl has advanced so much in recent years that it has never been such a cost-effective and attractive option, for car and van drivers everywhere. Vehicle wraps can be used for all sorts of reasons, and the possibilities for creating beautiful, bespoke designs for your vehicle are endless.

If you own your own business and use a company vehicle on a regular basis, it’s worth remembering that the side of your car or van is prime advertising space. Whether you’re a builder or plumber with a high-sided van, an estate agent with a nippy little runaround to get you between viewings, or a taxi company with a whole fleet of cars, vinyl can be a great way of getting your brand identity and personality stamped onto your vehicle.

What are the perks of vehicle vinyl?

When it comes to your marketing strategy, vehicle wraps are the gift that keeps on giving. Compared to other forms of advertising, car or van vinyl can reach a much wider audience, with very little effort on your part. While you could pay to run up and distribute brochures around the local area or take out an advertising slot on the radio or in the local paper, the number of potential customers you might reach is very limited, and the effect fleeting. If you’re already out and about in your car or van, then it makes sense to utilise the free advertising space you already have.

Research has shown that a commercial vehicle with its own branded vinyl will be seen anywhere between 2,000 and 9,000 times an hour – that’s a lot of eyes on your company name and contact details. What’s more, once you’ve paid the initial cost of having your vehicle wraps installed, they can last for many years and they’re working for you 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Whether you’re popping into the local convenience store, sitting in a traffic jam on the ring road or parked up in front of your house overnight, your vehicle signage is still clearly displayed for all passersby to see.

A further advantage of vehicle vinyl is that it protects your van or car against all those annoying little scratches, knocks and scrapes which are part of everyday life when you use a vehicle for work. Vehicle wraps can be quickly and easily installed and cause no damage to the body and paintwork of your car or van, which means its resale price won’t be affected should you wish to have the wrap removed in order to sell your vehicle. In the meantime, your wrap acts as a second skin to protect your vehicle as you’re driving around between jobs, meetings or to and from the office.

Would your vehicle suit a vinyl wrap?

The easy answer is that vinyl suits every vehicle. Whatever the size or make of your van or car, bespoke vehicle wraps can be created to fit every shape and model imaginable, helping you get the best use out of the space you have available on the side of your vehicle. When it comes to getting creative about customising your car or van, there is little, if anything, which is off limits. That means you really can let your imagination run wild in terms of the colours and imagery you use and how you want to lay out important information in text.

As a business, you probably already have a brand identity which includes your company’s name, logo, colour scheme and motto or tag-line, and you probably use these on all your marketing materials, from your shop signage and branded promotional giveaways right down to business cards and letterheads. It’s important that your brand is carried across all platforms in order to create a coherent identity which customers can instantly recognise and identify with, and that should include your vehicle.

The smartphones in people’s pockets have opened up a wealth of possibilities for the savvy business owner. Since the majority of us are addicted to our phones and will admit to impulse buying through our mobiles while out and about, making sure your website address or social media pages reach as many people as possible could see a massive boost to your online sales figures. No matter what goods or services you sell, if people see the contact details on the side of your vehicle and can instantly get online to check your company out, then they’re more likely to make a purchase then and there, before they have a chance to forget your name.

Vehicle vinyl can, therefore, be a fantastic opportunity to reach a whole new audience and connect them to your brand. Costs for vinyl have fallen significantly in recent years, so it’s well worth investing in high quality vehicle signage.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have a highly skilled team who are able to design and fit the most cutting-edge vehicle wraps. Making use of the most advanced vehicle wrapping technology, we are able to create beautiful, bespoke vehicle wraps which make a real visual impact and help you reach the people who matter to your business. Whatever industry you’re in and whatever vehicle you own, let us help you create a vehicle wrap which perfectly captures your company and brand identity.

For more information on the services we provide, simply get in touch with our expert team today on 01273 424900.

How new school signs could boost morale this September

Signs for schools

We all remember that feeling well – the exams are out the way and you’ve just enjoyed six weeks of summer sunshine and absolute freedom, those seemingly endless hours crammed with holidays, footie in the park and barbecues with family and friends. Whether it was the beginning of the sixth form or the daunting return to the infants or juniors, going back to school after so much freedom almost always felt like a wrench.

There were positives too, though. Meeting up with friends again, for instance, or the nice feeling of starting a new exercise book and making a completely fresh start. One of the most morale boosting things was seeing how the school site had changed and been spruced up or improved during your absence – from a fresh lick of paint in the science block to all new school signs at the front of the premises. If you’re a head teacher, you know that the signage outside your school is usually the first thing people see, and it’s the first thing students will notice as they return from the summer break this September. Seeing immaculate new signs can have a wonderful, positive impact on how children approach the new term, so upgrading your school signage over the summer could have major benefits come the beginning of the autumn term.

The power of the school sign

Your school signs really can say a lot about your school. Whether it’s a nursery, secondary school, specialist sixth form college or a higher education establishment, the signage outside your premises not only proudly displays the name, motto and logo of your school, but speaks volumes about the ethos and principles which underpin everything you do. A well-made, well-maintained school sign shows that you take pride in the work you carry out as an educational establishment, and creates a positive and lasting impression on anyone who happens to visit or simply pass by the school gates.

By contrast, run-down or old-fashioned school signage can have a detrimental impact on the way the outside world views your school, because it hints at lower standards. Seeing poor school signage, local people might start to suspect those lower standards extend beyond external appearances to all other facets of school life, from the quality of the teaching down to the overall behaviour of the students. An attractive, polished façade to your premises, on the other hand, bodes well, creating a good first impression on all.

Research has also shown that children thrive academically in pleasant, attractive surroundings, and that extends beyond the classroom. People are always more inclined to look after the space around them when they can see it is worth looking after, so behaviour improves, students are keener to learn and everyone is happier. While they might not immediately spring to mind in this context, remember that your school signs are the first thing your students see in the morning and the last thing they see as they leave for home after the final bell.

Is it time for an upgrade?

There’s surely no better time to upgrade your school signage than over the summer break, when any noise and disruption isn’t going to impact on your students. There are all sorts of reasons for investing in new school signs. It could be that the school has a new head teacher or deputy head, whose name needs to be added to the signs, or perhaps it could be that contact details have changed, or even that the school is going in for a complete rebranding exercise and changing the logo and school motto. It could even be as simple as noticing that your old signs are looking a little tired or worse for wear, and a shiny new school sign is called for to brighten up the front of the building.

Whatever the reasons behind wanting an upgrade to your signage, now is the time to act. While schools are taking it easy with the long summer break, many companies, including signage companies, experience a massive boost in trade over the sunnier months, as people finally get round to all those odd jobs they’ve been putting off. If you think new signage is a good idea for your school, you can be pretty sure there are other schools and educational establishments in the nearby area thinking along the same lines. If you want to make sure you get to the top of the list for having your new school signage designed and installed, start planning ahead now to avoid disappointment.

Bold, beautiful, bespoke new signs could give students a real morale boost as they return from their summer holidays. Seeing the instant, positive change that a new sign brings might just put a little bit more of a spring in their step, as they try and ease themselves back into normality and the school routine after all those weeks of freedom.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve had many years’ experience providing the highest quality signs for schools right across Sussex, London and the South East. With our expert team of designers and installers, we can see that you get the perfect new school signage to get September off to a flying start, ensuring your school’s unique character is fully captured and proudly displayed ahead of the new term. For more information on the services we can provide, simply get in touch with us today.

The Humble Pub Sign: Some of Britain’s More Unusual Pubs

Pub Signage And Traditional Signs

Britain is well-known for being a land of eccentrics and a country which values its rich heritage and often quirky traditions. Perhaps one of the most obvious places the two meet is in the quintessential British pub, many of which are hundreds of years old and have some fascinating stories to tell. Pub signs often give a little glimpse into the history of our wonderful watering holes, and here are just a few of the more unusual pubs you’ll find around the British Isles.

The Crooked House, Himley, Staffordshire

Originally built as a farmhouse in 1765, The Crooked House pub gained its lopsided appearance after mining in the area caused half of it to start sinking. Once scheduled for demolition because of the subsidence, the pub was saved by the Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries, who paid to have the building underpinned and made safe. Its off-kilter structure means that you feel tipsy before you’ve even touched your first pint, and it also gives rise to some wonderful optical illusions, such as glasses sliding off apparently level tables.

The Marsden Grotto, Marsden, Tyne and Wear

The Marsden Grotto is one of only a handful of ‘cave pubs’ in Europe, partly built into the cliff face and looking out over the North Sea towards Denmark. It was originally thought to have been a smugglers’ haunt, and the ghost of ‘John the Jibber’ is said to return, after he was starved to death by fellow crooks for passing on information to HM Customs.

The Warren Inn, Dartmoor, Devon

Named after the network of rabbit warrens which once existed nearby, this pub is said to have had a fire burning since it was built in 1845. According to local legend, the fire was started with embers from the original pub across the road and has never gone out since, although its current owners use locally sourced wood to keep the flames going, rather than the less environmentally friendly peat which was used in the past.

The Canny Man, Edinburgh

With its eclectic décor and collection of stuffed animals, The Canny Man is one of the most unusual pubs in the UK, and it has a strict set of rules on who it allows in. Making good use of their signage, The Canny Man warns ‘No smoking, no credit cards, no mobile phones, no cameras, no backpackers’. Those who do make it over the threshold, however, are in for a treat, with celebrity chef Rick Stein describing the Edinburgh institution as ‘the best pub in the world’.

Cahoots, Soho, London

Decked out as a 1940s-style wartime Tube station, Cahoots is a tiny cocktail bar in an old air raid shelter in London’s Soho. You enter the pub via a wooden escalator and the staff behind the bar remain in character as they serve you, all of which leads to a very surreal but enjoyable experience.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, Nottingham

One of many pubs which claim to be the oldest in Britain, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem is said to be able to trace its roots back to 1189, when Richard the Lionheart became king. The name refers to the Crusades which were taking place around the time, and soldiers in Richard’s armies are said to have congregated here to have one for the road before heading off to battle. The interior features a quirky collection of historical artefacts, including suits of armour which watch over you while you sup your pint.

The WC, Clapham, London

Today the ‘WC’ stands for ‘Wine and Charcuterie’, but this pub is aptly named because it is located in the former public toilets beneath Clapham Common station. Head underground and you’ll find the old tiled bathroom stalls have been transformed into seating booths, making this one of the cosiest but most unusual pubs to spend an evening in.

Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, St Albans, Hertfordshire

Another pub claiming to be the oldest in the land, Ye Olde Fighting Cocks takes its name and the image on its pub signs from the fact that it was a hotspot for the sport during the 1800s. With foundations thought to date back to 793 AD, the tunnels beneath this quirky drinking den are said to have been connected to the nearby cathedral, supplying the clergy with a nice steady stream of ale for centuries.

Although they may be able to trade on their unusual appearances and traditions alone, all these pubs make great use of their signage. A pub sign was crucial in an age when the majority of people couldn’t read and had to identify the name of an establishment through the picture over the door, and signs were often used to announce the secondary purpose of the establishment, to express support for a person or cause or to reflect an important local industry. While they may not run bear-baiting events any more, pubs still require great signs to preserve their rich histories and tell their intriguing stories.

Pub signs are just as relevant today, particularly given the struggle that pubs have in the face of the economic downturn and fierce competition for trade. Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we have a long and distinguished track record in providing some of the most historic watering holes across London and the South East with beautiful, bespoke pub signs. For more information on the services we can provide, simply get in touch with our expert team today.

For more information contact us on 01273 417057 or contact us using the contact form.

Have LED window displays had their day?

Despite the fact that more of us than ever before are shopping online, the High Street has refused to die the death that pessimists predicted. The recession might have claimed some important scalps, in the shape of BHS and Woolworth’s, but with the economy now gradually beginning to strengthen, it seems that footfall in our towns and cities is slowly beginning to increase. Competition, however, is fiercer than it’s ever been for retailers. Doing everything you can to stay one step ahead of your rivals is crucial if you’re going to thrive and grow as a business, which means doing everything in your power to attract new customers and keep those already on your side.

Signage has an important role to play in grabbing the attention of potential customers, and LED illuminated signs can be an incredibly effective marketing tool. But have LED window displays gone out of fashion, and have they had their day? Surely in the days of the smartphone and easy access to online retailers, nobody really looks at physical shop fronts any more, and illuminated sign boards are a bit quaint and old-fashioned, aren’t they? The answer has to be a resounding ‘no’…

Still a bright idea

LED signs are a way of getting your company or shop name up there in lights, and they’re still proving a popular choice for retailers. While you might think the digital age has rendered the old bricks and mortar premises less important, people do still judge on what they see in front of them. First impressions matter when snap judgments are made in under a second, so ensuring your shop front signs look attractive really counts.

Bold and vibrant LED window displays are a good way of capturing the attention of passersby, because who doesn’t like to look at something pretty and shiny? By creating an eye-catching illuminated window display, you’re more likely to make those potential customers stop and investigate further, upping the chances that they’ll venture in. If the front of your shop, café, restaurant or estate agents looks appealing, then it instills confidence in people, that what they’ll find beyond the front door is also worth a look.

LED window displays can be a good way of turning the spotlight on the best you have to offer. For estate agents, displays could be used to highlight the top properties on their books, for instance, showcasing the houses and apartments most likely to pique the interest of future homebuyers. For retailers, an illuminated window display could draw attention to a particular product you wish to promote, or a special offer you’re currently running.

Not just for winter

While you might think LED signs are only really useful in the colder, darker winter months, the truth is that an attractive LED display will have a visual impact the whole year round. True, the warming glow these signs emit will be an appealing prospect for customers when the miserable autumn storms and winter gloom descend, but even in the summer, they can add a touch of sparkle to a balmy, long evening.

Once you have made that initial investment in LED signage, it really will pay dividends in the long run. Because LED bulbs are low energy and don’t get hot, you can leave them on once you’ve shut up shop for the day, meaning they will be working for you throughout the night. This is a way of advertising your business which really will see tangible results – even when you’re all tucked up in bed, your LED window display is working round the clock and throughout the year to draw attention to your shop, bar, restaurant or other High Street premises.

It’s very hard for people to simply walk past a bold, bright LED display without pausing for a closer look. We’re automatically drawn to things which are unique and beautiful, so strike the right balance with your LED displays and people will take notice. The trick is in getting the highest quality and most well-designed LED signs, and being a little bit creative in the way you use them.

Never out of fashion

For all the negative news stories about the death of the High Street and the unstoppable rise of internet retail giants, the vast majority of people still love to shop in the ‘real world’. We like to see and handle the things we buy, particularly if they’re expensive or important to us, and trusting an anonymous e commerce site seems like a risky alternative.

While technology might have come on in leaps and bounds, there’s still room for the tried and tested LED window display. Those beautiful bright lights will never go out of fashion, so lighten up your shop front signs or estate agents displays today, with well-made LED signage.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we’ve always been fans of the good old LED display, and we know just what a powerful asset this type of sign can be, when it comes to promoting your business. Thanks to an expert team of LED signage designers and installers, we can help you make the most of your window displays, by crafting bespoke and beautiful LED products which will dazzle your customers.

With many years’ experience working in this field, we’ve seen trends come and go, but the LED sign still has its place. For more information, simply get in touch with our friendly team today, to see how we can brighten up your business premises.