The Most Intriguing Signage Trends For 2018

If you’re thinking about the ways that you can use high quality and well-designed signage this year, then there’s a world of astonishing possibilities. Though some of them may not quite be available to a sign writing company near you in the immediate future, they’re a sign of the way that technology is changing what the signage industry is capable of.

Wrap it up

You’ll already be familiar with high impact vehicle wraps and what a powerful marketing tool they can be for building customer trust and raising brand awareness. But have you considered harnessing that power and wrapping your building?

Building wraps have been used to wrap construction site hoardings in the past, but they can now deliver a marketing boost for a seasonal promotion, especially, of course, at Christmas, when you can wrap your building up like a gigantic present!

Add texture

Developments in texture printing are being influenced by 3D print technology and have some important applications for accessible signage. For example, you could choose to incorporate Braille directly into your signage as an innovative way to conform with disability legislation.

Texture printing will also have applications at the high end, giving a designer touch to your signage. Imagine a feature wall that looks and feels like leather, or a football protruding out of your wall that feels identical to the real thing – these are just some of the possibilities of texture printing.

Celebrate history

Schools, corporate offices, hospitals – these are just some of the places where you might find a history wall – a celebration of your achievements and the evolution of your brand or organisation. History walls are set to become a big thing in 2018 as nostalgia continues to be a trend.

Your history wall can be fully customised and personalised, perhaps consisting of a vinyl wall decal in your corporate colours as a background with wood, foam or acrylic signs that explain your organisation’s journey in text and graphics. The power of the history wall lies in the way that it can use different types of signs to create an impact. The more compelling the signage, the more interesting your brand’s story.

Create a first impression

On your lobby walls or behind the reception desk, a beautifully executed sign incorporating your logo and tagline can create a powerful first impression. Try channel letters with an LED halo lighting effect for an instant wow factor, or use texture printing techniques to create something utterly unique.

The underlying message is that 2018 might be the year that you need to rebrand, and what better way to announce your new logo and tagline than with a suite of high quality, interior signs?

Invest in quality

Even if you don’t intend to wrap your premises like a present, celebrate your history, rebrand with new shop signage or celebrate a significant anniversary with a history wall, 2018 might be the year that you reconsider the impression that your shop signs give of your company.

If your market research says it’s time for a change, The Sussex Sign Company can help. We offer a fully integrated service from design to installation and beyond, so phone us today or drop us an email for more information.

A Beginners Guide To Vinyl Car Wraps

For any business owner looking to maximise their return on investment with a marketing strategy that is high impact, cost-effective and that effortlessly builds brand awareness, there’s no better choice than vehicle vinyl wraps.

However, the initial costs of wrapping your vehicles might be beyond the reach of some small businesses – which is where partial wrapping comes in. Delivering some of the marketing punch of a full wrap, but on a budget, a partial wrap can still harness the power of mobile advertising.

Full wraps for maximum impact

If you want to create maximum impact, then a full vehicle wrap is the obvious choice. Every part of your vehicle will be encased, except for legally exempt areas like windows and wing mirrors, to create the ultimate marketing wow. By maximising every inch of space, you can really get your message across, with full graphics and business branding.

But beware, just because you have the luxury of space doesn’t mean you have to cover every inch of the vehicle with design elements. Simple is always more powerful when it comes to vinyl wrap design.

Partial wraps: the cost-effective choice

While a partial vinyl wrap won’t protect your car in the same way as a full wrap, and you won’t have the flexibility of being able to change the entire colour with a new skin, a partial wrap that covers the bonnet, doors and boot can still look surprisingly effective.

Choose the same high quality material and resolution as the full wrap, and pay attention to detail and you’ll create a real attention-grabber. You’ll also have the advantage of a quicker turnaround from design to installation, particularly useful if you want to get your branding or a marketing campaign out there fast.

Decals for responsive marketing

Want to quickly update your vehicle sign wraps? Then decals could be the answer. These individual details can be added for seasonal campaigns – for example, Christmas or summer discounts – or if you need to change your contact details without redoing the entire wrap.

Pay attention to details

The vinyl you use for your car wraps is hugely important to the finished look and feel. Cast vinyl is a high quality material that’s easy to work with and will stay looking good for several years, unlike lower quality calendared vinyl. However, if you need a short term campaign, or you’re wrapping a boxy vehicle like a van, calendared vinyl can be the cost-effective choice. You’ll need to use printable vinyl that uses UV-resistant, weatherproof inks for the best effect.

Work with the experts

To get the very best out of your vinyl sign wraps, you need to work with the experts. At The Sussex Sign Company, we offer a complete service from design to installation, delivering the best possible return on investment. Installation is key to achieving the best results with a vinyl car wrap and we have one of the best teams in the country. Whether you choose a partial wrap or a full wrap, we ensure your vehicle wrap maximises your brand visibility. Contact us via phone or email for more information.

How To Increase Your Brand Recognition With Vehicle Signage

Brand recognition is one of the holy grails of marketing. Like the Golden Arches or the Apple logo, imagine your potential customers being able to recognise your business by your branding alone. What may surprise you is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on online and offline advertising to achieve your goal. Investing in a vinyl wrap for your company car or van is a smart and cost-effective way to get your branding out there.

New technology, old idea

Imagine you’re driving your company car during an average week. You might have a regular delivery day, and you may need to visit the wholesaler and the bank once a week. Popping out on personal errands during lunch hours and playing parent taxi for the kids all clocks up the number of hours you spend on the road. Whenever you’re on the road, a branded vehicle with an eye-catching car wrap is creating impressions – hundreds, even thousands of them.

The silent salesman

That’s why companies have always branded their vehicles – because these moving billboards are like a silent salesman, doing your marketing work for you. From the horse and cart to the electric car, vehicles advertising goods and services have been around for many years. Why? Because they tirelessly promote your brand in a non-aggressive way.

A cohesive brand image

Make sure that all touch points between you and your customers are consistently branded and you’ll elevate your brand image as a whole. A vinyl wrap is the ideal way to put car signage at the centre of your marketing strategy, and to boost the visibility of your brand by using your number one visual asset – your logo – as a mobile billboard.

Building trust

Customers prefer to buy from a brand they trust, and by being visible in your community, you’ll boost brand recognition. Your strong and visible car wrap graphics will give the impression that you’re a serious player in your field, conferring a sense of professionalism and authority. Your vehicle branding, by being a constant presence on the street, will establish a compelling awareness of your brand. Since keeping existing customers is more cost-effective than attracting new ones, your heightened brand awareness creates a sense of loyalty and security, prompting repeat customer behaviour.

Is it right for you?

Using your vehicle to raise brand awareness is an obvious fit with B2C companies. But it can also be worthwhile for B2B companies who want to leverage brand awareness at a very local level. After all, 91% of people who’ve seen a branded vehicle can recall its branding several days later. If you weigh the importance of your public image at 50% or more, then vehicle branding could be the right fit for your company. If a branded approach meets your marketing goals, then vehicle signage is an effective way to quickly and effectively grab the interest of passing customers.

Ask the experts

If you want to maximise your brand awareness by using vinyl wraps for your vehicle fleet, then talk to us via phone or email. At the Sussex Sign Company, we’ll take you from design to installation, to optimise your ROI and create car wraps with a real wow factor.

How A Stunning Vinyl Wrap Increases Brand Exposure

If you want a high impact, low cost way to get increased brand exposure, then you need to invest in a high quality vinyl wrap for your vehicle fleet. Even if you’re a one-man band, you can still benefit from the power of a rolling billboard to advertise your products and services and to drive brand recognition. Just imagine it – anything up to 1,000 impressions a day, whether your car is parked outside your house, in a public car park, driving the streets or on your forecourt. It’s low-key, 24/7 advertising that increases your brand exposure without you having to do a thing.

Visual appeal

You only have to look at the before and after pictures of a few vinyl wrap transformations to realise what a stunning impact vehicle signage can have. Make the strategic decision to utilise this passive form of advertising and customers will be attracted to your colourful and dynamic vehicle. Better yet, you can buy a cheaper white vehicle and then create an incredible customised car wrap that boosts brand recognition and protects your vehicle’s body work from wear and tear, meaning you also protect its resale or trade-in value.

Cost-effective impressions

No other form of advertising has such a wide reach and creates such a long-lasting impression. A high quality car wrap can last up to 5 years when manufactured and installed with care, which means your costs can be as little as 4p per thousand impressions. Just as no other form of advertising can compete with the costs per impression, no other marketing channel is as long-lasting.

Customer impact

Studies show that potential customers retain the information from mobile advertising like car signage far more easily than they do from other, more traditional forms of advertising. That may be because of the relatively lengthy exposure time, particularly during a traffic jam, which all works to your advantage.

Launch and re-launch

Because of the impact your car wrap will have, it’s the ideal strategy for a product or business launch. However, a high quality vinyl wrap can be equally effective if you want to rebrand your business, since an eye-catching design will pique your audience’s interest. Because you can add cut vinyl details to an existing wrap, you could even tease your audience before the big reveal of your new branding.

Eye candy

The effectiveness of vehicle graphics stands or falls on whether your audience finds them visually enticing. A great graphic can really engage customers, whereas a cluttered and confused image will see them zoning your vehicle out. Realistically, you have around 6 seconds to make an impression, but when you see people taking selfies with your vinyl wrap, you’ll know you’ve engaged them fully.

Ask the professionals

If you’re interested in exploiting the power of low cost, high impact vehicle signage to boost your brand exposure, then get in touch via phone or email. At The Sussex Sign Company, we’ll design, manufacture and install a high quality, eye-catching vehicle wrap for your car, lorry or van that grabs your customers attention and doesn’t let go.

Why Your Business Needs To Light Up With Illuminated Signs

Illuminating your signage is about so much more than showing customers where you are. In fact, a well-illuminated sign will provide cost-effective advertising 24 hours a day, maximising the effectiveness of your message. Even if you don’t stay open all day and all night, your sign will still be doing your marketing for you.

Versatile and stylish, illuminated signage can take your visual assets to another level. More than that, a well-executed sign will add value to your business, thanks to its perceived value.

The ABC of illuminated signs

There are several practical questions you need to ask yourself when installing illuminated shop signs. Is the illumination visible and effective? Is the message legible? Is your sign well maintained, and if not, how will you keep it looking its best and doing its job. Work with a professional signage company and these issues and more will be worked out during the design, development and installation process.

However, before you approach a sign company, check the functionality of your concept by asking the ABC questions – does your sign Attract new customers, Build brand awareness and Create impulse sales? If you think your sign can do all three, then it’s a worthwhile investment.

Send a subliminal message

When you work together with a professional designer on your commercial signage, you’ll be surprised at the strong yet subliminal messages you can send with colour. Your bespoke LED signs don’t need to be pure white, though that can look clean and professional. Colour can make a subliminal statement about your business when coupled with clever design, for an effect that enhances your business.

Maximise your marketing budget

Illuminated shop signs create thousands of impression throughout the course of the day, giving you an exceptionally low cost per impression. The cost of your signage is a one-off in your budget, and when you compare the ROI against other forms of marketing, your illuminated signs can be quite a bargain, and they can have a reach that far outstrips more temporary forms of advertising like billboards and radio, TV or online ads.

Consider the interior options

While your exterior illuminated signs will be reaching out to passing trade at all hours of the day and night, don’t ignore the power of a sophisticated indoor sign with LED illumination. Beautifully designed, perhaps using halo illuminated letters for a subtle and stylish effect, an illuminated logo on the wall behind the till, or as customers first enter your premises, can drive brand recognition and create a stunning first impression.

Work with the professionals

At The Sussex Sign Company, we can offer you a range of stylish and effective solutions for your illuminated signage, whether that’s halo illuminated letters or a banner effect. We’ll steer you through the process from concept to design to installation, discussing illumination options and a maintenance schedule. If you want to see what illuminated signs can do for the exterior and interior of your store or office premises, then contact us today via phone or email and we’ll be happy to discuss your options.

Create A Wow: How To Use Halo Lit Signs Effectively For Your Business

What do Kiehl’s, Triumph and Versace all have in common? These diverse businesses all use halo lit signs to project a sophisticated image. This unique and subtle lighting effect is used to create eye-catching signage that elevates not only the perceived value of the sign, but also the company that uses it. In short, if you want to create a real wow for your business, you need to invest on halo lit signage.

Getting started with halo lighting

This stunning yet subtle lighting effect is achieved by projecting white or coloured lighting, often using LEDs, onto the background for your sign. It’s clear, therefore, that your sign needs to be mounted on a particular type of background. Too glossy and there’s too much reflection, too dark and the light is absorbed.

There are workarounds, however, to both issues if the background is intrinsic to your brand identity. On a dark surface, white cut vinyl letters can be used to mount the sign for optimum reflection. With a high gloss, the use of a diffuser can soften the glow and create the perfect halo effect.

Create the effect

You also need to ensure that your LEDs are facing towards the interior of the letters. This gives a smooth halo with no individual pinpoints of light. You could also use fluorescent lighting, but it’s neither as energy-efficient as LED or as interesting to work with, as LEDs can be used to create a wide range of colour effects and even different temperatures of white.

One other issue to consider is the mounting distance of your letters. Too close, and you’ll negate the halo effect, too far away and the letters themselves become indistinct. The optimum mounting distance for halo lit signs is usually one and a half to three inches, but you’ll need to work with an experienced fitter to help you achieve the best effect for your installation.

Communicate your brand with colour

While some brands are clearly under the impression that the only colour for halo lighting is bright white, you can differentiate your sign by understanding the way that you can communicate effectively with colour. While white can project a clean and professional image, using corporate colours may enhance your sign or be used to add warmth for hospitality industries.

Be careful when using multiple colours, however. Lighting your logo and company name differently, for example, may look disjointed. But using your brand colours where appropriate can be a clever way to enhance brand recognition and give your sign extra appeal.

Work with the professionals

Halo lit signage can have a dramatic impact when constructed and installed properly. With so many variables that can affect the overall presentation of your halo lit sign, you need to work with the best to ensure every aspect from design to installation and maintenance is taken care of. At The Sussex Sign Company, we deliver the best possible return on your investment, creating halo lit signs that project a professional and cohesive image for your brand. Contact us today via phone or email for more details on how you can harness the power of the halo for your new signage.

The Unexpected Benefits Of Illuminated Signs

A successful business plan lives or dies by the number of customers who actually set foot through the door. After all, if nobody visits your business, how can you sell them your goods or services? That’s why you need attractive and attention-grabbing signage for your commercial premises. However, upgrading your commercial signage with illumination can take the value of your visual assets to another level and the functionality of your upgrade will quickly become apparent.

Clear advantages of illuminated signage

The advantages are clear. Your business automatically becomes highly visible and your sign keeps working for you 24/7, particularly if you use energy-efficient LEDs. Another benefit of a well-designed illuminated sign is that you’ll attract passing trade in a more effective way than you did before and you’ll drive brand recognition.

The unexpected benefits

Beyond the shining beacon of your illuminated signage, there are a host of benefits that are quite unexpected, that can further boost your intangible assets. Here are some of the most interesting hidden perks:

Increase the value of your property: investing in illuminated signage is a smart move in as much as it enhances the kerb appeal of your business. And that, as any estate agent will tell you, can significantly enhance the value of your property. By enhancing your signage and boosting brand recognition through illumination, you’re adding value to your business assets.

Inspire customer decisions: Nearly half of all purchases are made on sheer impulse. Imagine how you can leverage that impulsive behaviour with a bright and attractive illuminated sign? Now factor in the percentage of the population who are actively looking for local commerce. Illuminate your signs and you’ll be directly in their eye line. It’s your way to take control of the customer journey and influence those impulse decisions.

A community landmark: Not only will illuminated signage catch the eye of potential consumers, but it will also give your community an attractive focal point. Imagine becoming a local landmark and meeting spot, and then think about how that recognition will drive footfall. Make a good enough job of your illuminated signage and you may even attract the attention of the local council who may choose to reward you for business innovation and/or regeneration.

Multiple impressions: Your illuminated signage will not only attract customers and boost your sales, but it can also create multiple impressions throughout the day and night. Estimates put the number of impressions as high as 60 per month for 85% of your customer base. Each time they view your signs, it reinforces brand recognition, keeping your business top of mind and having an impact, whether subconscious or conscious, on your customer’s purchasing decisions.

Ask the experts

Of course, when you make the decision to upgrade your signage, then you expect your new illuminated signs to have that wow factor that will reap all these unexpected benefits. At The Sussex Sign Company, we can offer advice on the most appropriate illuminated signage solutions, including LED lighting systems, ensuring the best possible return on investment for our clients. Contact us via phone or email to find out more.

Should You Invest In LED Illuminated Exterior Signage?

LED displays are one of the most rapidly growing sectors in illuminated signage, with a market share expected to reach at least $12 billion by 2020. Advances in technology have made LED the illumination of choice, but is it always the right choice for your business? Before making an investment in illuminated exterior signs, it’s important to know all the ins and outs of LED lighting.

Light up the night

There’s little wonder that LED lighting has risen in popularity. It’s both extremely striking and highly cost-effective, with LEDs lasting up to 60,000 hours, compared to 10,000 hours for fluorescent lighting. Not only will LEDs drive down your replacement costs, but you’ll also experience lower energy costs, with 80-90% energy efficiency.

It’s this efficiency, coupled with the fact that LED bulbs don’t leak mercury and argon like neon signs, that make LEDs the green choice. If sustainability is important to your business, then LEDs are the eco-friendly way to light up the night.

Signage styles

LED signage can take several forms. For example, you might decide to use a fret-cut fascia using backlighting to highlight your logo and text. Or you may prefer to use a halo effect with built up letters. This is a particularly effective and impressive way to create an effect. Great design and layout with clever use of colour will enhance your visual assets and drive brand recognition in a cost effective way. Colour is also excellent for attention generation, giving your LED exterior signs an even greater impact.

What the stats say

Over 70% of your target audience will see your LED signs and be engaged by them. That’s higher than internet, TV and billboard advertising, and a quarter higher than the reach of social network platforms. In fact, 84% of retailers believe an illuminated sign is essential for building brand awareness and engaging with your customers.

LED signage is second to none when it comes to location branding and costs per impression are astonishingly low, at just 4p per thousand impressions. Although the initial installation costs can be higher than other forms of illuminated signage, the rapid returns and effectiveness of a good LED sign can more than recoup the investment.

A long term investment

When it comes to evaluating your business, most customers take around 7 seconds to decide whether they’ll step through your doors or not. Eye-catching and effective signage is the perfect way to create a strong first impression that brings the customer in through the door and then helps them to find you again and direct their friends and family to your business.

At the Sussex Sign Company, we understand that your signs will act as the visual standard bearer for your business for years to come. That’s why we’ll advise you as to the most appropriate illuminated signage solutions, including LED lighting systems, to ensure the best possible return on investment and the best possible visual representation for your business. Contact us via phone or email today to find out more.

Making Your Car Graphics Count

If you’re thinking of investing in car graphics in Brighton, then you’re taking the first step towards turning your company car or vehicle fleet into brilliant visual assets with high quality vinyl wrapping.

That’s the power of turning your vehicle into a mobile billboard – this cost-effective marketing channel can drive everything from brand awareness to business growth. If you want to be marketing savvy, then you need a brand that’s on the go, just like your customers are. In fact, in the UK, we’re spending longer than ever behind the wheel, which means that your mobile advertising strategy can optimise the ability to reach a potentially huge audience.

Car graphics are the single most cost-effective marketing channel when measured in cost per thousand impressions, at just 0.4 pence. This power to reach a massive audience, with 97% of potential customers remembering the ad on the back of a van, is huge and makes a great first impression. 96% of people think mobile advertising is more effective than static billboards, with 98% believing this form of marketing creates a positive image of the brand.

Cost effective, influential and with the power to target demographics using GPS and messaging, vehicle wrapping offers a greater ROI than many more conventional forms of advertising.

Create an impact

Car graphics give you the perfect opportunity to really express your brand personality. Whether you use larger than life graphics to promote your brand personality or you just want to effectively market your latest promotions, car wrap can help. Get the graphics, colours, messaging and materials just right and you’ll create a massive impact, yet in a passive and non-intrusive way that customers like.

You can even ensure your message is seen day and night by using a reflective film for sharp daytime and nighttime visibility. Better yet, a reflective film helps businesses be seen and be safe during the long, dark winter nights, and that associates your business with a concern for safety and wellbeing in your customer’s mind. Plus, reflective graphics can create 40% more impressions.

Free your marketing

A vinyl wrap with excellent car graphics is a great way to free your marketing. Combine short, medium and long term marketing messages for the optimum effect using vinyls that can be changed quickly and easily, for timely and effective promotions.

The latest large format graphics can be installed more quickly, meaning your vehicle can be back on the streets and earning impressions as quickly as possible.

One of the great benefits of car graphics and vinyl wrap is that your design can be scaled across an entire fleet of vehicles for a streamlined, professional and consistent look. Whether you have a box van or a curvaceous coupé, there’s a vinyl product that could transform your windows, bumpers and other plastic surfaces.

Long lasting and offering superb value for money, vehicle wrapping is an eye-catching advertising channel that deserves to be at the heart of your marketing campaign.

Full wrap? Cast vinyl?

When you make the decision to exploit vinyl wrapping as a marketing channel for your business, you need to fully explore the options. For example, are you thinking of a half or full vinyl wrap? A full wrap will, as the name suggests, cover the entire vehicle, whereas a half wrap covers just the sides plus front or back.

To maximise the return on investment for a long term campaign, you’ll need to wrap your vehicles in cast vinyl with a cast substrate – this combination should last up to 5 years. However, if you have a short term campaign in mind, then calendared vinyl sheets offer a good solution.

Mind your Ps

There are basically four Ps to the production of your finalised vinyl wrap, and choosing a sign maker that offers integrated services at every step of the way means you’ll keep the production moving and enjoy a high quality end product.

The first P is for preparation. This is the stage where your budget and your marketing goals align with your designer’s ideas to create an outstanding design. Make sure at this stage that everything – fonts, logos and colours – align with your current marketing.

At the proof stage, you’ll have the opportunity to finalise your design and make any changes that you think are necessary. Next comes printing, where your choice of vinyl sheets are run through a wide format printer and printed with high quality inkjet inks that can match your critical colours for greater brand impact and recognition.

Finally, a crack team of installers will carefully place your vinyl car wrap around the vehicle. It’s their job to precisely align and affix the sheets, using a squeegee and heat gun for the best results. This operation really is key as to whether your vehicle wraps create the impression – and the impressions – that your business wants.

High awareness, low cost

At the Sussex Sign Company, we know all about maximising your ROI with vehicle wrap. We’ll create car graphics in Brighton and across Sussex that create a great first impression and really get your car notied. Whether you want to create a consistent fleet-wide look, protect the bodywork of your vehicles in order to minimise the effects of depreciation or simply exploit one of the most powerful visual marketing tools by having complete control over the way that your vehicles look, a marketing strategy based around car graphics and vinyl wrap is unbeatable. Contact us today via phone or email for more information.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Creating Great Car Signwriting

Branding your vehicle makes sense. Customers are more likely to use your services if they recognise your brand, because you’ve built trust and brand awareness through a professional marketing campaign. Using car signwriting in the form of a vinyl wrap is not only extremely cost effective, but it increases your brand authority by creating that positive first impression.

However, if you get the design wrong, then you’ve wasted your investment in one of the most powerful forms of marketing around. Here’s how to get it right, and create an eye-catching design that differentiates you from the competition.

Do define your goals

What do you need your wrap to achieve? Do you want customers to pick up the phone or visit your website? Or do you simply want your fleet to look more professional? Highlight your USP and use exclusive information – a website URL, mobile number or free discount that only appears on your car graphics – to measure ROI and drive customer awareness.

Your sign company should have an understanding of your target market and marketing goals in order to help you achieve the best ROI. Your designer will ask you about the kinds of designs you like and may have seen, and will ask for information about any critical colours and branding. They should be happy to discuss their portfolio with you and have some draft ideas for designs that fit your brief. If they don’t, then look for another sign company.

Don’t rely on digital

Your sign company will have a graphic design team that is experienced in designing vehicle wraps that are fully scalable and maximise the impact of every inch of your vehicle. They’ll ask you for full details of each vehicle, and will want to take photos so that they can plan the best wrap for the bodywork. No two vehicles are exactly alike, which is why a good designer will want to get hands on with your vehicles, so that the final effect is as seamless as possible.

A 3D digital template can only convey so much information, so it’s vital that your designer sees the vehicle in real life, so they can take account of any modifications or particular quirks. If your designer prefers to rely on a template, go elsewhere.

Do use colour effectively

There’s a reason why there are so many white vans on the road – they’re the cheapest to produce. But by applying a vehicle wrap, you can completely change the look and feel of a vehicle – if your branding is yellow and green, you can recreate it without an expensive spray job.

Think about the vehicle wraps that really stand out – they’re generally bold and bright with strong graphics. The size of the canvas your designer has to work with should inspire some bold design. However, don’t let the use of colour and graphics overwhelm the message. There’s should be a sense of unity and purpose that makes your design look meaningful and sophisticated, particularly if you intend to replicate it across several vehicles for a consistent look.

Don’t be afraid to tell your designer if you think the composition is cluttered or messy. Simple and obvious designs with clear graphics and bold colour contrasts will always trump those that give you a headache. A good designer will make the changes you request – a great designer will produce a great design from the start. If your designer won’t budge on the details and they don’t work for you, walk away.

Don’t rush into a decision

Your designer will have communicated with you extensively before they start to present a finished design. After all, knowledge is power and it’s the easiest way to create a finished car graphic that meets your brief. If your designer not only meets but exceeds your expectations, then the decision to go ahead to the production stage will be a straightforward one. But don’t be intimidated into making a decision about a design that you don’t feel is right for your business.

Do make it memorable

You have seconds to make an impact with your car signwriting design. One of the benefits of a car wrap is its immediacy, so make sure your design makes your brand and your message really pop, so it’s both memorable and immediately understood.

A good design keeps information to a minimum, highlighting your logo and brand identity, phone number, social media and/or website details and your slogan or USP. It should be expressed in a clear font, preferably san serif, so it’s as accessible as possible to every potential customer.

Don’t close down communication

Your relationship with your designer is a two way street. They’re providing the expertise and knowledge to create a great car wrap design, and you’re looking for the best possible return on your investment. It’s a relationship that functions best when you both communicate openly – if you ask for changes, your designer should be able to respond quickly so you can give rapid approval, making the process a smooth and seamless one.

Use the professionals

At the Sussex Sign Company, we pride ourselves on our experience and professionalism to provide you with great car signwriting in Newhaven and across Sussex. We won’t do anything without your express approval, and will create a car graphic design that maximises your ROI, whilst also meeting your deadlines and staying within budget. For more information, get in touch with us today via phone or email.