Interior Signage Is Something No Retailer Can Ignore

Want to attract customers and drive sales to your London retail premises? High quality interior signage can do that and so much more. Think of it as an extension of your website, with clear navigation and eye-catching design that help your customers to navigate your bricks and mortar premises and make the most of any offers and promotions.

Narrowcast to target your audience

Narrowcasting is all about putting the right sign in the right place. That means being specific about location or a product, and keeping the message itself simple. With interior signage you can aim to convey the main themes of your sign in 5 seconds or less. If you miss the mark, narrow the focus down to just one key message or use a series of signs to get the full message across.

Hit the headlines

When you’re pinpointing the messages you want to narrowcast, try writing in headlines. In other words, be as punchy and concise as possible and then see whether you can take out any unnecessary language.

Observe the strict hierarchy of interior signs by following the following structure: headline, explanatory text, call to action. An effective sign will have the goal of getting the customer to do something, so make sure you create a killer call to action.

Finding your way

Also known as directional or informational signs, wayfinding signage is designed to help your customer navigate your premises. Make it is easy for them to find what they’re looking for and they’ll appreciate the convenience and return another time.

These types of signs need to be bold, concise and eye-catching, so think about the fonts and colours you need to use for customers to understand the message of the sign at a glance.

Using directional signs has another benefit when you’re laying out your store. You’ll quickly establish what signs need to go where and whether your layout is easy to navigate. It all helps to create a satisfying customer experience.

Persuade with signage

Do you want to draw your customers’ attention to a particular product or promotion? Do you want to influence consumer behaviour or highlight an unloved product?

Effective persuasive signs can create a hidden gem or raise the perceived value of an item. They can increase the awareness of certain brands and drive retail sales, so make them eye-catching and witty.

Be inclusive

Creating a customer experience applies to all customers equally, which means paying attention to the inclusivity of your signs. For example, you may need to use certain high contrast colours or legible fonts and provide Braille or tactile alternatives to certain signs.

Ensure that signs are installed at the correct height for your disabled customers – if you have accessible facilities and you’re not promoting them, then you’re marginalising your customers.

Optimise interior signage

At The Sussex Sign Company, we can help you create a suite of interior retail signs, including decals and digital wallpaper, that can boost brand awareness, give your premises pizazz and delight all your customers, while maximising your return on investment. Contact us via phone or email to get the ball rolling.

Contact The Sussex Sign Company today to see how we can help you.

Digital Wallpaper Signage and The Benefits For Your Business

Digital wallpaper is used when  you need to move beyond internal wall graphics to make a splash, you need digital wallpaper. This form of signage can bring texture and colour to a space, as well as cementing your brand personality. This type of large format printing is ideal when you want to create a showstopping display, perhaps by creating a fotowall of your brand achievements for a particularly eye-catching look.

1. More scope for creativity

Whether you want to cover your walls with product images or create a calming atmosphere to welcome your clients, digital wallpaper gets the job done with ease. Whatever style you choose, you can create a unique aesthetic for your premises, directing your clients’ attention towards your products and your brand in a creative way. That level of personalisation can help to differentiate your business from the competition by creating a unique identity.

2. Always look on-trend

Because digital wallpaper can be printed on-demand, you can always be at the bleeding edge of new marketing trends. That’s because digital wallpaper manufacturers don’t sit on their stock and they can be more responsive to changes in marketing. If you’re a business that relies on your visual branding being top notch and totally responsive to the latest marketing trends, your digital wallpaper can change with every marketing campaign. That way, your fashion or beauty business can always look on-trend.

3. Instantly memorable signage

Imagine walking into your hotel reception or a fashion boutique and discovering a stunning high definition fotowall that instantly sets the tone for the premises. By creating images unique to your business, you can set the tone as soon as your customers arrive. That kind of attention to detail can also be instantly memorable.

4. Boost your brand

Have you ever seen something so amazing that you had to photograph it and post an image on social media? If you want your premises to take advantage of the fastest growing social media platform and be Instagram worthy, then this kind of decoration creates that instant wow factor and boosts the profile of your brand. The interesting thing about your personalised digital wallpaper design is that it’s your brand that attracts the attention as much as your wallpaper.

5. It lasts longer

Digital wallpaper is the signage that lasts. You don’t get the chips, dirt and marks associated with traditional forms of decorating and you won’t need to redecorate in a couple of years because that expensive wallpaper or paint is looking a little dull. Instead of paying the hidden costs of constant redecorating, investing in digital wallpaper means you’re investing in durability and a long lifespan. Digital wallpapers are fully resistant to wear and tear and look fresher for longer – which saves you money in the long run. Digital wallpaper can get you inspired to take your business signs to the next level, with semi-permanent displays including high definition fotowalls. Want to know more about the ways that digital wallpaper can boost your London business? Get in touch with The Sussex Sign Company today for more details, and we’ll help you maximise your return on investment with internal signage. Call The Sussex Sign Company today on 01273 424900 or email us here

Internal Wall Signage Makes Good Business Sense

If you think that a coat of paint can equal a premium brand experience, then stop reading now. Internal wall signage are a savvy and cost-effective way to create a positive impact and they make excellent business sense when you’re creating a B2B or B2C purchasing experience.

Purchasing decisions are emotional

Imagine immersing your clients in an environment that’s creative and packed with brand-enhancing graphics. Immediately, you’ve put them in the right mood to consider your product and to associate it with the atmosphere you’ve created.

There’s no limit to where you can use internal wall signage either. Create a lobby area that engages your client from the outset with informative and stimulating graphics. Plaster the walls with images of your mouth-watering treats, your innovative graphic design ideas or your happy and productive staff and you’re already opening the conversation with your client in a way that delivers an experience they’ll enjoy and that will make them keep coming back for more.

Attract talent

If internal wall signage can engage and entertain your clients, imagine how they’ll impress potential employees? Creating a dynamic office or retail space is something that the likes of Google excel at, using digital wallpaper and internal graphics to showcase their creativity. It’s something that is filtering down, so that even young companies are harnessing the power of graphics to create the wow that their employees crave.

In a 2015 workplace review, 85% of respondents said that workplace design was important to their decision to stay with a company. Workplace design can be an influencer on job satisfaction, motivation and productivity, making it a must for talent retention.

A hassle free signage option

Yes, a coat of paint is relatively simple and straightforward. But even if you use a striking colour scheme and all the colour psychology theory you like, it still can’t match the power of the visual image. As humans, we retain information far more easily in graphic form, which makes internal graphics a smart way to transform your office or retail premises.

Vinyl wall graphics are a hassle-free option that transforms your space with the minimum of disruption. Painting leaves behind fumes and dust sheets can be a potential trip hazard, and a revamp of the physical workspace can be hugely disruptive and time consuming. However, adding beautifully-designed graphic signage can deliver stunning effects quickly and cost-effectively.

Achieve your objectives

If you want to build and enhance your brand, make employees happier and more productive, impact positively on the way that clients and customers approach your marketing and create the perfect decor for commercial or retail spaces, then wall graphics and signage can do it all.

At The Sussex Sign Company, we can wrap, print and otherwise transform your interiors with stunning wall graphics that make your shop or office a joy to visit and that create a user experience that positively motivates the purchasing decision. If you’re interested in enjoying the benefits of internal wall graphics and digital wallpaper for your business in West Sussex, contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.


Compassionate And Dynamic Leadership Leads To Award

Organic growth and the desire to work with people’s strengths are behind Linda Edwards’ successful award as a local business woman.

The Operations Director of The Sussex Sign Company received the Highly Commended Award this week at the Johnston Press East Sussex Women in Business Awards – an accolade that is well deserved according to her Managing Director, Norman Mayhew.

‘Linda is resourceful, tenacious and confident and her strength and resolve have helped bring our business phenomenal success,’ he said, adding that having a considered and realistic approach has been ideal for the company’s growth.

‘There is no doubt she is a genuine asset to the development of The Sussex Sign Company, she offers a voice of reason and a natural balance to my more risk-taking personality. We would not be the same without her.’

Linda first experienced working within the sign industry when she was at school on a work placement and continued throughout her higher education.

Linda started at the Portslade-based organisation 16 years ago, as the company’s first ever official Graphic Designer.

She was soon promoted through the ranks and became an integral part of the company and subsequently the senior management team.

‘My strengths were recognised and it was fabulous to work in a business where I could put all my abilities to use, above and beyond my job description.’

Within five years she was managing her own branch in Newhaven and consequently took on greater responsibilities for the growth and expansion of the company as it amalgamated through acquisition.

‘At the start of my employment we were a team of six, in 2018 we are proud to employ at team of twenty four, having successfully exceeded Norman’s original ambition to have a £1m turnover business.’

With the organisation having achieved in excess of £1.4m, as a Shareholder, Linda has further ambitions to continue to develop a profitable, sustainable business.

Linda continually strives for the achievement of collective successes for all team members, regardless of their role and or responsibilities within the organisation.

‘For me, it is paramount to recognise and acknowledge where individual team members’ strengths lie and elevate them to the foreground.’

She added that there have been many obstacles and encounters along the way but Linda has always ensured that she has utilised these as an opportunity for professional growth and progression for both her and the organisation.

Even when the country suffered the deep recession following the financial crash, Linda was determined that the organisation would withstand the crisis which saw revenues drop dramatically, with the business reaching a critical point for survival.

‘It was an incredibly challenging time, nevertheless the experience provided the opportunity for me to develop and demonstrate a much wider skill and knowledge base – incorporating skills such as; leadership, crisis management and problem solving. I was confident that collectively, Norman and I would lead the organisation to ensure its continued existence – which included personally investing to become an additional Shareholder.’

Linda’s award reflects the philosophy of The Sussex Sign Company – with Norman commenting that there is no doubt that she is a deserving recipient – ‘She has been critical to all our success and her approach has been dynamic, genuine and compassionate.’

The awards were announced at the Cavendish Hotel and presented by guest host Vicky Edwards who stage work includes seasons at Chichester Festival Theatre, a stint in the West End and several national tours.

5 Tips For Caring For Your Vehicle Livery

Choosing a car wrap is a smart move for the business that wants to make a great first impression, and then create a lasting one. Properly installed, car graphics can last for at least 8 years, creating millions of impressions whether you’re on the move or parked up outside your business premises.

But once your wrap has been professionally installed, do you know how to care for it? If you don’t keep your vehicle livery clean and well maintained, you’ll quickly lose the cool aesthetic and promotional reach that you invested in, because no one will be able to define your message.

Keep your vehicle livery clean

Most vinyl wraps will be able to stand up to an automated car wash, or even a pressure washer if handled correctly, but the best way to care for your vinyl wrap is good old-fashioned hand washing. That way, you’ll control the detergent you use, which should be mild and free from abrasives, the water temperature and the pressure applied. Use a squeegee after the final rinse to remove excess water and dry with a microfibre cloth.

Deal with difficult contaminants

Bird droppings and bug splats can ruin the look of your car wrap and even obscure the message you’re trying to convey. Soften these types of stains with very hot soapy water or a proprietary cleaner. Leave to work for a few minutes and then gently rinse away. Never scrub roughly or use any abrasives that can scratch and tear the vinyl.

Keep vinyl in great shape

Apart from regular cleaning, you need to keep your car wrap in great shape. Never use abrasive polishes or cutting compounds that can damage the vinyl and don’t use polishes or waxes, as these will dull the finish of your car wrap. If there is any kind of wax residue on the surface of the wrap, then remove with a proprietary all-purpose cleaner. You can also use mineral spirits or household bleach and water depending on the finish of your wrap to keep it looking its best.

Store out of direct sunlight

Your vehicle livery reacts very much like car paint to repeated exposure to direct sunlight and pollutants in the atmosphere. It will eventually start to degrade and can then begin to peel, so try to keep your wrapped vehicle in a garage, under a carport or in a shaded area during the day. This can also help to protect your car graphics from acid rain. If you don’t have a garage, consider investing in a cloth cover for your van or car – this will help prevent discolouration of your car graphics.

Use the best materials

To keep your vehicle wrap looking its best, use the best materials for the job. If you want to create a long-lasting, premium quality wrap, then consider cast vinyl, which can last at least 8 years when applied correctly. At The Sussex Sign company, we’ll be happy to advise you on the best materials for your car livery in East Sussex, to maximise ROI and to help your car graphics generate impressions wherever you are. Contact us today by calling or emailing us.

Business signage and the benefits of LEDs

There are many benefits to changing to LED signage. Did you know that the per-lumen price of LED bulbs has fallen by a factor of fifty since they first came into use in the 1960s? In fact, LEDs are now so cheap that there’s really no excuse not to use them for your illuminated signs. Still need convincing? Here are the biggest benefits of LEDs for your business.

Exceptional Efficiency

A highly efficient technology, LED bulbs convert around 80% of the electricity they use into light. And because that light is generated in one specific direction, wastage is reduced, driving down your energy bills.

Extended Lifespan

LEDs don’t burn out – they simply fade away. And their lifespan is astonishing – an LED with a life expectation of 100,000 hours could stay continually lit for 11 years. Use that bulb for just eight hours a day and it could last as long as 20 years without replacement.

Eye-Catching Signage

LED light is instantly on at 100% and produces a clear, brilliant light in a huge range of colour options. Visible in sunlight, and pin-sharp at night, LED light creates the clearest illumination possible for your logo or outdoor signs.

There are none of the brightness issues associated with neon and far lower running costs. Thanks to their efficiency and durability, you can create beautiful effects that last far longer than other conventional lighting methods.

The Sustainable Choice

Whether your business has sustainability targets or not, lowering your environmental impact as a business is something your customers respond to. A typical 10W LED bulb uses around 80% less energy than a neon sign and can be fully recycled because there are no toxic materials involved in its design.

The benefits of LEDs include reducing the carbon footprint of your business by up to a third and support technology that preserves resources, one of the great benefits of LED illuminated signage is a savvy choice.

Easy to Maintain

Simple and durable, LEDs can be used just about anywhere. There are no glass tubes to break, and they’re simple to keep clean because they emit very little infrared or UV heat and therefore aren’t a burn hazard.

They’re a breeze to maintain, giving you long-lasting light with a fraction of the costs of other lighting systems.

Flexible Options

Smaller, thinner, brighter and completely controllable, LEDs are the ideal choice when you need to create signs that takes your marketing to another level. For example, LEDs will dim right down to 10% brightness smoothly and seamlessly.

The sheer range of options for colour and control make LEDs the obvious choice for professional-looking signage that effortlessly stands out from the crowd.

Ask the Professionals

If you want to harness the power, flexibility and benefits of LED lighting for your illuminated signs, then talk to us. At the Sussex Sign Company we offer end-to-end services to design, create, install and maintain your signage in London to the very highest standard, ensuring a maximum return on your investment. Call or email us for more info.

Estate Agent Signs And The Regulatory Landscape

Before you order your estate agent signs in East Sussex, Brighton or across the country, it pays to know the regulatory landscape. This will ensure you don’t fall foul of increasingly steep fines.

The code of practice, as laid down by the property ombudsman, is clear – you must not erect any form of for sale board at a property unless you’ve been instructed to sell it, and you must conform with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007, which is very specific about the size of boards and the amount of time they may be displayed.

The problem with signs

Legislation restricting intrusive and multiplying signs is nothing new. In fact, London first introduced a law restricting signboards in the 1700s. Although things have moved on since the days of every tinker, tailor and candlestick maker advertising their wares with gigantic hanging signage, there’s no doubt that a plethora of estate agent signs can be a nuisance and some councils have considered banning their use entirely.

Know the law

The legislation governing estate agent boards can be quite confusing, especially as it pertains to the permissible size of any temporary advertising. That’s why boards are created in standard sizes using low-cost corrugated board, which in theory means that they are cheap to repurpose or start afresh. However, in areas where there is a high turnover of rented accommodation, signage can be left in place for months, creating a real eyesore.

The law states that estate agent signs must be removed within 14 days of a property being sold or let, otherwise a penalty charge notice of £1000 will be issued. Councils have traditionally been lax at enforcing PCNs, but recent changes to the amount they may keep from their enforcement mean you could fall foul of the local planning office to the tune of several thousand pounds if you don’t remove your signs within the permitted time.

The problem with spam boards

Spamming has recently become a problem, with one London agent using local community events to erect advertising boards that flouted the regulations. These so-called ‘spam boards’ featured the agent’s name in large letters and looked just like a standard estate agent board. Many were even erected illegally outside properties without the owner’s consent.

In Bath and Brighton, total bans on estate agent boards have been implemented. A ban has also been trialled in other areas.

Why you need lawful estate agent signs

It’s not all bad news. Lawful signs that comply with regulations and are taken down within the 14-day limit are still one of the most effective ways of advertising property for sale or rent. They attract the interest of buyers and remain the most obvious and appealing way to advertise.

At The Sussex Sign Company, we can help you create eye-catching boards that will attract passers-by and motorists to come and view your properties. Using the most advanced and cost-effective materials, we can help you create the impact you need to get that quick sale. Contact us via phone or email for more information and advice.

Five Best Practices When Creating Retail Signage

Your in-store signage is the first point of contact between your retail business and your customers, and critical to creating a valuable customer experience. In fact, 88% of independent store owners surveyed by A.R.E. | POPAI intend to increase their budget for signs and graphics over their previous year’s spend.

Retail signs are a highly effective way of converting customers and influencing and driving sales. However, it’s important that you fall in line with existing best practice for the best effect, because if you’re not displaying your message effectively or in the best possible way, then your investment will be wasted.

Invest in quality

Start by investing in the best quality materials you can afford. This projects a serious and professional image of your business and inspires confidence. When your wayfinding signs are high quality and your halo lit fascia sign is eye-catching and high impact, you’ll differentiate yourself from the competition in the most effective way possible.

Narrowcast your message

Visitors to your store may be time poor and not in the mindset to be receptive to a large message. By narrowcasting – literally narrowing your message down to the essentials – you’ll keep the content of your retail signs crisp and current. Keep your signage location-specific or product relevant for the best effect.

Be consistent in your signboard usage

If you only use your signs to showcase promotional offers or point the way to the toilets, then you’re guilty of not using your retail signs as effectively as you could. When creating wayfinding signs, walk the store to create the most consistent path through each zone and then think about the ways you can incorporate retail signboards to drive sales and engage with your customers by using signs to convert interest in a product to a sale.

Think about signage placement

Window signs will need to be anti-glare, exterior signs need to be legible from a distance and promotional offer signs need to be placed in your customers’ eyeline. The placement you use for your signs is critical to their effectiveness, so think carefully about positioning, lighting and colour schemes for your retail signs.

Keep it simple

Try writing your signs as headlines with a clear hierarchy – headline text, message body, call to action. The fewer words you can use to put across your message, the more effective it will be, so use the 5-second rule to refine your signs. If it takes longer than 5 seconds to convey your message, then you need to go back to the drawing board. An effective sign has one simple goal – to encourage the customer to act in a way that benefits your business.

Ask the experts

Looking for effective signage in London? At The Sussex Sign Company, we’re experts in getting the best possible return for your investment. We can create a suite of signs and signboards that will promote your business and convert passersby into customers, so contact us via phone or email today for more details.

Why Outdoor Signage Is As Important As Facebook

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You know you need to have a social media presence, but for a high street business, high-quality signage is still a savvy marketing strategy. Nothing builds brand awareness like outdoor signs that are well-designed, well-executed and displayed correctly.

Visual communication

While your Facebook page can build your digital profile, nothing brands you in your community like a sign above your premises. That’s what your potential customers walk or drive past on a daily basis, and it creates brand awareness and provides vital visual communication. It’s that communication that can be critical for the success of your business.

Signs let potential customers know where you are and that you exist – 76% of respondents to a recent FedEx study said they visited a store they never knew existed because of its sign, and 75% were happy to recommend a business based on its sign. Those numbers are too persuasive to ignore.

Your sign is not dependent on SEO to make an impact, and it can stand out in all weathers, creating thousands of impressions that Facebook just can’t match.

Is bigger signage better?

Size matters when you’re designing a sign – the sign itself, the objects that contextualise it and the size of the font. An oversized sign can detract from the message, whereas a small, well-placed sign can create a bigger and better impact than a larger one.

Some types of sign are already restricted in our cityscapes, including estate agents signboards. In fact, the overall size of the sign is not as important as the message that your sign conveys, thanks to the complicated and complex way we sequence and process a sign when driving or walking past.

What makes offline branding the right fit for your business is the unique value proposition that this kind of differentiation delivers for your business. Be bold but restrained and you’ll make maximum impact.

First impressions count

Your signage delivers the fundamentals of your branding in the blink of an eye. Therefore, creating that killer first impression through your signs means approaching them in the manner of an elevator pitch. If your pitch works, your customer will step inside, but that can only happen if your signs are consistent, clear and concise, with enough interest to draw your customers in.

Be seen

With Google rumoured to be building an ad-blocker directly into the next version of Chrome, the chances of getting your online ads seen are diminishing. With 26% of your audience already using ad-blockers, is your message getting through?

Using signs, you can communicate directly with your potential customers, thanks to their visibility and clear call to action. If static signs don’t work with your business, consider using vinyl car wraps to create thousands of impressions for just a few pence.

Ask the experts

When you’re looking to create high impact signage in West Sussex, it can be tough to get the messaging and design right. But when great signs can have as big an impact as your Facebook presence, why not ask the experts? At The Sussex Sign Company, we can help you maximise your ROI for signs with a greater reach than online marketing alone. Contact us today via phone or email and we’ll be happy to help.

Get The Most Out Of Directional Signage For Your East Sussex Event

Whether you’re organising a charity fun run or a festival, directional signs are a critical part of the audience experience. Here’s how to get the best out of directional signage.

Keep it simple

They say that less is more, and it’s the smart approach when creating wayfinding signs for your event. Keep the design clean and simple for the biggest impact.

Use colour for visible signage

If the message needs to be simple, you can add interest with colour and fonts. Black text on yellow is highly legible, but you can experiment with your corporate colours. Stick to san serif fonts to create modern and readable signs.

Put signs where your audience see them

Don’t restrict signs to certain places. Scatter them visibly throughout the event, so that people always know where the closest toilet or refreshments tent can be found. Make sure you walk the course or the event space before the event to ensure that signs are exactly where they’re needed.

Point the way

Finally, make sure that your signs are unambiguous – arrows shouldn’t be confusing and may need to be supported with other explanatory signs. If you need help to get the most out of your event signage, contact The Sussex Sign Company via phone or email today.