The Importance of Good Signage to Business

A lot of work goes into maintaining a business and how it puts itself forward to the public, from the basic aspects of daily cleaning all the way up to entire refits and new buildings for a shop. Everyone understands that a well-designed shop, an appealing waiting room in an office, a well decorated conference room and tidy spaces all benefit a business when looking for custom. Similarly a lot of money is spent on web design for the business’ website. Unfortunately many businesses don’t put the same level of time and effort into good signage or realise the importance of hiring an experienced and professional shop sign maker.

When a potential customer is driving to your premises the tone can often be set for their ensuing dealings. People go to a lot of effort getting their business premises listed on Google maps so they can be found. However when someone is driving down a road looking for your premises has the same effort been put into signs directing the customer to the business? If a prospective customer arrives already annoyed from trying to find the business you’re already off on a bad footing. You have to work against the customers negative feelings.

No-one will deny it is important to have a sign to let a customer know about your business, there are few shops on any street that don’t have a sign set out to alert customers to their presence. Big business does know the importance of exceeding customers’ expectations when it comes to signage. They know that this first meeting point between business and customer is crucial and so spend a lot of money on having professionally designed and professional looking signs.

There’s the old idiom, “First impressions count” and how people should “always trust your first impression.” For many people a business sign is their first impression. Before the customer has even stepped foot on your property they are already evaluating and considering what type of business you have. If you had a dusty countertop you would notice immediately that it is not sending the right message to the customer, and the same goes for streaked windows and ground in dirt in the carpets. The importance of good signage is that it sets out the stall for the business.

Many people will spend money getting their sign designed well. Good looking graphics are something anyone can see. They’re immediate and can be checked on a screen. If you’re going to an effort with graphics and signwriting it is just as important to put in effort in the printing or manufacturing stage of a sign. Photographers, high end book printers and even mobile phone manufacturers all know the importance of a solid well-made product. The look and feel of something is important. The same goes for business signage, whether it is a sign hanging outside your shop or signs showing the way to your premises. It’s important to go with a good sign manufacturer and have your sign properly represent the quality of the business you are running.

Graphic Printing Technologies Announces Launch of Super-Fast Printer

Combining the old with the new, Graphic Printing Technologies (GPT), has manufactured a new super-fast printer. Named the GPT 190s, the new machine was created by modifying an old textile printer produced by Mimaki.

The GPT 190s promises industry-leading print speeds of up to 35 mm/h for good-quality banners, with a resolution of 540dpi x 720dpi. A medium-speed setting operates at 24 mm/h, producing good-quality vinyl prints at 540dpi x 1,080dpi. The highest-quality vinyl setting (720dpi x 1,440dpi), offers a print speed of 15 mm/h, which is still relatively fast.

Describing the product, GPT general manager, Stuart Cole, said: “This is what many of our customers have requested. It provides all the benefits of the JV33 160, more akin to the JV34 for speed with the double heads, a unique 1.9-metre print width and is incredibly good value for money.”

Although adapted from an old Mimaki printer, the GPT 190s features a two-year parts-and-labour warranty. The machine also benefits from a batch ink supply system that can reduce running costs.

Here at Sussex Signs, we welcome the new GPT product. We produce signage using all kinds of machinery, so we appreciate the value of new models that drive the industry forwards.

Fewer Road Signs – Tavistock Says Yes!

Following a public consultation, Devon County Council has agreed to reduce the number of road signs in Tavistock. The county council is expected to remove more than 50 road signs in the area.

The decision was made after a proposal to remove ‘repetitive’ road signs was endorsed by members of the public in Tavistock.

Councillor Debo Sellis, said: “We want to make the most of the town’s World Heritage Site status and this will start with the removal of signs to de-clutter the town centre.”

Ms Sellis noted that many signs in Tavistock were redundant. Citing one example, the councillor described how five signs spaced 180 metres apart indicated the presence of a roundabout.

According to Devon County Council, the response from the public consultation was definitive: 94 per cent of respondents were in favour of plans to remove unnecessary road signs from the streets of Tavistock.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we believe that less can be more. Excessive use of signage can be counter-productive, as motorists, pedestrians and shoppers tend to ignore repetitive signs. We make signs that stand out. Signs that convey a clear, concise message in a way that is easy to understand and notice at the first attempt”.

Bus Lane Signage To Cost Council Almost £500,000

According to the Liberal Democrat Group, Labour councillors in Sheffield have agreed to spend almost half a million pounds on changing bus lane signs in the city. Details of a Freedom of Information request reveal that Sheffield City Council wants to increase bus lane restrictions by a total of one hour a day.

Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, who heads the Liberal Democrat Group in Sheffield, commented: “This latest news is yet more proof that Labour can’t be trusted with our money.

“It is absurd to spend nearly half a million pounds on changing bus lane signs whilst threatening to close community facilities like libraries and leisure centres.”

Councillor Mohammed added: “At a time when money is tight, the last thing Sheffield needs is Labour councillors in the Town Hall wasting our money on these kinds of ludicrous projects.”

Here at The Sussex Sign Company, we prefer not to comment on political issues, but spending almost £500,000 on bus lane signs does seem excessive in the circumstances. We produce all kinds of signs for commercial and non-commercial customers, providing high-quality products that are designed to last in all conditions. We also aim to keep costs as low as possible for customers