Signage accreditations and using an accredited organisation

When you’re choosing a signage company in West Sussex, value for money, flexibility and experience will all be top of your list. But it’s also worth checking its accreditations. It’s a quick and easy way to assess its professionalism and the quality of its work.

What is signage accreditation?

If you want reassurance that you’re purchasing signs from a reputable supplier, look for its accreditation. This shows that the company has been assessed and evaluated to strict guidelines and industry standards. At The Sussex Sign Company our certifications show we’re a company you can trust to get the job done – from design and development to the final installation.

Why accreditation is important

If you want your signs to make an impact, you need to know they’ve been manufactured and installed to the highest possible standards. Accreditation is an at-a-glance way of assessing whether a sign company can deliver the product you want, installed in a safe and secure fashion.

Accredited companies have to be familiar with any legislation, laws and regulations relating to indoor and outdoor signs. It’s that expertise that is part and parcel of being an accredited company.

Why you should work with an accredited sign company

Working with an accredited company gives you complete peace of mind when it comes to investing in your business signs. You can mitigate risk factors by working with a company that has been assessed to the highest standards. And you’ll be advised of all the options to make your signs fully compliant.

Our accreditations and what they mean

At The Sussex Sign Company, our team will work with you every step of the way, from concept to installation. Our accreditations mean that when you work in partnership with us, you can expect the very highest standards.

Scroll to the bottom of our website to find logos and links to our industry accreditations, as follows:

The Construction Skills Certification Scheme is an outcomes-based system that assesses our health and safety competency. We’re proud to be members of this scheme. Health and safety is key to all the work we do as an end to end sign company. Many organisations use this accreditation when selecting a company to work with.

CHAS helps suppliers and buyers ensure compliance and mitigate risks across the supply chain. The Common Assessment standard is recognised across business, increasing standards and standing as a benchmark, by which we can be assessed by new clients. Health and safety is an important part of our sign production processes.

SAFEContractor accreditation means that we appear on a list of contractors who are compliant with the very highest health and safety standards. We’re committed to industry best practice, which means that working with us offers very little risk to our clients.

To ensure that your signs maximise their impact, our installers often work at height and with powered access equipment. IPAF accreditation means that our operatives are trained to the highest standards.

For all your West Sussex sign design and installation needs, contact The Sussex Sign Company.

Signage: Why you should finance your business signs

Signage for your East Sussex business can be a significant investment. If you want to take advantage of the benefits of business signs, our payment options enable you to enjoy brand new, professionally designed branding with simple, flexible and interest-free repayment plans.

Why invest in business signage?

Are you looking to attract new customers to your business? If your indoor and outdoor signs have seen better days then now is the time for a refresh. After all, more than 65% of your customers first notice your business because of a well designed and eye-catching sign.

Unlike TV, radio or digital advertising, your business signs are the one form of advertising you own. They’re not ephemeral and they can’t be shut down by disgruntled internet users with an ad-blocker. Signs are a tried and trusted form of advertising with proven staying power.

Your signs reach out to passers-by on foot and in traffic. They’re a low cost, high impact way to create huge reach for your business with improved brand recognition and awareness. And they inspire customers to stop on impulse, which can easily convert to making a purchase.

Still not convinced? A highly visible and attractive sign can rapidly establish a professional brand image, especially for a new business. You’ll differentiate yourself from the competition and attract new customers with signs that never stop working. An investment in quality signs means your business marketing is working hard 24/7, indoors and outdoors.

The benefits of repayment plans

Business signs are tried and trusted – one of the most effective forms of marketing around. Financing allows you to benefit from a sign-based marketing strategy while making affordable monthly payments via our Go Cardless system. Financing your project also means your cashflow isn’t tied up in purchasing your new signs. Instead, it can be working hard for your business while your signs get on with marketing and keeping you at front of mind.

So what are the advantages of our payment plans?

Simple: Setting up your payment details only takes two minutes with our online form.

Transparent: You’ll be notified by email when your payment plan starts or a payment is taken.

Efficient: Everything is handled through Go Cardless invoicing so you won’t need to remember to write and post a cheque or log in to online banking to make a payment.

Safe and protected: Your details and payments are fully protected.

Keep calm – we offer payment plans!

At The Sussex Sign Company, we offer a full range of sign solutions including branding, design advice and sign maintenance. And now you can enjoy all the benefits of tried and trusted signs for your business with our payment plans.

Simple, flexible and interest free, our payment plans are designed to help you get the most out of your marketing, whatever your budget. Contact a team member today to see how we can best support your business sign needs. Call us today on 01273 424900 or email and we’ll be happy to discuss a payment plan that’s best for your business.

Is your venue Insta-worthy?

Signage is a great way to make sure your venue is Insta-worthy if you follow these tips for creating stand-out signs

The more visually appealing your venue is, the more guests it attracts. In the Instagram age, your East Sussex hotel or wedding venue needs to pull out all the stops to create the moments your guests will love. And if they’re posting images of your lobby, bedrooms and public spaces then the chances are they’re taking pics of your signage.

Paying attention to your signs might not seem an obvious choice when you’re making your venue Instagrammable. But they contribute to your guests’ overall experience, which means you need to take the time and effort to elevate them to the kind of visual art that pops on a screen.

Here’s what to think about when making your venue signs Insta-worthy.

Keep it minimal

Pick up on the boutique hotel vibe and strip your signs back to a chic and minimal design that says it all.

Gone are the days of blaring fonts and colours and screaming discount offers. Your guests expect a fully customised experience that isn’t trying to sell them something but to offer a unique experience.

Strip the design back so it conveys the essence of your brand and values. Your guests will appreciate being treated like adults and if you get the visuals right they’ll be happy to use your signage as a backdrop.

Find the right typography vibe

There are literally thousands of fonts to choose from. If you already have a strong visual image through your corporate branding then additional signs will need to remain consistent. If you’re aiming to incorporate new typefaces make sure they’re from the same family to create that seamless look.

If you’re starting from scratch then think about the size of the sign and the message you want to convey. Are you aiming for effortlessly contemporary or charmingly traditional? If readability is key, try a sans serif font.

Get cosy with colour

If your brand already has a recognisable colour palette, play with warm tones to create highly relatable signs that make your guests feel cosy and comfortable. In turn that encourages them to linger and feel relaxed.

Choosing your own colours? It’s worth looking at colour psychology but bear-in-mind that colour perception is highly individual. You also need to bear in mind the cultural connotations of the colours that you choose. For example, you may want to use green in your signs for its association with nature and wellbeing, but it’s regarded as an unlucky colour in Chinese culture.

Try and pick colours that align with the overall messaging of your brand and choose shades from the warmer end of the spectrum to create that cosy ambience. If you want to go for an effortless luxe look stick with stylish monochrome. Remember, you want your signs to add a visual pop that makes the perfect background and are totally Insta-worthy.

Stunning signage that’s always Insta-ready

At The Sussex Sign Company, we work with you to create signs that create a great visual impression. Get in touch with us today to find out how our signs can make your venue Insta-worthy.”


Illuminated signage – why change to LEDs?

There are many benefits to changing our company signage to LED. Did you know that the per-lumen price of LED bulbs has fallen by a factor of fifty since they first came into use in the 1960s? In fact, LEDs are so cost-effective that there really is no excuse not to use them for your illuminated signs. To help you decide, here are the biggest benefits to changing over to LEDs.

Exceptional efficiency

LED bulbs are highly efficient and convert around 80% of the electricity they use into light. That light is generated in one specific direction cutting wastage and driving down your energy bills.

Extended lifespan

LEDs don’t burn out, they fade out, and their lifespan is astonishing. An LED with a life expectation of 100,000 hours can stay continually lit for 11 years. Use that bulb for just eight hours a day and it could last as long as 20 years without replacement.

Eye-catching when used for signs

LED light is instant. It comes on at 100% and produces a clear, brilliant light in a huge range of colour options. Visible in sunlight, and pin-sharp at night, LEDs create the clearest illumination possible to light up your logo and outdoor signs.

There are none of the brightness issues associated with neon and much lower running costs. Thanks to their efficiency and durability, beautiful effects can be created that will last far longer than conventional lighting methods.

The sustainable choice

Whether your business has sustainability targets or not, lowering your environmental impact will be appreciated by customers and staff. A typical 10W LED bulb uses around 80% less energy than a neon sign and can be fully recycled because there are no toxic materials involved in its design.

LED benefits include reducing the carbon footprint of your business by up to a third and supporting technology that preserves resources. Definitely a win-win situation.

Illuminated signage is easy to maintain

Simple and durable, LEDs can be used in virtually any location. There are no glass tubes to break, and they’re simple to clean because they emit very little infrared or UV heat and are, therefore, not a burn hazard.

They’re a breeze to maintain, giving you long-lasting light with a fraction of the costs of other lighting systems.

Flexible options for illuminated signage

Smaller, thinner, brighter and completely controllable, LEDs are the perfect choice when you need to create signs that lifts your marketing to another level. For example, LEDs will dim right down to 10% brightness smoothly and seamlessly.

The colour options are fantastic and instant control make them the obvious choice for professional signage that stands out from the crowd.

Ask the professionals

If you want to harness the power, flexibility and enjoy the benefits of LED lighting then talk to us. At the Sussex Sign Company, we offer end-to-end services to design, create, install and maintain your signage in the south-east and London to the very highest standards, ensuring a maximum return on your investment. Call or email us for more info.


Back to Business Signage – Keeping Everyone Safe

Are you ready to get back to business with the right signage? Then you’ll need signs that keep your business Covid-safe while announcing to the world that you’re back in action. There’s no better way to achieve those goals than with custom signage designed to safeguard your customers and employees.

 Our new Back to Business range makes it easy to understand the new regulations that have been put in place for their safety and security. Products including decals and stickers for floor and windows, ‘A’ boards, roller banners and more can help you get back up and running again.

 Creating a culture

Because of the way the coronavirus spreads, good hygiene has become essential. Creating a culture of good hygiene in the workplace can be as simple as a window or floor sticker, or roller banners, reminding employees and customers to hand sanitise or to enforce 2m social distancing.

Roller banner sneeze screens are a simple and cost-effective way to protect workers in offices or in close proximity to customers while protective countertop screens offer a more robust solution.

Keep the message consistent

With any safety signage, keeping the message clear and consistent is critical to its success. Our coronavirus Back to Business signs are bright, clear and striking, and available in a range of colours to integrate with your existing signs. Signs can even be bespoke to match your existing branding precisely.

It’s also important to keep the focus on the message, so now is the time to review your overall signage package and retire any signs that don’t serve your goal of safeguarding your business.

Roller banners and ‘A’ boards are excellent options as they’re portable, lightweight and can be deployed exactly where needed to nudge staff and customer behaviour. Banners can be printed with any custom imagery and message, although keeping it simple will help to avoid message blindness and help your coronavirus signage have maximum impact.

Making your office Covid-safe

 Your office hasn’t changed. It should still be clean, bright and comfortable. The ideal place to be creative and productive. Collaboration and connection are still paramount, which is why transparent desk screening should be at the top of your list when creating a Covid-safe office.

 Making a series of small changes can keep your staff Covid-aware and minimise the risk of infection. HVAC filters that prevent bacteria circulating, no-touch bathroom fixtures and antimicrobial paint are some of the measures offices can deploy, but signage is a short-term fix that can reinforce approved behaviours.

 So hot-desking and sharing pens and keyboards might be out, but simple measures like sanitisation stations, screening and one-way traffic flows are easy to implement with high-quality signage.

 Grab your customers attention

 You can let your customers know you’re keeping them safe before they even get through the door. An A board outside your premises can announce your opening hours or the services you’re currently offering. It can remind customers to stay 2m apart or ask them not to enter if they show signs of coronavirus.

Using professional and cost-effective signs not only presents a great first impression but it saves you and your staff time. Walk the floor of your premises and pay particular attention to areas where it’s narrow or can become crowded. Use clear and effective signs to direct customers through a one-way system that mitigates any issues with social distancing.

 Floor markings can also help to control traffic flow and ensure that customers aren’t put at risk by maintaining social distancing. However, be careful to keep your signage consistent in design and wording so it gives a clear message.

 Screening at tills and counters is another way to protect both staff and customers.

Back to business safely

 The pandemic is showing no signs of going away anytime soon. Getting back to business safely is more important than ever and signs have a big part to play in encouraging the right behaviours.

 While we supply ready to go signage to send basic messages on hygiene and social distancing, you should also consider the way you can use signage to nudge your customers and employees into adopting safe behaviours.

 For example, consider the use of in-group messaging to persuade customers to wear masks. By showing images on signs of employees and customers happily wearing them you’ll create a connection and establish norms. Likewise with traffic flow. You can use promotional and point of sale signs and displays to create invisible barriers and nudge customers into changing their path through your store.

 One thing to bear in mind is that customers are showing greater loyalty than ever to businesses that prioritise their safety, so get creative in the ways that you keep your customers safe with customised signs.

The right sign for the job

Our signs will help you get the right message across to your customers and employees with reminders and prevention messages that can help smooth the way into the ‘new normal’.

 Signs come in a wide variety of materials and some signage methods require no tools or effort to deploy. We can even provide poster pocket boards with magnetic seals for your own information, a smart investment in our fast-changing environment.

 From pavement signs to get your newly reopened business noticed to roller banners that are easy to pop up and display important safety messages, we can create signs for your business that send out a clear and consistent message that you’re open for business.

The Sussex Sign Company is here to help

 At The Sussex Sign Company, we have over two decades of experience in the signs and graphics industry creating signs for a wide range of clients. Our custom made and designed coronavirus signage is tailor-made to integrate with your business branding to send out that Back to Business message loud and clear. If you want to get back to work while keeping your customers and employees safe, get in touch with us today.