Are Car Signs A Good Investment For Your Business?

If you’ve spent time driving on the UK roads recently, the chances are that you’ve seen plenty of vehicles covered in decorative graphics advertising everything from individual trades to radio stations or even the latest films. These stunning effects are achieved using vinyl wrap, which is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising. With up to 3,000 people seeing your vehicle every day, the cost of each impression can be as little as 0.04 pence.

The benefits of mobile advertising

The average vehicle wrap lasts at least 5 years, which means half a decade’s worth of high impact impressions, compared with an advert in the paper or on radio that could be both more costly and only temporary. People often respond well to vinyl car signs because they’re perceived as a non-invasive form of advertising.

An additional benefit if you have a fleet of vehicles is that your vinyl graphics are easy to scale across a wide range of bodywork, creating a consistent and uniform look. And because corporate colours and branding can be precisely reproduced, you’ll create a positive and professional impression wherever your vehicle goes, increasing brand recognition.

One of the less obvious benefits of vinyl wrapping is that it can protect the paint work of your vehicle against everyday wear and tear, stone chips and extreme weather. Vinyl wrap is easy to maintain and protects the resale value of your vehicles when you come to upgrade, and because colour and graphics are integrated you can change the look of your cars and vans easily without the need for expensive resprays. If you lease your vehicles, removable vinyl wrapping is the ideal way to brand your car or van while minimising depreciation.

So, what exactly is a car wrap?

Remember the old days when you bought a cheap white van, maybe resprayed it in your company colours, then had your logo and contact information painted on by hand? A vinyl wrap changes all that. By printing your chosen graphics and contact information on a heavy-duty vinyl in the colour of your choice, you can quickly and effectively change the look of your vehicle and transform it into a mobile billboard.

Wraps can be either full or partial and can even cover the windows. Printed in full colour on high-quality vinyl, a properly installed wrap used with the appropriate laminate can last around 5 years: for a lorry that can be seen by up to 10 million people a year that’s a lot of impressions!

If you think that vehicle wraps are only for companies with large vehicle fleets, think again. By using well-designed car signs on your vehicle you’re not only getting your name and logo out there, but in the eyes of the public you’re putting your company on the same footing as the big boys.

The cost of car wrapping varies depending on the complexity of the graphics and the model of your vehicle. Cut vinyl lettering is the cheapest option, and is the affordable alternative if you simply want to display your company name and contact details on the rear of your vehicle. Partial wraps are less expensive than full vehicle wraps, but compared with the cost per impression for direct mail (£1.94 per 100 impressions) and radio advertising (£1.21 per 100 impressions) the investment in vinyl car signs is the advertising gift that keeps on giving.

How car wraps can impact your ROI

There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence of companies tripling or quadrupling their conversion rates in a matter of months after investing in fleet wrapping. Although there is no average return on investment for vehicle wraps, as it’s a measurement that depends on your company, the effectiveness of your design, and the location and times that your vehicle is driven, there are several ways that you can track and measure your car wrap return on investment (ROI).

The key is to build exclusivity into your car sign advertising. For example, include a mobile number that you can use to track enquiries from vinyl wraps. Or include a discount code that only appears on your wrapped vehicles. Create a landing page and add the URL to your vehicle wraps to gain an accurate measure of the number of impressions generated by your mobile advertising. These are all easy and cost-effective ways to measure the effectiveness of your car signs in Gatwick and beyond.

Choosing the right signage company

Whether you get the best return on your investment depends on whether you choose a sign company that can deliver the best design, production and installation to create a really eye-catching and memorable vehicle wrap.

Don’t rely on your own designs and DIY installation, but spend some time finding the best company to create vinyl wraps that really deliver. Check out their portfolio and the technology that they use, from 3D modelling templates to wide-format printers. The company you choose will also need a clear understanding of your specific campaign and the market that you’re targeting. In fact, they should be able to suggest ways that your car signs and vinyl wraps can really exploit the power of mobile marketing.

At the Sussex Sign Company, we understand the power of car sign marketing and have one of the best vinyl wrap teams in the business. For car signs in Gatwick and across the South East that really pop and can maximise your ROI, contact us today via phone or email.